Eric Essex

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Eric's scores   »   Stats   »   Rolling Hills County Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Rolling Hills

· 1 holes Not played

1-6, 17-18, temp hole · 9 holes Not played

12 hole loop shorts · 12 holes Not played

18 holes 15 shorts, 3 random longs · 1 holes Not played

18 Longs Front 9 Shorts · 27 holes Not played

19 Hole Longs 2021 · 19 holes Not played

20 holes long tees · 20 holes Not played

21 Hole Short tee layout · 21 holes · Par 63 Played 4 times

57 Best score
Friends' best scores
157Justin Weilacher
157Eric Essex
363Jeff Kennedy
466James Phillips
570Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
+ expand list
58.5 Average score
Friends' averages
158.5Eric Essex
260.0Justin Weilacher
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
58.3mike kowalczyk
58.5Eric Essex
60.0Justin Weilacher
60.8David Halloran
61.0Nik LEhr
61.0Aaron Anderson
62.5Dexter Hulik
63.0Rob Deroeck
63.3Andy Pinney
65.5Jake Pardo
66.0brad chartier
66.8Douglas Clark
66.8Tom Stamper
72.7jake Adams
72.8Jason Josaitis
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 4-round history

21 holes longs · 21 holes Not played

21 HOLES SHORT TEES · 21 holes Not played

22 Hole Long Tee Tourney Layout · 22 holes · Par 66 Played once

75 Best score
Friends' best scores
165Justin Weilacher
275Eric Essex
75.0 Average score
Friends' averages
175.0Eric Essex
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
65.7Nathanael Hoyle
69.0Troy Diller
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

24 CHA!NS Foz + OG 31 Holes of Chaos! · 31 holes Not played

24 CHA!NS OG Extendo Layout · 26 holes Not played

24 CHA!NS RAN OUT OF DAYLIGHT LAYOUT! (Skipped 17) · 17 holes Not played

24 CHA!NS Wacky 28 hole Spectacular! · 28 holes Not played

24 hole long tee tourney layout · 24 holes Not played

24 Hole Tournament Layout · 24 holes Not played

24 Hole Tournament Layout - Short Tees · 24 holes Not played

24 Hole Tournament Short Tees · 24 holes · Par 72 Played twice

71 Best score
Friends' best scores
171Justin Weilacher
171Eric Essex
171James Phillips
475Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
576Jeff Kennedy
678Brendan Livingston
+ expand list
72.0 Average score
Friends' averages
172.0Eric Essex
276.8Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
381.0Jeff Kennedy
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
71.8Duncan Underwood
73.7Aaron Anderson
74.5john page
74.7Thomas Grobbel
74.7Shawn Herbert
76.0Nathan Underwood
76.8Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
81.0Jeff Kennedy
81.3Scott Adkins
82.8Spencer Blanchard
85.5Nicholas Richardson
87.3Jes Colman
93.8Felicia Calhoun
106.8Katie Wells
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

