Aaron Van Matre

California, USA Righty - backhand

Aaron's scores   »   Stats   »   Kensington Metropark - Toboggan Course

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Toboggan Course

· 1 holes Not played

Back Nine Twice, Short and Short · 18 holes Not played

Black Locust 18 shorts 1-18 · 18 holes Not played

driftwood league · 19 holes Not played

Long Tees OCC '22 · 18 holes Not played

Regular tees · 13 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 63 Played 9 times

60 Best score
Friends' best scores
157Douglas McIntosh
259nicholas eastman
360Aaron Van Matre
465Evan Taylor
465Dave Roper
667Ben R
776Pete Crist
+ expand list
64.0 Average score
Friends' averages
164.0Aaron Van Matre
265.0Douglas McIntosh
366.2Dave Roper
469.0Evan Taylor
469.0Ben R
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
52.7willie prince
55.3Reid Frescura
55.9JohnE McCray
57.1Shrimp Boat Captain
57.3Thomas Gilbert
57.3Zak Fortuna
57.7Jared Roan
57.7Corey Ellis
57.7George Beno
57.7Tim Barham
57.8Skyler Stoker
57.9Ben Calhoun
58.0Chris Clemons
58.0Zackeriath Johnson
58.3Andrew Marwede
58.3Brad Schick
58.3Sam Mrdeza
58.4Geoff Bennett
58.6W M
58.7Blaine Kinkel
58.7Matt Toy
58.7James Crawford
58.8jon perry
59.0Chris Warfield
59.0Robert Martinek
59.0Amateur Hour
59.2Jamie Mosier
59.3Adam Hammes
59.3Andy Martin
59.3Aaron Trimmer
59.3Daymon Pugh
59.3Chris Wojciechowski
59.4Grant Anderson
59.6Mitch Sylvain
59.7Aaron Nitz
59.7mike Rabin
59.7Ryan Herzog
59.8Daemon Stahlin
60.0Scott Tomkiewicz
60.0Noah Lantinga
60.0samuel smith
60.0A Bee
60.0Tim Weimer
60.1Jason Sosnowski
60.12 J
60.1mike herbst
60.1Brandon Bueter
60.3Mitchell Kloc
60.3bob smart
60.3Brent Streng
60.5Jeff Bauman
60.5Jared Frost
60.7Bob Gorbold
60.7Steven Jacobs
60.8Keith Tasker
60.9Noah Moorehouse
61.0Ben VanSumeren
61.0Adam Olsen
61.0Tate Handy
61.0Bart Kowalewski
61.1Tony Maccarino
61.3Jeremy Vils
61.3Danny Mowka
61.3Nicholas Rapp
61.3Jakkob Lammi
61.3- br33zy -
61.3Mike "The Giraffe" Rohloff
61.3Andrew Kaluk
61.3Pat Burke
61.4Dale Wrobel 43154
61.4Smitty the angry lefty
61.4Mark A Roberts
61.5Jerry "Chilly" Chilson
61.5John McAskin
61.6Jacob Turner
61.7Justin Whitney
61.7Kenny Glassman
61.7Adam Kann
61.7Jason Stevens
61.7Nick Crow
61.7Preston Wnuk
61.7Ryan Anderson
61.7Nate Wegryn
61.8Barry Hutton
61.8Ted Stoebling
61.8Jason Kirkaldy
61.8Jeff Coates
61.9Marty Peters
61.9Joe Gabris
62.0Jared Stoll
62.0Mike Peremba
62.0Brandon Parsons
62.0Alex Johnson
62.0chris deitzel
62.0Evan Qualls
62.0Brandon oleskie
62.0Matt Clark
62.0Ricky Wysocki
62.0Austin Cook
62.0Aaron Gabrielse
62.0Bob Julio
62.2David Bihl
62.2grant ward
62.3matt kora
62.3Ryan Adams
62.3Josh Dobbs
62.3Mitchell Winters
62.4Jim Fries
62.6Phill Diloné
62.7Cody Dockrill
62.7Kenneth Mize
62.7Alex Grimes
62.8Nate Buban
62.9Tim Gacioch
62.9ken "sega salt" moote
63.0Justin Gill
63.0Scott Reek
63.0shawn sullivan
63.0Lance Bayliss
63.0Trevor Hadden
63.0Todd Yoder-G
63.0Richard Little
63.0Joseph K
63.1Taylor Cimala
63.1Mike Rivamonte
63.2Zachary Vaughn
63.2Michael Frame
63.3Sean Bolen
63.3Kevin Jones
63.3Colin Hurley
63.3Lee Jones
63.3Brandon Theriault
63.3Sean DaCosta
63.3Tyler Kind
63.3Jeremiah Jones
63.3Tyler $ Alfano
63.3Jay B
63.3Larry LaBond
63.3Brenden Tetloff
63.3Joe Rob
63.3Brad Frase
63.4Brandon Johnson
63.4Matt Rinker
63.6Mark Lawrence
63.6Brian Shevela
63.7CJ King
63.8Michael Christian
63.8Kevin Baldwin
63.8Jon Kind
63.9Travis P
63.9Casey Cook
63.9Shane Wyatt
64.0Eric Nelson
64.0Chris Collins
64.0Matthew Kern
64.0Austin McNabb
64.0Ben Creger
64.0Jeremy Buzea
64.0Aaron Van Matre
64.0Matt Travis
64.0lyle downing
64.1Jimmy Bates
64.1David Nelson
64.2Jake Anderson
64.2Aaron Sturgeon
64.2tony mitchell
64.3Tim S
