Ben wood
When do we receive our tee assignment emails for the karohl tournament tomorrow Jan 21, 2023
Ben wood
Hi my name is Ben wood. When is the earliest I could sign up for the karohl tournament on January 21 Jan 3, 2023
Chris Scott
Hello, I am hoping to get into the Macgregor Doubles tournament this Saturday. Is it possible for me and my partner to get in even though registration closed today? Sep 30, 2022
Hudson Black
Hello, I am currently signed up for the WBO, is there anywhere you could try and give me a later tee time because I have something going on in the morning but don't want to have to pull out of the tournament. Sep 1, 2021
MA4, then MA3, then MA2 will tee off in that order, based on PDGA guidelines Saturday, Sunday it wil ...
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MA4, then MA3, then MA2 will tee off in that order, based on PDGA guidelines Saturday, Sunday it will be based on highest to lowest scores. We do not adjust tee times they are based on PDGA tournament manager formulas. Tee times will be posted Thursday before the event.