Eric Best

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Eric's scores   »   Stats   »   Earl W. Brewer Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Blue course

2018 Grand Rapids Championship long tees Par 59 · 18 holes Not played

2019 GR Championship long tees · 18 holes Not played

2019 GR Championship shorts on 6,7,8,17,18 · 18 holes Not played

Brewer Champion · 1 holes Not played

Brewer Family 9 · 9 holes Not played

Brewer South with Short 6 · 18 holes Not played

Championship with Short 6-8, 13, 17 · 18 holes Not played

Championship with Shorts (6,7,8,13,17,18) · 18 holes Not played

Dry North · 13 holes Not played

North Course · 18 holes Not played

Regular tees · 9 holes · Par 0 Played once

27 Best score
Friends' best scores
119Steve Hedstrom
221Andy Pioszak
422Scott Ransley
422Jason Brower
624Craig Downing
624David Munro
624Corey Kieft
624Robert Crosby
1025Brad Brundage
1127Dave Hartung
1127Eric Best
+ expand list
27.0 Average score
Friends' averages
123.3Steve Hedstrom
223.6Andy Pioszak
327.0Eric Best
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
20.5Zachary Vaughn
20.7Zac Orleskie
21.2Nate Best
21.7Zech Leon
21.7Jacob Kroll
21.7Nick Bosovich
22.5David Hedstrom
22.5Jeff Kuehle
22.7Michael Marr
22.8Bobby Schram
22.8Adam Valk
23.0Brian Hunt
23.3Steve Hedstrom
23.6Andy Pioszak
23.6sascha k
23.8,, ..
24.0Cyndi Allen
24.1Leif Hollis
24.3michel keeton
24.3Sam Lent
24.3Joe Reed
24.3Daryl Davis
24.3chad bouwens
24.6Greg Festian
24.7Daniel Ruppert
24.7Brad Fuller
24.7Jim Rouse
24.7Joal Kozma
24.7Jeff White
24.9dan carrigan
25.0Rob Slater
25.0Scott Buchholz
25.0Matt Elgersma - iDisc for VEDS
25.2Wade TF
25.3Shaky jake
25.4Jerry Thacker
25.5Justin Kutz
25.8Hits Trees
26.0Joshua Boeringa
26.2Dylan Schreiner
26.3Rayce Hawes
26.3Randy Shreve
26.4Kasandra "Tank Girl" Fox
26.5Anthony Mentalewicz
26.9patricio gonzalez III
26.9Zac Bouwens
27.0Bob Walz
27.1Justin Hulsebos
27.1Bartholomew J. Hoppenscrotch
32.0Allison Festian
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Short 6-8, 13, 17, · 18 holes Not played

Shorts 6-8, 13, · 18 holes Not played

Shorts 6-8, 13, 17, · 18 holes Not played

South Course · 18 holes Not played

South Course - Shortened #3, 6 and 16 · 18 holes Not played

White course

Ice Bowl 2014 · 18 holes Not played

Regular tees · 9 holes · Par 0 Played once

28 Best score
Friends' best scores
123David Munro
123Steve Hedstrom
424Brad Brundage
424Andy Pioszak
625Mike Kemp
625Jason Brower
826Scott Ransley
826Dave Hartung
1028Eric Best
+ expand list
28.0 Average score
Friends' averages
126.4Steve Hedstrom
228.0Eric Best
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
23.0Zach Straayer
23.0Nate Best
23.3Zachary Vaughn
24.5Jacob Kroll
24.6Jeff Kuehle
25.0Nick Bosovich
25.2Adam Valk
25.8Michael Marr
25.9sascha k
26.2Joal Kozma
26.2David Hedstrom
26.4Daryl Davis
26.4Steve Hedstrom
26.7Brian Hunt
26.7Wade TF
27.0Luke Baker
27.0Andy Pacanovsky
27.0Matt Elgersma - iDisc for VEDS
27.0Greg Festian
27.5Kevin J Kinney
27.8,, ..
28.0Rob Slater
28.0Dan DeWall
28.0Pete Kurnat
28.0Daniel Ruppert
28.0Jeff White
28.8Joe Reed
29.0Justin Hulsebos
29.2Sam Lent
29.4Hits Trees
29.4Leif Hollis
29.4Bob Walz
29.5dan carrigan
29.6patricio gonzalez III
29.6Zac Bouwens
29.9Jerry Thacker
30.0Randy Shreve
30.3Bartholomew J. Hoppenscrotch
30.7chad bouwens
31.2Dylan Schreiner
34.0Rayce Hawes
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Safari · 23 holes Not played

