Eric Best

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Eric's scores   »   Stats   »   Memorial Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Main course

· 1 holes Not played

18 Par 54 · 18 holes Not played

BADG Tournament · 18 holes Not played

Frankenmuth Dubs · 18 holes Not played

Original 18 · 18 holes Not played

Original Nine · 9 holes Not played

Regular tees · 9 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 60 Played 5 times

45 Best score
Friends' best scores
145Eric Best
249Scott Ransley
350Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
452John "NACHO" Norkowski
452Mitchell Winters
653Daemon Stahlin
754Jeremy- Hitman- Horton
754Rob Zukatis
955Brian Wolf
1056Craig Clingan
1157Scott "Fatt Kidd" Sexton
1157Douglas McIntosh
1157Simon Porritt
+ expand list
50.4 Average score
Friends' averages
150.4Eric Best
250.8Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
351.8Scott Ransley
454.8John "NACHO" Norkowski
556.8Craig Clingan
658.3Brian Wolf
758.7Jeremy- Hitman- Horton
859.0Scott "Fatt Kidd" Sexton
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
44.8Mitchell Kloc
48.5brent guest
48.5George Beno
48.8Ryan Anderson
50.0Jason Stevens
50.3Mike D
50.3Jeremy Reisig
50.4Eric Best
50.5Kenneth Eckhoff
50.8Jeff Bauman
50.8Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
51.0Miles Hansel
51.0David Thomas
51.0Jon Kind
51.0Mike Siuda
51.3Bryan Murphy
51.3Dale Wrobel 43154
51.6Dj Hunt
51.6Paul Tribble
51.7J 96
51.8Brent Faubert
51.8mike herbst
51.8Justin Rogers
51.8Scott Ransley
52.2Alex Villanueva
52.3Bill Chapman
52.3brent moreno
52.3Jim Fries
52.6Jakkob Lammi
52.6Jason Kirkaldy
52.7Grant McMullen
52.8Tommy Mullin
52.8Austin Robishaw
52.8Nik LEhr
53.1Corbyn Blackwell
53.3Ted Stoebling
53.3Travis Smith
53.5Patrick Franz
53.5Brandon Redmond
53.6Andrew Oprea
53.8Mike Rivamonte
53.8Sean "Dizzle" Powell
53.8trevor bickel
53.9Chad moore
54.0John "Johnny Mac" McClenahan
54.0Barry Hutton
54.0billy montpas
54.1Justin Ballard
54.3Austin Cook
54.3Kenneth Mize
54.4Creg Hartman
54.4D. Roc
54.4Jeff Bonn
54.5David Lewis
54.8John "NACHO" Norkowski
54.8Scott Spencer
54.8Ryan Duffy
54.8Brenden Tetloff
55.0Rad Sawer
55.1Gregg Gugel
55.3Nate Wheeling
55.3Keith Tasker
55.5Tom Wagner
55.5Shane Miller
55.5Tom Taylor
55.5Matthew Murdock
55.6Buffalo Sanders
55.7Justin McCauley
55.7Will Goeringer
55.7Chad Richardson
55.7Jared Mose
55.8Nicholas Ziemer
55.9William "Dub" Stacey
56.0William Freed
56.0Matty Ko
56.1Brian Reisig
56.2caine wiechmann
56.3Nick Phlegar
56.3Cody Vanhevel
56.3S Fox
56.3colin cox
56.3Gary Taylor
56.6Dan Jenkins
56.7Christopher Koontz
56.7Josh Hanson
56.7Cory King
56.8Craig Clingan
56.8Josh Bickel
57.0Scott 'bernie' Burnham
57.0Brandon Neal
57.0Brandon Johnson
57.1Anthony Morgan
57.2Dave Milewski
57.3Jason Kibbe
57.3Kevin Moncman
57.4Moe Dixon
57.5Chris Arnett
57.5Jon Camp
57.6kyle colden
57.6Corey Fisher
57.7Mike Wolters
57.7Justin Thomas
57.7Rich Roberts
57.8Tony Rohrer
58.0Don Warfield
58.0Paul Grasso
58.3Tye Krukowski
58.3Jason "raffle Bagger" Phillips
58.3Course Review & Video
58.3Brian Wolf
58.7Andrew Hughes
58.7Jeremy- Hitman- Horton
58.8Ben W
58.8Oscar Gutierrez
58.8Kevin Eggy Egnatoski WPD
59.0Scott "Fatt Kidd" Sexton
59.0Justin Miller
59.1Jeff Hill
59.3Mathias Miller
59.3Ezra Short
59.3Brad Richardson
59.7Jeff McGuire
59.7Stan Hernandez
59.7Curt McGill
60.0James Preston
60.2Jonah Butterfield
60.3Ben Carter
60.3Paul DISC-OR-DIE Holstein
60.3KC Griffin
60.3Steve Brown
60.4Mike Jerisk
60.4Rob Jerisk
60.7Brett Holicki
60.9Nathan Eurick
61.0Jon Peters
61.0Greg Festian
61.3Chuck Zaziski
61.4Ryan Owens
61.9Mike Jaskiewicz
62.5Lorin M
62.7Randy Gallagher
62.8Josh Seaver
63.1Kody Slough
63.3Chris Leo
63.3Justin French
63.7Brando Banner
63.7Mike A
63.9adam woolridge
63.9Ian Palmer
64.0Dirk van Galen
64.0JT Reynolds
64.1Matt Homan
64.1Andrew Custer
64.2Dan Kischnick
64.5Jessica Oleskie
64.5michael hutchisson
65.0Jeremy Kern
65.3Josh Russell
65.4Dead Sexy Mexy
66.3Michael Moline
66.3Jim Jean
66.3Juan Palomares
66.5Erik "The Pickle" Pickelman
66.6jj Trudeau
66.7jeff j
66.8Mark Stephens
66.9Adam Couture
67.0Matt Jones
69.3Jeremy Johnson
69.5Dan Mount
70.0Mitch Averill
70.7terry l gibbs
71.0Andrew Poellet
75.7tyler parrent
77.0John "Santa" Herman
78.7Josh Kribs
85.4Scott Ellingson
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 5-round history

Scorecard / Post Pars · 18 holes Not played

Tournament Layout · 24 holes Not played

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