24 Long Tees · 24 holes Not played

9 holes short tees (Back 9) · 9 holes Not played

A3 Modified 24 Hole Layout · 24 holes Not played

Ace Race 24 hole Modified layouts · 24 holes Not played

ANGRY LEPRECHAUN LAYOUT · 21 holes Not played

Flight Path 19 holes · 19 holes Not played

Flight Path Even Long Layout · 20 holes Not played

Flight Path Odd Long · 20 holes Not played

Flight Path Odd Longs · 20 holes Not played

Grit & Grace front 9 · 9 holes Not played

Grit & Grace mod 1-6, 17-18, temp hole · 9 holes Not played

Grit & Grace mod 1-6, 17-18, temp hole, 9 holes · 9 holes Not played

Grit & Grace, back 9 · 9 holes Not played

Grit & Grave mod 1-6, 17-18, temp hole, 9 holes · 9 holes Not played

Long tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played twice

60 Best score
Friends' best scores
151Douglas McIntosh
254Scott Sprow
355Justin Weilacher
457Brian Hyzertron Crouch
660Eric Essex
765Joe Rutkowski
868Glen Langosch
+ expand list
62.5 Average score
Friends' averages
156.6Justin Weilacher
258.5Douglas McIntosh
359.4Brian Hyzertron Crouch
462.5Eric Essex
565.4Scott Sprow
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
49.2Austen Bates
50.0Dale Babcock
51.9Nate Wegryn
52.0Nick Greene
52.3samuel smith
52.3Ben Calhoun
53.0George Beno
53.0Jay B
53.1Pat Burke
53.2Danny Fifer
53.5Scott White
53.6Grant Anderson
53.6Mark Lawrence
53.8Jeremy Foor
53.9Bruno Drouillard
54.0grant ward
54.0Erik Manidok
54.1Chris Wojciechowski
54.3Joseph DuPont
54.3Nate Mullins
54.3D. Roc
54.3Jason Sullivan
54.3Ben Ciccarelli
54.5Jared Carr
54.5Daniel J Lee
54.5peter kunoff
54.7Shaun Adkins
54.7Rad Sawer
54.8Steve Wagner
54.9Josh Romine
54.9Michael Frame
54.9Noah Moorehouse
54.9ken "sega salt" moote
55.0lyle downing
55.0Derek Scobie
55.0Brandon Redmond
55.1Matt Clark
55.2David Bihl
55.2Ryan Knechtges
55.3Ken Sailler
55.3Nick Phlegar
55.3Nathanael Hoyle
55.4Smitty the angry lefty
55.4Josh Tesch
55.7Steve 'Fanzi' Zaborowski
55.8Shayne Shroyer
56.0mike Rabin
56.0Jerry "Chilly" Chilson
56.0Tim Gacioch
56.2Brooke Plantz
56.2Brandon Johnson
56.3Arrington LeCompte
56.3Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna
56.3Greg Harrell
56.4Corey Selig
56.5Nate Kalowick
56.6Justin Weilacher
56.6Rooster Robb DeHaan
56.7Andrew “Trout” Rusinek
56.7Christopher Jacobs
56.7Max Plager
56.7Kyle Newman
56.7Daemon Stahlin
56.7Derek Ballou
56.9Luke Holtzapple
57.0Ryan Brophy
57.0James Mayehem Mayes
57.0Paul Doherty
57.0Alex Moser
57.0Levi Summers
57.1Jacob Quiton
57.2Chris Jackson
57.3Dave Milewski
57.3Kris Woody
57.3Elijah Wykes
57.4Wade TF
57.4Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
57.5Brandon Bueter
57.6Daniel Whitlock
57.7Alex Hoffmann
57.7ken parks
57.7Scott Ransley
57.8Chris Kerns
58.0A Bee
58.1bob smart
58.3Drew Bartley
58.3Ben Murphy
58.3Tyler $ Alfano
58.3Mark Guldner
58.3Joe Olson
58.5Timothy Beerbower
58.5Douglas McIntosh
58.7Pat Govang
58.8g lane
58.8Drew "Orange Andy" Herron
59.0jay calli
59.3Ted Stoebling
59.3"Mag1c" Mike V
59.3Bill Chapman
59.3Brian Sweet
59.3Shane Brayton
59.4Andy Bawol
59.4Brian Hyzertron Crouch
59.5Scottie Reslock
59.5Max Lengel
59.7Sean McCoy
59.7Jim Daniels
59.7Nick Pacific
59.8Sean Morgan
59.8Aaron Birdsall
59.8andy steiner
59.9mark ellis
60.0Kevin Morgan
60.0Paul Wiseman
60.3Lance Bayliss
60.3Brian Oliverio
60.4Evan McIntyre
61.0Tad Reiner
61.0Charlie Hunt
61.0Ninja Nate Yarbrough
61.0ronald shufelt
61.3John "Johnny Mac" McClenahan
61.3Josh Hawley
61.3Thomas Cupp
61.4Matt Neal
61.5Thomas Butler
61.7Russell Taint
62.0Erika Smith
62.0Pete Crist
62.0Jeremy Gibbs
62.3Andy Rednour
62.5Mike Stratford
62.6Cullen Pasquesi-Hill
62.7mike jones
63.0john nosek
63.3Monty Wonnacott
63.5Amateur Hour
64.3Michael Smith
65.4Scott Sprow
66.3Chris Niendorf
67.0scott pope
69.0Joe Phipps
70.7alex m
73.4Eirik Kauserud
89.0Felicia Calhoun
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Long Tees - 21 Hole Layout · 21 holes Not played