Red course

Regular tees · 9 holes · Par 0 Played once

25 Best score
Friends' best scores
123Scott Ransley
123Craig Downing
123Anthony Lewis
424Brad Brundage
525Eric Best
525Mike Kemp
525Steve Hedstrom
826Dave Hartung
826David Munro
1028Andy Pioszak
+ expand list
25.0 Average score
Friends' averages
125.0Eric Best
226.0Brad Brundage
328.1Steve Hedstrom
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
23.3Jacob Kroll
24.1Jeff Kuehle
25.2Nick Bosovich
25.3Eric Trierweiler
25.7Brad Fuller
25.7Joal Kozma
26.0Brad Brundage
26.1Wade TF
26.3Thomas Malkewitz
26.8Jeff White
27.0Rob Slater
27.6Adam Valk
27.8Michael Marr
28.0Justin Hulsebos
28.1Steve Hedstrom
28.3Zach Straayer
28.3Hits Trees
28.4Daryl Davis
28.4Greg Festian
28.6,, ..
28.7Sam Lent
28.7David Williams
28.8Brian Hunt
28.8Anthony Mentalewicz
29.3Bob Walz
29.6dan carrigan
30.0Daniel Ruppert
30.7Kasandra "Tank Girl" Fox
31.0Matthew Mickey
31.0Jerry Thacker
33.3Randy Shreve
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Regular tees 2x · 18 holes Not played

Gold course

Regular tees · 9 holes · Par 0 Played once

26 Best score
Friends' best scores
122Brad Brundage
223David Munro
223Andy Pioszak
426Dave Hartung
426Eric Best
426Steve Hedstrom
728Scott Ransley
+ expand list
26.0 Average score
Friends' averages
124.0Brad Brundage
226.0Andy Pioszak
226.0Eric Best
427.8Steve Hedstrom
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
24.0Brad Brundage
24.2Jacob Kroll
26.0Adam Valk
26.0Andy Pioszak
26.4Nick Bosovich
26.5Michael Marr
26.8Jeff Kuehle
26.8Jeff White
27.3Brian Hunt
27.3Greg Festian
27.8Steve Hedstrom
28.0Luke Baker
28.7Kevin J Kinney
29.0Sam Lent
29.8Daryl Davis
29.9,, ..
30.3dan carrigan
30.8Bob Walz
31.7Randy Shreve
33.3patricio gonzalez III
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Regular tees 2x · 18 holes Not played

North course

GRDoD High/Low Doubles 24 Hole Layout · 24 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played once

