josh pierce
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-1 54 Nov 18 '17 |
Keizer Rapids · Keizer, OR Med layout (1of2 in long), 18 holes |
-1 54 Nov 18 '17 |
Keizer Rapids · Keizer, OR Med layout (1of2 in long), 18 holes |
-7 57 Mar 26 '16 |
Woodmansee Park · Salem, OR Classic Layout Round 2, 20 holes |
Erik "Easy E" Etherton July 29, 2015 at 6:04am
Hey I called you but I changed my mind on the tourney and I was hoping I could still play hit me up and let me know
josh pierce February 25, 2015 at 9:05am
Just a short notice to the scene but we're having a PAR2 challenge at leverich park in Vancouver on Sunday March 1st. We will have the standard players pack plus a killer pulled pork lunch. We'll have a putting challenge at lunch and plenty of prizes to give away. If people want to get a second round in we can do that after lunch.
Check in from 8:30-9:30
Tee off at 10am
josh pierce June 29, 2014 at 9:34am
Sorry for the late notice everybody
Huk For Independence
3 incredible rounds of golf at Hornings Hideout.
Awesome players pack as usual.
Pros get a modified players pack. Huge raffle!
Ring of fire.
Glow golf.
Long drive contest.
Poker tournament.
Multiple food vendors.
$55 rec and juniors
$65 intermediate Advanced
$85 pro
Caprice Johnson June 16, 2014 at 6:57am
Hey, What about Huk for Indepence?

yeah yeah what aboot that? i hype it up all year and then everyone comes at me for a date when it is... lets do this dam thing! much love pierce!
Grape Ape January 5, 2014 at 10:32am
Neg 2? Nice round bro! You'd be second in open....great job!
Mr CLEAN December 29, 2013 at 10:22am
on a scale of 1~10 1~ being shut my pie hole & 10 being O'HELLZ TO THE YEAH GREAT IDEA~
whats the chance of us seeing huk4indy prodigy?
p.s. I luv you

thats all better than "shut your pie hole" ~kinda what i was exspecting

all that innova has to offer and you choose a skeeter? surprised we never seen a huk for indy skeeter .... now shut my pie hole right?

I have the only 2 Huk for Indy skeeters made. There will be different discs this year but Innova will be one of them.
- Myk Nemeth - December 5, 2013 at 10:52am
neg 10 thats it?????? lawrence and i shot a 14 with a bogey in teamgolf last year :-)

you beet second place by 7 strokes would of not been that bad a crush :-)
josh pierce October 28, 2013 at 11:24pm
Little Big League!
We will start tonight at 5:30
The weather is beautiful but chilly so dress warm!
I have plenty of prizes to give away so get those kids out there!
Hope to see you there!
josh pierce October 22, 2013 at 2:31am
Little Big League now has a Facebook page! So like us on Facebook and keep updated!
Bring your kid or bring someone else's kid out and show them how awesome disc golf is!
We have snacks and prizes for the kids.
We play at 9 holes at Glenwood in Vancouver on Monday nights at 5:45.
We will moving the time up as it gets darker
josh pierce September 23, 2013 at 7:36am
Little Big League is postponed this week
I will be out of town this week
but I'm in process of finding an indoor facility for us to go through the winter to keep it running
Let me know if you have a gym or rec center that we could use
josh pierce September 20, 2013 at 5:29pm
Is there anything that goes on in Eugene during the week?
I'll be down there Monday-Thursday next week
josh pierce August 27, 2013 at 3:41am
Little big league at 6:30
Be there or be square
josh pierce August 24, 2013 at 4:09am
Looking for a caddy for the Naac
Text me if your a caddy looking for a bag to carry.

I'll carry yours if you carry mine lol I'm playing intermediate.
josh pierce August 19, 2013 at 6:19am
Blue lake swallowed my captain America dyed glow xcal on a bad forehand I rolled over on hole 8 either in the ditch or just over it.
If found $10 reward unfortunately no name or number
Please help me get the captain back

Hey Mike, start writing a chicks name and a lil happy face or a heart on your disc's. They will at least start calling the number and you can say "Yah, Miss Honey Love lives here so bring her disc over and Im sure she'll be very happy". Disc return problem slightly resolved. Just sayi....
josh pierce August 13, 2013 at 2:29am
Be there or be square!

grrr i missed another :( ill be there for sure next mon tho!!
Thomas "T" D. August 2, 2013 at 10:36pm
josh pierce August 2, 2013 at 10:24pm
Tucker pierce was born last night at 9:04 he is 7lbs and 19 3/4 inches long
All went well and everyone is healthy
Can't wait to get him out to the course!

Thank you everyone for the congratulations. Thank you Adin for the delicious meal!Tucker will be out at little Big League for his first round of golf tomorrow night. Hope to see lots of you guys tomorrow night.
josh pierce July 30, 2013 at 2:28am
I would like to start a league where parents or adults can bring there kid or young siblings to play a fun round of disc golf. Monday nights play 9 holes out at glenwood church more if you wanted but easy enough for the kids to manage. There would be no alcohol drugs or tabaco allowed as it is for the children. I thought this would be a great way to get people's kids out playing and get more family time.
I would like to start at 6:30 and if parents could bring $1 and we could get the kids ...

Josh! This is awesome! Our staff at camp were just talking about this very this! Great job moving towards the family aspect!!
josh pierce July 6, 2013 at 11:51am
Anyone want to play blue lake around 8:30am
Text me 360-910-5263

171g - used
driver slight fade
172g - used
175g - used
Hard fade
171g - used
Driver good in the wind
172g - used
long mid range hard fade
169g - used
long drives w/turnover
171g - used
short mid upshots putting
172g - new
Up shots hard fade
Favorite clubs

If he doesn't respond, Josh responds more to Facebook or text not on here much :)