Long tees 21 holes · 21 holes Not played

Long Tees Odd, Short Tees Even · 18 holes Not played

Long tees, quick layout (1-6, 17, 18, 1) · 9 holes Not played

Mixed tees · 18 holes Not played

Pro 24 hole layout · 24 holes Not played

QP 18 Hills 18 Labyrinth · 36 holes Not played

Short Tee (Front 9) · 9 holes Not played

Short Tee 22 Hole Tourney Layout · 22 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played twice

53 Best score
Friends' best scores
146Justin Weilacher
247Nick Oliver
349Scott Sprow
349Brian Hyzertron Crouch
550Jeff Kennedy
651Douglas McIntosh
752Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
752Brendan Livingston
752Glen Langosch
1053Eric Essex
1154Norman Copeland
1154James Phillips
1355Joe Rutkowski
+ expand list
53.5 Average score
Friends' averages
150.8Scott Sprow
251.5Justin Weilacher
352.2Nick Oliver
452.3Jeff Kennedy
452.3Glen Langosch
653.5Eric Essex
755.1Brian Hyzertron Crouch
855.3Douglas McIntosh
1058.0Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
45.6"Mag1c" Mike V
45.6Ben Calhoun
46.0Danny Fifer
46.1Ross Patterson
46.5Brad Sweet
46.6Pat Burke
47.0Ron Howard
47.3Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
47.6Wade TF
47.6Nate Mullins
47.7Sean McCoy
47.7Ben Ciccarelli
47.8ken "sega salt" moote
47.9Jake Pardo
48.0Amateur Hour
48.0Bruno Drouillard
48.0Scott White
48.0Brian Sweet
48.2Josh Tesch
48.3Derek Scobie
48.3Matt Clark
48.3bob smart
48.3Daemon Stahlin
48.6Scottie Reslock
48.6peter kunoff
48.7Mike Fortunato
48.7Mark Lawrence
48.8Jay B
48.9Smitty the angry lefty
48.9Corey Kieft
49.0Terry Calhoun
49.0Michael Frame
49.0Ken Sailler
49.0Brandon Johnson
49.0Brian Morba
49.0Jerry "Chilly" Chilson
49.0Dale Babcock
49.1Jeffrey Grzywinski
49.2Grant Anderson
49.3Jeff Dean
49.5John McAskin
49.5Timmy Redman
49.6Jacob Quiton
49.6Daniel J Lee
49.8Troy Meadows
49.8Nate Wheeling
49.9Jim Daniels
50.0Michael Sandusky
50.3Ryan Shoner
50.3Kyle Greenhalgh
50.3Andrew “Trout” Rusinek
50.3Steve Albert
50.3Brian C
50.5andy steiner
50.5Jeremy Foor
50.5Bill Chapman
50.5Tim Gacioch
50.7Aaron Chelchowski
50.7Joe 'SlugLord' Monteith
50.8Scott Sprow
51.0Cory Gray
51.0Cory VanHooser
51.0Bryan Oubre
51.0Noah Wegryn
51.1Cameron Lehr
51.1Shane Brayton
51.2Tom "Chrobar" Chrobak
51.2g lane
51.3Gerald Andrews
51.3jared wilson
51.3Joe Levell
