Jason Goetz

Colorado, USA Righty - backhand

Jason's aces

Jason has posted 22 aces.
Picture of Hole_13 Hole 13 at Easterlin Park · Ft. Lauderdale, FL
April 7, 2024 with a GStar Leopard3
Blind ace on a forced anny line with my pink GStar Leo3 (2nd Easterlin Ace with this disc). Playing with Regan and we knew it was a good shot and just missed the trees I normally catch on the right side of the very tight “fairway” window. Heard the disc hit the palms right in front of the basket (and it was coming in hot) but didn’t hear the chains. We walked up looking for my disc and it was sitting in the basket! As we walked up a squirrel ran down a tree stopped at like eye level with me and and started chirping and talking to me ????. We think he saw the ace (my only official witness of
Picture of Hole_7 Hole 7 at Easterlin Park · Ft. Lauderdale, FL
September 4, 2023 with a GStar Leopard3
Ace on hole 7 during a doubles match (10 people on the card). Threw a hard forced anny lazer line that went over the bushes and directly in the basket.
Picture of Hole_4b Hole 4b at North Pompano DGC · Pompano Beach, FL
August 13, 2023 with a Buzzz
Ace on hole 4b the first time ever playing the North Pompano DGC course with Regan. Flat tight line with a hard hyzer finish into the chains with my orange rainbow stamped ten year anniversary Buzzz.
Picture of Hole_17 Hole 17 at Johnny Roberts · Arvada, CO
July 18, 2021 with a Elite Z Buzzz SS
Hole 17 long (243 ft slight uphill) at Johnny Robert’s DGC in Arvada. Sunday morning round with Brian and Kyle. Straight to slight anny line hard with soft hyzer at end of flight into the heart of the chains. I hit the chains and splash out with the exact same disc on an anny the tee shot before on hole 16.
Picture of Hole_9 Hole 9 at Centre Hills Park · Aurora, CO
January 14, 2021 with a GStar Sidewinder
5 witnesses
Glow Ace - Dragon Tags at Centre Hills on 1/14/21 Hole #9 - straight shot at the basket with a very slight hyzer finish directly into the heart of the chains 5 witnesses - cold night 22 degrees at the time of the ace
Picture of Hole_1 Hole 1 at Valmont City Park · Boulder, CO
October 9, 2019 with a GStar Whale
$47 cash
7 witnesses
First shot of the round smashed chains on a hard backhand anny with my gstar whale. Took home $47 from the Boulder Club Wednesday tags ace pool. On my card where Patrick Adair, Rob Gilmore and Jon Komula. Chicken, Shane Sparkman and two others on the card behind us also witnessed it.
Picture of Hole_20 Hole 20 at Bucksnort DGC · Pine, CO
April 7, 2019 with a GStar Whale
6 witnesses
Straight line directly right of basket that floated back slightly to left at end to smash chains. Around 200ft uphill through a tight window towards basket up on a rock wall. First ace at my all time favorite course! During a Lifer round at Bucksnort. Witnesses - Rich Peters, Stain Maloni, Robb Park, Johnny Jam, Scott Arnold and Vic (Stain's friend)
Picture of Hole_7 Hole 7 at Harlow Platts Park · Boulder, CO
September 25, 2018 with a Fuzion Judge
3 witnesses
Hard anny line under the branch on hole 7 at Boulder Club tags directly into the heart of the chain with my special edition blend Judge. 3 people on my card (Jon Chavez, Sara Walagorski and Michael James).
Picture of Hole_7 Hole 7 at Ken Caryl DGC · Littleton, CO
April 6, 2017 with a Classic Soft Judge
1 witness
Smashed #7 with my orange classic soft judge on an soft anny that flex out into the heart of the chains. First round with Regan in Colorado in over a year.
Picture of Hole_17 Hole 17 at Exposition Park · Aurora, CO
March 21, 2017 with a Tsunami
$23 cash
3 witnesses