57 Best score
Friends' best scores
245Reid Frescura
347Andy Pioszak
448EMR - MUMS a Million
550Corey Kieft
651Kevin Baldwin
651Jason Brower
651Doug Diekman
651Rex Loveless III
1052Ray Vincent
1154Steve Hedstrom
1255Sean Morgan
1255Peter Montalvo
1457Dave Hartung
1457Andy McLeod
1457Eric Best
1758Claribel Martinez
1870Kira Damusis
+ expand list
57.0 Average score
Friends' averages
145.7D TREE
249.3Reid Frescura
352.6Jason Brower
453.6Andy Pioszak
553.7Doug Diekman
654.8Rex Loveless III
756.8Peter Montalvo
857.0Eric Best
958.8Steve Hedstrom
1065.8Claribel Martinez
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
44.3Tim Barham
45.7D TREE
46.2Sam Mrdeza
46.7Scott Benting
46.9jon perry
47.3Jamie Mosier
47.3willie prince
48.3jay cole
48.3Miles Hansel
48.8Bret Good
48.9Randy Rosendall
49.3sam vandergraaf
49.3Reid Frescura
49.4Dickie Prince
50.1Chad Hutchison
50.3matt dehaan
50.3Tyler Sherman
50.6Nick Bosovich
50.7Victor Wahl
50.8cody landers
50.8Aaron Westers
50.9Kyle Klein
50.9pete reaume
51.0Jerry Stoken
51.1Mitchell bauer
51.2Dave Hamlin
51.3Cassidy Brigham
51.4James Laur
51.4Eric Crandle
51.7Michael Jaguar-Paw Sharkey
51.7Nate Cavanaugh
51.9Jeremy Henry
52.0Jacob Spencer
52.3Tasi Forgwe
52.6Jason Brower
52.6Noah Lantinga
52.7Zachary Hardham
52.8Ty Ferris
53.0James W
53.0Stan Razmus
53.0Brandon Ter Meer
53.0Delos Rockwell
53.2Michael Marr
53.3Lawrence Leonardi
53.6Andy Pioszak
53.7Doug Diekman
53.7Dakota Roc
53.8andy dedonado
53.8Brandon Griffin
53.8Tyler Berg
53.8Peter Billings
54.0Cory Whitten
54.0Justin Phillips
54.0josh diaz
54.1matt schultz
54.2Andrew R
54.2Jeff Posati
54.2Chad Reil
54.2William Oostdyk
54.2Gary Bodell
54.3John Gomez
54.3Isaac Cox
54.3keith otis
54.3Jeff England
54.4Trevor Balfour
54.4Chris Melinn
54.5Andy Semanson
54.8joel featherly
54.8Rex Loveless III
54.9Derrick Andrews
54.9Steve Klasen
55.0John Hendrickson
55.0josh yates
55.0Rob Brower
55.1Aaron DeWeerd
55.2Evan Brogan
55.2Frank "Chip" Youmans
55.3Tim P
55.3William Gilbert
55.3Eric Karloski
55.5ray crosby
55.6William Weideman
55.6Nick Simon
55.7Brad Anderson
55.7Sue Stephens
55.8Marc Sobota
55.8Ken Hall
55.8Doug Klein
55.8Jim Boersma
55.9Evan Timm
56.0Blake Ingalls
56.0Joe LaFollette
56.1Corey Matthysse
56.3Marty Ruthruff
56.3Justin Smith
56.3Charles Young
56.3Anthony Tracy
56.5Mario Martinez
56.5Eric Klein
56.5Phillip rice
56.5Brandon Sorensen
56.5Doug Smith
56.6Robert Murphy
56.7Damon Noteboom
56.7Brandon Schmuker
56.7Bryan Earvin
56.7Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler
56.8Ryan Moulton
56.8Peter Montalvo
56.8Nick Comdure
56.8James Snyder
57.0Jon Bigelow
57.0Lee Shepich
57.0Brian Pantelin
57.0Scott Johnson
57.0ezequiel garza
57.0Zachary Stuefen
57.1dan milligan
57.1Tyler Frisbie
57.3Dave Davies
57.4Tyler Moore
57.4Matt Alofs
57.4Andrew McBride
57.8Ivan Marston
57.9Dan Hertgers
57.9Chris Markel
58.0Andrew Pastoor
58.0Joel Cook
58.0Jason Storm
58.0christopher rogalewski
58.0Josh "YELLOW BAND" Boggs
58.0Bren Crowe
58.3Brian Reyva
58.3Nick Kohn
58.4Lucas Rewa
58.4Chad Cole
58.4Fred Vocino
58.5Matt Walthorn
58.5Gerald Rawlings
58.6Bryan Van Til
58.8Adam Beers
58.8josh christenson
58.8Steve Hedstrom
58.9Shane Timmerman
59.0deb c
59.0Steven D. Fenrich
59.3Collin OBrien
59.3Lee Kenyon II
59.3Felipe"flip" valdez
59.3mike hammer
59.3Jeremy "Grimm" Neff
59.4Rick Marritt
59.5Wayne Baker
59.5Niel Stoppa II
59.7Zoltan Kocsondy
59.7Jerry Smith
59.8Chris sias
59.8Luke Schafer
59.8Tyler Cole
59.8wayne m
60.0Josh Kingsbury
60.0Amy Shassberger
60.2john blair
60.3Robert Scribner
60.3Jose Garza
60.3Michael Zylstra
60.4Mike Frank
60.4,, ..
60.5Jake Martin
60.6Alex Schackow
60.7Adam Sikkenga
60.7Sunil Unikkat
60.9Dean kindle
60.9Kyle Phillips
61.0Kris Lohraff
61.1Cyndi Allen
61.3Jason Ponchahar
61.6Brad Buntjer
61.8Chadwick Smith
62.0Jeff H
62.2Terry a.k.a Cajin. barfield
62.3Randy Shreve
62.3Alex Hull
62.4Tim Kamradt
62.7brian canning
62.8Gregory Meade
62.8James Worke
62.8Erica Shepich
63.3Brianna Kingsbury
63.3Sarah Morris
63.3Shea Abbgy
63.5Casey Kroll
64.0Lucas Leaf
64.1Wesley Steer
64.3Ryan Boyum
64.5Michele Klasen
64.6Donald Stephens
64.8david behro
65.8Claribel Martinez
66.0Bob Nerli
66.1Richard Frederick
66.7Chanda Prince
67.0Dorothy Groelsma
68.0Jarrod Taylor
68.2Alan Moll
68.2Marc Joldersma
68.3Cyle Slater
70.0Brandon Braisted
70.2Danielle Smith
71.8Jamie Cusack
72.3Nicole Tol
72.9Stephanie Barfield
76.9Amy Markel
78.6Tammy Burrows
80.8Kellie Slawson
83.5Sean Lance
86.2Arika Yates
95.1Tracy J Marritt
104.8Sancho Valdez
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Youth 9 Hole · 18 holes Not played

