Doug Jones
I bet man. Well your about to miss a real ice bowl. 10 degrees and like 5 inches of ice and snow. There will prob be 15 people show up lol. How did you do? Jan 31, 2010
Doug Jones
Hey thats a great excuse, I will try to use that one next time I play REC lol. Jan 5, 2010
Doug Jones
Congrats on the ace but I would like to ask what are you doing playing INT at your home course. You don't need plastic that bad, you trying to become a super bagger. ;) Jan 4, 2010
Doug Jones
I do plan on coming for the tourny, but this weekend im going to Franklin KY for a tourny. Is it layed out so I could come and play it during the week or would you have to show me stuff? Mar 26, 2010