64.3Mitchell Prue
64.3Ben Ciccarelli
64.4Jacob Quiton
64.4Shaun Adkins
64.4Scott White
64.5Mike D
64.5Dave Milewski
64.7Zachary Hardham
64.7Dan Glass
64.7skip hummel
64.7Josh Taylor
64.7Matt Podlogar
64.7Ryan Brophy
64.7Erik Manidok
64.7Guy Gravitt
64.7Ryan Robertson
64.7josh schulte
64.8Chris Shegitz
65.0Blaze Tomich
65.0Josh "J. FRI." Frisinger
65.0Thomas Zinn
65.0Jim Daniels
65.0Noah Trimmer
65.0Brad Brundage
65.0Douglas McIntosh
65.2Taggart Anderson
65.2Eirik Kauserud
65.3Jeff Lisiecki
65.3andrew jose
65.3Corey Selig
65.3Andrew Tschirhart
65.3Christiaan Deasy
65.3Bryant Schroder
65.3D. Roc
65.4Mike Shpunt
65.4Jesse Cahill
65.4Rooster Robb DeHaan
65.5Justin 32K Standish
65.5John "Johnny Mac" McClenahan
65.6Chris Flaherty
65.6Daniel J Lee
65.7Jonathan Owen
65.7Caleb Meador
65.7Evan Hughes
65.9Jeremy Foor
66.0David Thomas
66.0Brad Levendosky
66.0Will Goeringer
66.0Brian Morba
66.0Derek Ballou
66.0Chris Kerns
66.1ken parks
66.1Christian Doman
66.1Aaron Birdsall
66.2Dave Roper
66.2Alex Gilson
66.2Ragna Bygde
66.2Andrew “Trout” Rusinek
66.3Trevor Thorp
66.3Charlton Craig
66.3Chris Hall
66.3Brian C
66.3Andrew Lofstrand
66.3Howie Baird
66.3Eric Best
66.3matthew rodgers
66.3Daniel BigD Lichtman
66.3Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
66.3Jason Jopps
66.6Dave Dirmeyer
66.7Ryan Koeppen
66.7Alan u
66.7Brent Sickel
66.7colin cox
66.7cory corwin
66.7Anslie Newman
66.8b murph
66.8Cavan Corcoran
66.8Brandon Redmond
66.9Joshua Bucher
67.0nicholas duke
67.0PHIlip SHelton
67.0Steve Burton
67.0Mike Fortunato
67.0Jonathan Jongekrijg
67.0Jeff "Hep-A-Ler" Hepler
67.0Dave Lassen
67.0Andy Bawol
67.1Chris Reece
67.1Jeff Novak
67.2Wade TF
67.2Nate Wheeling
67.3Scott Ransley
67.5g lane
67.5Cullen Pasquesi-Hill
67.5James Mayehem Mayes
67.7Chris "Razzy" Morgan
67.7Jon Horey
67.7Russell Taint
67.8Aaron O'Dea
67.8Paul Doherty
67.8Shane Brayton
67.9Joe Paczwa
67.9Jeremy Gibbs
68.0Tim Glass
68.0jason hummel
68.0VINCENT 25149
68.2Chad R
68.2T Pills
68.3Greg Carlen
68.3Matt Dimick
68.3Doug Marinovich
68.3Dan Oakley
68.3keith grabowski
68.3Aaron Collins
68.3Nicholas George Fucinari
68.5Ben Jackson
68.5Mike Michalak
68.6Chris Jackson
68.7Matt Parker
68.7Jon Rice
68.7Kevin Williamson
68.7Liz Carr Sypien
68.7brent moreno
68.8Henry Poth Jr.
69.0Evan Taylor
69.0Ben R
69.1Patrick Costyk
69.2J Moyer S.D.G.C.
69.3Stephen Moore
69.6Luke Palnau
69.7Bob Barker
69.7tim feldpausch
69.7Craig Downing
69.8Trevor "Doppler" Dixon
70.0Roger Vranak
70.0Scott Miller
70.0Jay Joseph
70.0ronald shufelt
70.1Adam Mitchell
70.3Course Review & Video
70.3Thomas Cupp
70.3Tom McManus
70.7ERIC Mcconnell
70.8Mike Rossell
70.8Josh Cook
70.8David Tomlinson
70.8Jeff Kaluk
71.0Eddie Ruiz
71.0Louis Caponi WPD
71.2Sarah DeMar
71.3John Davis
71.5john nosek
71.7Ryan Tibbetts
71.7Joe Olson
71.8Zack Cardenas
72.0Joey Springer
72.0Mark Prestopnik
72.0Andrew Przytulski
72.0kris bensette
72.0Matt Malcolm
72.3Greg Grootenboer
72.3Rob Stivers
72.3Hayden White
72.3Bob Walz
72.5Joey "ThaSicknaz" Gulyas
73.0Matt "The Spider" Swider
73.0Michael McMillan
73.6James Collins
73.6Brian Hyzertron Crouch
73.6steve sevonty
73.6Nick Pacific
73.6Lori Mullen
73.7Ryan ChimChim Bauer
74.0Jonathan Kirk
74.6Steve Nolff
75.0Hunter S. Dotson
75.3norm raby
76.0Garrett Graham 4G's
78.3lwwj mailman
78.3John C. Worden
81.4Audrey Griffith
82.0Mike Even
83.6Kyle Williams
85.8Robert Wagner
86.8Nicholas Richardson
87.5Kira Damusis
104.2Jeff Kuehle
183.0justin hundich
203.0Jeremy Swan
205.5Patrick Franz
335.7Ricky D
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 9-round history

Short tees OCC '22 · 18 holes Not played

Toboggan · 18 holes Not played

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