51.3Ben Murphy
51.3Kylar Mikkelson
51.3Kylie Kohut
51.3Charlie Hunt
51.5brian fallon
51.5Skylar Smith
51.5Tyler Kinley
51.5Mike Michalak
51.5Chris Kerns
51.5Chris Jackson
51.5Justin Weilacher
51.5Nick Pacific
51.6Sean Newland
51.6Kris Woody
51.7Amanda Branch
51.8Mark Guldner
51.8Hunter S. Dotson
51.8John "Johnny Mac" McClenahan
51.8Ryan Molnar
51.9Jared Pitz
51.9Brian Tubbs
51.9keith vance
52.0Elijah Wykes
52.0Ryan Brophy
52.0Jonathan Lee
52.0Mike Even
52.0Brett Piziali
52.0Tony Collette
52.1mark ellis
52.1Floyd Hampp
52.2Scott Adkins
52.2Cullen Pasquesi-Hill
52.2Nick Oliver
52.3Jeff Kennedy
52.3Bob Walz
52.3Glen Langosch
52.3Ron Simpson
52.3Mike Jacobson
52.3Ben "Dover" Thauland
52.3Josh Steiner
52.3Robert Shaffer
52.3Bryan Dixon
52.3Joe Phipps
52.4Paul Doherty
52.4ken parks
52.5JayBird Snyder
52.5Michael Pirkle
52.5Francisco vega jr
52.5Luke Holtzapple
52.6Dale Mahaffey
52.6Cam Stinson
52.7Adam Mitchell
52.7Cameron Lampley
52.8Nate Lucier
52.8bobby mcaleer
52.8Jim Stack
52.8Chad R
52.8Josh "J. FRI." Frisinger
52.8Derek Bonner
53.0Lance Lazer Sparks
53.0Zachary Barrett
53.0Chris Errington
53.0Christopher Jacobs
53.0Jami Gust
53.0Adam Schneider
53.0Brian Wolf
53.0Josh Cantor
53.0Scott Ransley
53.2David Knechtges
53.2Jason McDonald
53.2chris king
53.2Josh Barnett
53.3Carl Hall
53.3Jake Anderson
53.3David Halloran
53.3John Davis
53.3Joe Gabris
53.3Benjamin Demory
53.4Matt "The Spider" Swider
53.4Trevor Staples
53.4Kevin Morgan
53.4Rooster Robb DeHaan
53.5Dave Lassen
53.6Josh Russell
53.7Fisher B
53.7Donovan Friel
53.7Ninja Nate Yarbrough
53.7Pete Crist
53.7Tony Papciak
53.8Matthew Tyler
53.8john nosek
53.8Rocky Schilke
53.8Troy Radikin
53.8Jeremy Gibbs
53.9mike kowalczyk
53.9- Buckwheat
54.0Austin Gray
54.0Craig Downing
54.0Gary Frader
54.0Dave Davies
54.0Beth Dunsmoor
54.0Tim St. Aubin
54.0Chris Murray
54.0Luke Palnau
54.0Matt Bates
54.0Daniel Whitlock
54.0Joseph Blakeley
54.0Mike Stratford
54.1Audrey Wicklander
54.1chris robinson
54.1Eric Best
54.1Marc Sobota
54.1Sean Morgan
54.3Melissa Wiseman
54.3Travis Richards
54.3Eric Clauder
54.3Kevin Gondoly
54.3Casey Campbell
54.3Andy Bawol
54.3ronald shufelt
54.3chris stanley
54.3Joe Olson
54.3Mark Neiger
54.4kris bensette
54.4Russell Taint
54.4Alex M
54.4Ryan Diuble
54.4Aaron Anderson
54.5Greg Myrand
54.5Anthony Behrends
54.5Jesse Whitlock
