Zac Bouwens

Michigan, USA Righty - forehand

Zac's scores   »   Rivalries   »   vs chad bouwens


5 wins Zac Bouwens
6 ties
31 wins chad bouwens

Match history

Date Match Winner
May 26, 2010 Old Farm Park
-1 53
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
Beat Chad with my handicap
-3 51
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
2 5's 2 4's not so good
May 10, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+23 23
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Beat Chad
+24 24
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 34 45 46 27 28 29 3Out 24 / -30
May 2, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Played with Ben's friends before anyone came out.
+26 26
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
missed a few birds...5'd hole 7
May 1, 2010 Old Farm Park
E 54
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
Played against Chad and lost to his best round of old farms yet.
-11 43
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 25 26 37 38 29 310 411 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 3Out 43 / -11
awesome round!!!!!!! missed 2 birds on 6,9 from ten feet!!!!!!
April 26, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+24 24
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+21 21
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 24 25 26 27 28 39 3Out 21 / -33
missed 2 birds from too close
April 22, 2010 Lamar Park
E 32
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Lost my stamina on some throws, and partners were not much better.
-7 25
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
4'd a hole missed 4 birds from too close
April 22, 2010 Lamar Park
-3 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Had some really good throws
-1 31
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
bullshit biffed alot of holes,only 1 bird
April 20, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+29 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Beat Chad by four points
+33 33
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
wtf..breaking sticks,throwing shit,cursing,screaming,but overall awesome round I must say!!!!!!something to be proud about!!! :) yyeaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!
April 19, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+25 25
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
sam carried me most of the time
April 19, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+25 25
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
fingers were frozen and I couldn't putt...sucked
April 19, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+30 30
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+20 20
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 24 35 26 37 28 29 2Out 20 / -34
nice round, had some nice drives and putts!!!
April 18, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkRed course
+31 31
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+27 27
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
uncle had some great shots
April 18, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+29 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+26 26
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
not bad today. she had some great putts.
April 18, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+30 30
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
April 15, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+29 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Another victory, Chad was having a rough day. He hit alot of trees.
+30 30
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
April 15, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+25 25
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Finally beat Chad for the first time.
+29 29
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
bad day. nice zac!!!!! it's about time!!!!:) now if only the other brothers can do it!!!!!! your the first!!!!
April 14, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkRed course
+28 28
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
This guy mike ruined my day with his repeated drop of the N word, choking out his girlfriend, trying to start shit with people playing through, and then puking his guts out on hole 8. Really made me mad, and I don't know who's group he was with.
+27 27
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
big ass group 16 deep
April 11, 2010 Shore Acres Park
+20 74
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
My new favorite course. Found a geocache box. Alot of fun. Good layout with some narrow drives and good for a side arm guy.
+10 64
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 35 26 37 58 49 310 411 312 313 414 515 416 317 318 3Out 64 / +10
nice course.....took alittle bit to warm up...
April 4, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+30 30
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
missed a few birds
March 29, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+28 28
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+27 27
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
didn't do too bad!!!!!!
March 29, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+27 27
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
March 28, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+25 25
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
March 25, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+25 25
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Cold day out, too cold.
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 28 49 2Out 23 / -31
missed a bird on hole 3,4 played with zac,ben,uncle b,marty ken,jason
March 22, 2010 J.C. Park
+5 59
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 53
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
three 4's and three missed birds...very windy out..they need to clean the leafs up it's bad!!!!!!:( half the time went lookin for my disc
March 22, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+29 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+26 26
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
a few very eassssy birds flew away today1!!!!!! and 2'4's should have done better