Hit number 17 at Expo during Tuesday Mile High tags. 3 others on my card witnessed. Threw my yellow Tsunami hard and flat off the the right, skipped of the ground and directly into the chains! Second ever skip ace.
Picture of Hole_16 Hole 16 at Centre Hills Park · Aurora, CO
December 29, 2016 with a ESP Zone
$254 cash
3 witnesses
Glow round ace with yellow ESP Zone (my 1st ever Glow Ace!). Straight line at the chains the hole way on #16 (short tee/position). On a card with Rich Peters, Jason Humphrey and Eric Penner at the Thursday night Mile High tags glow round.
Picture of Hole_4 Hole 4 at Johnny Roberts · Arvada, CO
June 20, 2016 with a Fuzion Judge
2 witnesses
Straight line inside the trees with the basket in the right position with my white special blend Judge. Second ace at Johnny with the same Judge (hole 14 as well).
Picture of Hole_14 Hole 14 at Johnny Roberts · Arvada, CO
May 15, 2016 with a Fuzion Judge
2 witnesses
Flat shot directly at the right side of the chains the hole way with my special blend American flag stamped Judge. 10th ace of all time and first ace at Johnny Roberts! 155ft
Picture of Hole_5 Hole 5 at Exposition Park · Aurora, CO
September 23, 2015
$130 cash
5 witnesses
Skip Ace on #5 @ Expo Park with my Prodiscus SLAIDi... threw a flat shot out to the right low and it hyzered hard at the end, took a big skip off the ground directly into the chains! Playing with 5 others in my group at the Throw CO Wednesday night tags and snagged $130 from the ace pool.
Picture of Hole_7 Hole 7 at Ken Caryl DGC · Littleton, CO
February 8, 2015 with a Elite Z Comet
1 witness
Hit #7 with my custom Lost Disc Tribe stamped Comet. Nice gentle anhyzer hit the chains high and dropped in! Regan was there to witness it.
Picture of Hole_10 Hole 10 at Ghost Town · Russell Gulch, CO
October 5, 2014 with a Star Beast
2 witnesses
300 ft ace on a very windy day at Ghost Town (20-30 mph wind). Threw my 175 gram red Star Beast flat and out to the right, caught the wind and slammed the chains with a hard hyzer!
Picture of Hole_10 Hole 10 at Exposition Park · Aurora, CO
September 9, 2014 with a Elite Z Buzzz
$64 cash
4 witnesses
Anhyzer line on #10 @ Expo. 3 witnesses in my group plus Regan on hole 11 in front of me.
Picture of Hole_5 Hole 5 at Valmont City Park · Boulder, CO
May 31, 2014 with a Classic Soft Judge
1 witness
Aced #5 @ Valmont in a round directly following the Saturday ShootOut w/ Regan. Used my soft Judge (Judge Judy) on the downhill 144 ft hole. Caught the ace on video.
Picture of Hole_6 Hole 6 at Mylar Park · Cheyenne, WY
August 25, 2012 with a Elite Z Zombee
2 witnesses
2012 Ace Race in Cheyenne. I was playing with Brian Fought and Regan Rice and hit a short downhill shot for an ace on hole #6. Threw the prototype Ace Race disc (now labeled a Zombee) hard and flat and blew up the chains.
Picture of Hole_11 Hole 11 at Exposition Park · Aurora, CO
August 7, 2012 with a DGA ProLine Tsunami
4 witnesses
Threw my 177 weight yellow Tsunami hard and flat off to the right. The disc climbed a few flights of stairs, and then cut hard left. Clipped the branches to the front right of the basket and then blew up the chains!
Picture of Hole_16 Hole 16 at Exposition Park · Aurora, CO
July 30, 2011 with a Star San Marino Roc
1 witness
Hung this disc up hard to the right into some cross wind. The wind took the disc hard left and slammed into the chains!
Picture of Hole_2 Hole 2 at Rolling Hills Park · Hays, KS
January 21, 2002 with a DX Roc
2 witnesses
Nice soft throw on #2 at Rolling Hills in Hays KS. Hung it out over the pond and through the branches of a tree, the disc then took a hard cut left and blew up the chains! My first ever Ace!
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