54.5Geoffrey Johnson
54.6Foz Miller
54.6Chris Berger
54.6stephen masten
54.6Jesse Mullins
54.6Matt Neal
54.7Phillip Nixon
54.7Bill w
54.7Andrew Young
54.7Rich Mcpherson
54.7Jacob Lemasters
54.8Andy Rednour
54.8Philip “Flip” Balger Scott
54.8Doug Kyes
54.8Charles Briggs
54.8Scott Hespen
54.9Patrick Theisen
54.9Charles Casper
54.9Deric D.
54.9Raymond "CHIPP" Chippewa
55.0Duncan Underwood
55.0Anthony "da Jesus" Voss
55.0David "Dizzy" Fuhrman
55.0Andrew Snyder
55.0Rad Sawer
55.0kris morris
55.0Mikal Morris
55.0Chris Paquin
55.1Andy Pinney
55.1Dakota Nolph
55.1Brian Hyzertron Crouch
55.3Ryan Best
55.3Paul "GROOT" Feeny
55.3Derek Taylor
55.3Jay Frankina
55.3Mike Zanier
55.3Dan Flanz
55.3Scott Martinelli
55.3Robert Mayes
55.3Douglas McIntosh
55.3mike jones
55.4Todd Cavender
55.5Budd Flippo
55.5Monty Wonnacott
55.6Chris Stranyak
55.6Michael Campbell
55.7Fire Fighter Dave
55.7Peter Lopez Jr
55.7Tom Stamper
55.7brad chartier
55.7"Lightning" Don Bush
55.7Nate Krumm
55.8Jeff "Hep-A-Ler" Hepler
55.8Steven Cumbee
55.8Nathan Underwood
55.8Link Behrends
55.8Aren Payne
55.8Steve Wolodkin
55.8Josh Hawley
55.8Steve Nolff
56.0Michael Pilon
56.0John C. Worden
56.1Kevin Williamson
56.2Kai Anttila
56.2Zack Cardenas
56.2Jean-Pierre Trias
56.3Nick S
56.3Dustin St. Aubin
56.3Jerrid Hunt
56.3Evan McIntyre
56.3Sam Hardesty
56.3Brian Schroeder
56.4Brian Gentz
56.5Matt "Reptile" Robere
56.5Jeremy Wilkinson
56.5jay calli
56.6Mark W. Ritchey
56.7Bryan Campbell
56.7Tyrus Eagle
56.8Rob Kolander
56.8Dick "WPD" Engelmann
56.8Randy Fortune
56.9Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy
56.9Sarah Kennedy
56.9sheldon bowen
57.0Shawn Towler
57.0Ryan Scott
57.0Shawn Herbert
57.0Ryan Dg
57.0Eirik Kauserud
57.0matt sobjack
57.0Drake Powell
57.0Bo Fought
57.0Caryn Ballou
57.0Denard Robinson
57.0Erika Smith
57.3David Munro
57.3lyle downing
57.3Derek Schmitt
57.3James Giegler
57.3Sarah DeMar
57.3Joe Arnet
57.3Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler
57.4Jeff (Band Clanker) Fraser
57.4Chris Trumbull
57.4Chris Gee
57.5Nathanial Olechowski
57.5Jon Rudolph
57.7Nate Clark
57.7Trevor "Doppler" Dixon
57.7Matt Weiler
57.8Michael Lee Cook
58.0Matt Soulliere
58.0Bobby Oakes
58.0Kelsey Martin
58.0Jake Waxer
58.0Alex Schneider
58.0Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
58.0David Pickle