Youth 9 Hole · 54 holes Not played

South course

2016 GRDoD High/Low Doubles · 22 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played once

52 Best score
Friends' best scores
248Andy Pioszak
349Reid Frescura
349Doug Diekman
349Rex Loveless III
650Peter Montalvo
751Jason Brower
852Eric Best
953Sean Morgan
953Kevin Baldwin
953Steve Hedstrom
1255Corey Kieft
1356Andy McLeod
1457Dave Hartung
1561Claribel Martinez
1667Kira Damusis
+ expand list
52.0 Average score
Friends' averages
147.6D TREE
251.0Reid Frescura
352.0Eric Best
453.0Jason Brower
555.0Rex Loveless III
655.3Doug Diekman
755.6Andy Pioszak
855.8Peter Montalvo
956.6Steve Hedstrom
1064.8Claribel Martinez
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
43.7Tim Barham
45.0matt dehaan
45.5jon perry
47.6D TREE
47.7Jamie Mosier
47.7Kyle Klein
48.7Jason Kirkaldy
48.9willie prince
49.0sam vandergraaf
49.5Miles Hansel
50.0Scott Benting
50.0Zachary Vaughn
50.0Dave Hamlin
50.0Chad Hutchison
50.2Randy Rosendall
50.3Zachary Hardham
51.0Reid Frescura
51.1pete reaume
51.1Sancho Valdez
51.2James Laur
51.3Tim Wood
51.3Cody Taplin
51.3Marc Sobota
51.3Bret Good
51.3Nick Bosovich
51.5Brandon Hewitt
51.5Aaron Westers
51.6Mitchell bauer
51.7Marc Burnett
51.7Cory Whitten
51.8Sean Holcomb
51.9Derrick Andrews
52.0Dennis DeBoer
52.1Ken Hall
52.2Tim Wiersma
52.2Jacob Kroll
52.2John Gomez
52.3Mike Pete
52.3Jeff White
52.6Dickie Prince
52.7Justin Phillips
52.7Tyler Sherman
52.8joel featherly
53.0Stan Razmus
53.0Jason Brower
53.1Ty Ferris
53.2Eric Crandle
53.2John Hendrickson
53.3Tialor Byrne
53.4Frank "Chip" Youmans
53.5Will Boekeloo
53.5Noah Lantinga
53.5Jeremy Henry
53.5Chris Melinn
53.7Andrew R
53.8Corey Matthysse
53.9Victor Wahl
54.0Tasi Forgwe
54.0William Oostdyk
54.1Michael Marr
54.2James W
54.2Jeff England
54.3Lawrence Leonardi
54.5Eric Klein
54.5Zachary Stuefen
54.6Steve Klasen
54.7Gregory Meade
54.7ray crosby
54.8JON T
54.9keith otis
54.9Andy Semanson
54.9Peter Billings
55.0Rex Loveless III
55.1Brandon Sorensen
55.2Rob Brower
55.3William Gilbert
55.3Doug Diekman
55.3Eric Karloski
55.3Gary Bodell
55.4Brandon Ter Meer
55.4Evan Brogan
55.4Evan Timm
55.6Tyler Moore
55.6Andy Pioszak
55.7Ryan Moulton
55.7Jeff Posati
55.7Nick Simon
55.8Peter Montalvo
55.8Aaron DeWeerd
56.0Cassidy Brigham
56.0Isaac Cox
56.0Bill Jolliffe
56.2Robert Murphy
56.3Alex raguckis
56.3Nick Comdure
56.3Charles Young
56.3Bren Crowe
56.4Trevor Balfour
56.4Doug Smith
56.5Joe LaFollette
56.5Jon Bigelow
56.6Delos Rockwell
56.6Steve Hedstrom
56.7Michael Jaguar-Paw Sharkey
56.8mike hammer
56.8Tyler Berg
57.0josh yates
57.0Lee Shepich
57.0Scott Johnson
57.0Doug Klein
57.0dan milligan