March 21, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+24 24
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 43 24 25 36 37 38 39 2Out 24 / -30
+24 24
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
4'd 2 holes should have done better! nice zac
March 19, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
missed 3 birds from too close
March 19, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+29 29
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
+26 26
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
missed 3 birds and 4'da couple
March 15, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Had two birds and a bogey.
+26 26
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
wasn't focused.... no good shots!! a friend and my cousin both got parking tickets....45 bucks each for parking in front of a gate that is closed until spring due to budget cuts....bullshit. we weren't blocking anyone they sure can give out tickets but not open a gate and keep it open so people like u won't get screwed...not fare... 45 bucks.... that's three new discs sorry zac
March 13, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+36 36
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
20 mph wind and 42 degrees out, Payed for crap
+32 32
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
just horrible today, no love
March 13, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+35 35
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3Out 27 / -27
What can I say, too many days in a row playing, and cold and windy.
+27 27
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
Worst day for discin.Wet.cold,and windy as hell!!! disco bye bye,
March 12, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+25 25
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Finished real good, helped make some good putts.
+25 25
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 43 24 25 36 37 38 29 3Out 25 / -29
zac and me were partners against sam and josh..ready to shave 3 strokes by this year!!!!
March 12, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+26 26
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3Out 27 / -27
Brought my A game. Played with Sam and Chad.
+21 21
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 25 26 27 28 39 2Out 21 / -33
missed a bird 13 feet away???? major malfunction on which putt to use!!! overcast yeah!!!!wet mushy 46 degrees nice!!!
March 9, 2010 Garfield Park
-1 54
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 54 / -1
Played with Willa, Josh, Eric, Crystal, Dad, Anna, Steve, and Chad. Almost fell on my ass hole 1. Muddy as can be and played till it was dark.
-4 51
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
1 51Out 51 / -4
alittle windy and abit colder today.three bogeys and 3 missed birdies from too close,why I think it's ok to have a little water on my disc when I putt?????U GOT ME????
March 8, 2010 Garfield Park
E 55
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 417 318 4Out 55 / E
Played with Chad, Willa, Ben, Dad, Tyler, and a friend of Bens. I missed 3 crucial birdies.
-4 51
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
1 51Out 51 / -4
had alot of fun today with my uncle b, zac and the crew. 8 of us total .Kind of slippery out, it's hard to lose discs and try to make others do what u want them to do. trying to work some things out, had some good throws and bad choices Had 3 bogeys and 2 missed birds that flew away.I should score alot better once I get my damn force back!!! OHH and I will..... in the bottom of the pond I will dive. ohh yes She will be mine once again
March 7, 2010 Lamar Park
-1 31
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
played with Crystal, Willa, and Chad. Also played a half game against Willa and Chad vs. me and Crystal we lost by 1 point at 1 over.
-5 27
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
1 22 23 44 35 36 27 58 39 3Out 27 / -5
It was nice to play on concrete pads today!!!!That 4 and 5 hurt,killed my score:( should of listen to my first instinct on what disc to use and what shot to take....I KNEW IT .. nice to disc with my cousin zac and his wife crystal and my friend willa. Willa and I played as partners on the second nine.We ended on the 6th hole and were 2 down ...Zac and crystal were 1 down when they had to leave...... next time old chum!!!!!
March 6, 2010 Old Farm Park
+4 58
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
Got into my groove better, but I missed some important putts.
-4 50
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
March 6, 2010 Old Farm Park
+6 60
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 3Out 6 / -48
Warm up round. There was alot off slush ad mud, my discs were wet and I didn't bring a towel. Had alot of fun playing with my cousin Chad.
+6 60
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
COULDN'T THROW OFF DRIVES BECAUSE OF THE SLUSH,SLIPPIN AND SLIDIN.....NO FOOTING AT ALL somebody tell me about the fucking golf shoes!!!
March 2, 2010 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+27 27
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3Out 27 / -27
Cold out, but had too much fun playing.
+23 23
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
wow first time this year and it was nice..snow on the ground but over all ,dressed warm and did it right.. bring the warm weather and my game will get better...... zac u da man!!!
November 30, 2009 Earl W. Brewer ParkWhite course
+32 32
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Cold game of white. Worked on my back hand throw with the champ beast.
+32 32
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
sucked today, too cold,
November 30, 2009 Earl W. Brewer ParkBlue course
+30 30
Zac Regular tees, 9 holes
Very cold out with cousin Chad, 38 degrees. Had fun but, it might be the end of the season.
+24 24
chad Regular tees, 9 holes
man, was it cold today fingers were frozen couldn't throw or putt
October 29, 2009 Old Farm Park
+7 61
Zac Regular tees, 18 holes
First time playing this course
-7 47
chad Regular tees, 18 holes
I missed two birdies from fifteen feet and 4'd a hole
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