58.1Randall stephan
58.1Jay Serratos
58.1Bob D.
58.2Alex Rolfes
58.2Justin Gibbons
58.3Joseph Contratto
58.3Timothy enright
58.3Bryce Smith
58.3Matthew Peacock
58.3Ryan Hoffer
58.4Cassidy Mayne
58.4nicole wills
58.4Nate Esch
58.5Jim Carden
58.5Timothy A Kramer
58.5Chris Anderson
58.6Audrey Griffith
58.6William Dopkowski
58.7David Tomlinson
58.7Zac Brigham
58.7Robertjohn york
58.7Joe M
58.7Lee Armstrong
58.8Branden Fulton
58.8Boot Lip
58.8Richard Roe
58.9Steven Good
58.9Kristen Clauder
59.0Tyler F
59.0Ian dstarr3 Campbell
59.0Ryan Cook
59.0Ray-hole Karle
59.0Shane Wilson
59.1Jason Riberas
59.2Justin K Johnson
59.2Douglas Clark
59.2Garrett Graham 4G's
59.2Benjamin Pierce
59.3Don Slater
59.3Phillip Schwochow
59.3BJ Holcomb
59.3Rocky Garcia
59.4Miah IT'S NOT THAT FAR Swain
59.4Danger Dave
59.4craig splittstoesser
59.5Brayden Kerr
59.5Matt W
59.7Nate Barton
59.8Rich Priebe Jr
59.9William Gilbert
60.0Logan Cook
60.0Evan Buse
60.0George k. Loepke
60.1Adam Gainsley
60.2Shane Bates
60.3Todd Gerlach
60.3Neil sanders
60.3Erik Sangeorzan
60.3Jake Fischer
60.3Chris Eagle
60.5Scott Jones
60.7Brian E Crandall
60.8Eat More Tacos
60.9Jason Erwin
61.0Brook Corcoran
61.0James Myers
61.2Sam Kim
61.3Stephen Whittico
61.3Nicholas Richardson
61.9Toni Morgan
62.0Christopher Graham
62.0matt becker
62.2Sarah O’Leary
62.3Josh Arnold
62.3Jeremy Dean
62.3Brad Maynes
63.0Ryan Rossi
63.0Jen Trombley
63.2Jen Wiedenfeld
63.5Becky Campbell
63.7Katie Bramble
64.0Easy E
64.0Denny Kapp
64.3Eric Vogelpohl
64.3Kevin “KDawgg” VilleMonte
64.3James "Razor" Rizor
64.4M L
64.5Lindsey watts
64.6Aryll Behrends
64.8Nancy Leat
64.8Kira Damusis
65.0Jared Ooms
65.3Joshua Castrejon
65.7Adam Kriesberg
65.7Danielle Mahl
66.0angi dixon
66.0Sarah Ciccarelli
66.7Nick Freiberg
67.0Dustin Maher
67.0Michele Ramon
67.2Tara St. Aubin
67.5Melanie Rose
67.6Melissa Taulbee
67.9Angel Gilbert
68.0Robert Titler
68.6Felicia Calhoun
69.3Casey "Sensei" Maloney
69.3Emily Matthews
69.7Jordyn Harriger
69.9Dana Rudolph
73.0Ashley gorski
73.0Michelle Fleming
74.0Ashton Dempsey
74.8Becky Gilbert
75.0Elaine McCarthy
75.2Erin Shaffer
75.2Patti J Picard
77.5Amber Owens
78.7Katie Wells
80.0Leticia Hernandez
80.5Ann Zuzuly
85.3Willow Arts
98.3Drew "Orange Andy" Herron
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Short Tees · 18 holes Not played