57.1Chad Cole
57.1James Snyder
57.1Matt Walthorn
57.2Alex Hull
57.3brian canning
57.3josh diaz
57.4Luke Schafer
57.4andy dedonado
57.4Bryan Van Til
57.4christopher rogalewski
57.4Jim Boersma
57.4Josh "YELLOW BAND" Boggs
57.5Andrew Pastoor
57.6matt schultz
57.7Tom Bos
57.7Erick Mast
57.7Dean kindle
57.7ezequiel garza
57.8Sue Stephens
57.9Jason Storm
58.0Sunil Unikkat
58.0Fred Vocino
58.3Nate Smith
58.3josh christenson
58.3Marty Ruthruff
58.3Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler
58.4Matt Alofs
58.6Michael Zylstra
58.6Bryan Earvin
58.7Damon Noteboom
58.7Austin McKay
58.7john blair
59.0Adam Beers
59.0Anthony Tracy
59.0Brian Pantelin
59.2Brandon Lyons
59.2Chris Markel
59.3Dave Davies
59.3Steven D. Fenrich
59.5James Worke
59.7JP Wolf
59.8Lee Kenyon II
59.8Gerald Rawlings
59.9Mario Martinez
60.0Jeremy "Grimm" Neff
60.0Robert Scribner
60.0Jake Martin
60.1Tyler Frisbie
60.2Chad Reil
60.3deb c
60.3Rick Marritt
60.4Chris sias
60.4,, ..
60.6Nick Kohn
60.8Shane Timmerman
61.0Zoltan Kocsondy
61.0Dan Hertgers
61.0Lucas Rewa
61.0Josh Kingsbury
61.0Andrew McBride
61.2Lucas Leaf
61.3Kris Lohraff
61.3Shea Abbgy
61.4Adam Sikkenga
61.5Brianna Kingsbury
61.6Ivan Marston
61.6Niel Stoppa II
61.8Travis Wible
61.8Jason Ponchahar
61.9Jerry Smith
62.0Jeff H
62.0Tim Kamradt
62.2wayne m
62.3Warren K
62.8Jose Garza
63.0Brian Reyva
63.0Kyle Phillips
63.0Mike Frank
63.5Wesley Steer
64.0Alan Moll
64.0Chadwick Smith
64.8Claribel Martinez
64.8Brad Buntjer
64.9Cyndi Allen
65.2david behro
65.4Cyle Slater
65.5Terry a.k.a Cajin. barfield
66.0Casey Kroll
66.7Erica Shepich
66.8tod more
67.3zach Bessey
67.4Donald Stephens
67.8Scott Pohler
68.0Michele Klasen
68.4Dorothy Groelsma
69.0craig fricke
69.2Richard Frederick
69.6Bob Nerli
69.7Marc Joldersma
70.7Jarrod Taylor
71.3Nicole Tol
71.8Brandon Braisted
71.8Danielle Smith
72.7Stephanie Barfield
73.6Amy Markel
74.3Jamie Cusack
77.3Theresa Geil
79.3Tammera L
79.5Kellie Slawson
80.3Tammy Burrows
88.0Arika Yates
92.0Tracy J Marritt
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

South Course - Shortened #3, 6 and 16 · 18 holes Not played

Championship course

Championship + Family · 27 holes Not played

Championship Short Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees · 18 holes Not played

Gold Tees (MPO) · 18 holes Not played

mixed reds and golds · 21 holes Not played

Red Tees RCO 2023 · 18 holes Not played

Reds · 18 holes Not played

Reds · 18 holes Not played

Reds Rd2 · 18 holes Not played

Reds Rd3 · 18 holes Not played

Roaming 1 · 17 holes Not played

RRD#2 · 18 holes Not played

Family course

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