Short Tees - 21 Hole Layout · 21 holes Not played

Short tees 1-18, 1-6, 17, 18, 1 · 27 holes Not played

short tees 21 holes · 21 holes Not played

Short tees 21 holes · 21 holes Not played

Short tees, quick layout (1-6, 17, 18, 1) · 9 holes Not played

The Foz Shorts · 20 holes Not played

toureny layout short tees · 21 holes Not played

toureny long tees 24 hole layout · 24 holes Not played

Tournament - Short Tees (21 holes) · 21 holes · Par 63 Played once

63 Best score
Friends' best scores
159Scott Sprow
159Jeff Kennedy
159William Freed
460Norman Copeland
460Brian Hyzertron Crouch
661Douglas McIntosh
661Justin Weilacher
862Brendan Livingston
862Bill Scott
1063Eric Essex
1266James Phillips
1369Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
+ expand list
63.0 Average score
Friends' averages
163.0Eric Essex
265.0Brendan Livingston
370.0Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
57.3Brandon Johnson
57.5Jay B
58.0Mike Michalak
59.0Cody Scott
59.4Brad Sweet
60.0Sean McCoy
60.0Michael Smith
60.2Eddie Ruiz
60.4Aaron Downes
60.5Noah Moorehouse
60.5Benny G.
60.6Jim Stack
61.0mike kowalczyk
61.0Derek Bonner
61.3Nate Mullins
61.3Michael Buko
61.4Joe Levell
61.6Chris B
62.0S Fox
62.1Elijah Wykes
62.3"Mag1c" Mike V
62.5Carl Hall
62.7Christopher Jacobs
62.7Robert Mayes
62.8David Tomlinson
62.8Josh Minard
63.0Aaron Anderson
63.0Sean Mannooch
63.0Tony Rohrer
63.3Kristy Moore
63.4Mark Metzger
63.7Xavier G
63.8Chris Murray
63.9Rico Lauchu
63.9Scott Hespen
64.0chris stanley
64.3Trevor Edmunds
64.3Drew "Orange Andy" Herron
64.7Brian Wolf
64.7Matt Clark
64.8Roger F. Brundage
64.8Ron Jacobs
65.0Brendan Livingston
65.0Shannon Kurowicki
65.3Adam Schneider
66.0Ryan Moulton
66.0John Franke
66.0Cullen Pasquesi-Hill
66.0Tim St. Aubin
66.6Matt Neal
66.8John Langston
67.3john page
67.3Chris Trumbull
67.4Steve Nolff
67.4Bo Fought
67.5Jay Day
67.9Zac Brigham
68.3Noah Carroll
68.6Branden Fulton
68.8Zack Cardenas
68.8Randy Fortune
69.0brian canning
69.3Jason Riberas
70.0Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
70.0Don Warfield
70.2Gary D. Whitehouse
70.3Jean Mayes
70.5Chris Gilbert
70.5Ted Swarthout
71.0Jim Jean
71.3Lee Armstrong
72.0Maria Thomas
72.5David Pickle
72.8James "Chef" Wilhelm
72.8Rich Priebe Jr
73.0Jay Serratos
73.3Al Ellair
73.5Rob Scott
73.5Benjamin Pierce
73.5Jason Erwin
74.5BJ Holcomb
77.0Tara St. Aubin
83.5Tanya Gilbert
349.7George k. Loepke
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Tournament Layout · 24 holes Not played

Tournament Layout Shorts · 21 holes · Par 63 Played twice

59 Best score
Friends' best scores
156Jeff Kennedy
259Eric Essex
361James Phillips
462Paulie "P-Dawg" Whitmore
+ expand list
59.5 Average score
Friends' averages
159.5Eric Essex
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
66.0Trevor Marcus
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Tournament Layout, Long Tees · 24 holes Not played

Tournament Layout, Short Tees · 24 holes Not played

Tournament Layout, Short Tees · 24 holes Not played

tourney 24 long layout · 24 holes Not played

tourney course layout short tees · 24 holes Not played

tourney layout long pads · 24 holes Not played

Turkey Long Tees · 21 holes Not played

Turkey Short Tees · 21 holes Not played

WC Glow Loop 1-6, 17, 18 + Safari PB · 18 holes Not played

WC GLOW WINTERFEST LAYOUT · 9 holes Not played

The Disc Golf Labyrinth

18 Putting Doubles ~{ 2 Disc }~ 5 for 4 · 1 holes Not played

18 Straight Up · 18 holes Not played

18 ~{1 Disc }~ 1for1 · 18 holes Not played

18 ~{2 Disc }~ 3for2 · 18 holes Not played

Flights Path shorts · 20 holes Not played

Front 9 ~{2 Disc }~ (1-6,16-18) · 9 holes Not played

Front 9 ~{ 1 Disc }~ (1-6,16-18) · 9 holes Not played

Front 9 ~{ 3 Disc }~ (1-6,16-18) · 9 holes Not played

The Foz

Flight Path Long Tee Layout · 21 holes Not played

Foz 18 + OG 1 - 5, 17, 18 · 25 holes Not played

Long tees · 18 holes Not played

Mixed Tees · 18 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes Not played

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