Mathias Miller

Michigan, USA Righty - backhand

Mathias' scores

Mathias has posted 55 scores at 19 courses.
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-15 41
June 25, ‘14
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
July 17, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
July 10, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-7 49
June 26, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 70
May 26, ‘13
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills, Rolling Tourney 24 short layout, 24 holes
+1 74
May 26, ‘13
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills, Rolling Tourney 24 short layout, 24 holes
+5 78
May 26, ‘13
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
+8 81
May 26, ‘13
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
-3 53
May 22, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 51
May 15, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 50
May 8, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+11 65
March 30, ‘13
Hawthorne Park, The Thorne, Hawthorne Essentials, 18 holes
+7 61
March 30, ‘13
Hawthorne Park, The Thorne, Hawthorne Essentials, 18 holes
-4 65
March 6, ‘13
La Mirada Regional Park, Lakeside, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 34 45 46 37 38 29 310 411 312 413 414 515 416 517 318 3Out 65 / -4
-1 55
February 24, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 53
February 24, ‘13
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+14 68
February 9, ‘13
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 51
February 9, ‘13
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Short tees, 18 holes
+2 56
January 5, ‘13
Grand Woods Park, Main course, Winter layout. Begin on hole 17, 18 holes
+3 57
January 5, ‘13
Grand Woods Park, Main course, Winter layout. Begin on hole 17, 18 holes
-7 49
November 9, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
nice november day, discs were flying beautifuly!!!
1 32 33 34 35 26 27 38 39 310 311 212 313 314 215 316 217 218 4Out 49 / -7
+11 74
October 28, ‘12
Sleepy Hollow State Park, ICO 2012, 21 holes
+10 73
October 28, ‘12
Sleepy Hollow State Park, ICO 2012, 21 holes
+1 55
October 13, ‘12
Riverside Park, Main course, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 34 35 36 37 38 39 210 311 412 313 414 315 416 317 218 3Out 55 / +1
E 54
September 3, ‘12
Central Michigan University, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 27 38 39 310 311 412 313 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 54 / E
+5 59
September 3, ‘12
Deerfield Park, Deerfield, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 37 38 49 310 411 412 313 314 315 316 317 218 4Out 59 / +5
+7 61
August 24, ‘12
Silver Mountain, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 412 313 314 415 316 317 418 319 3Out 61 / +7
-5 51
August 15, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 50
August 8, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-9 47
August 1, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 52
July 29, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+7 61
July 29, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
-15 41
July 18, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Doubles round
1 22 23 34 35 26 27 28 39 210 211 212 313 214 215 216 217 218 3Out 41 / -15
-1 53
July 14, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 28 49 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 418 2Out 53 / -1
-1 59
July 10, ‘12
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 24 35 46 37 38 39 210 311 412 413 414 315 316 417 418 2Out 59 / -1
-8 48
June 27, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Doubles round
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 38 39 210 211 212 313 214 215 316 217 218 3Out 48 / -8
-6 50
June 26, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 25 36 27 38 39 410 211 312 413 214 315 316 217 218 3Out 50 / -6
-3 53
June 25, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 48 39 310 211 212 413 314 315 316 217 318 3Out 53 / -3
+3 57
June 23, ‘12
McCurdy Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 411 312 413 414 315 316 317 318 3Out 57 / +3
+8 84
June 15, ‘12
Holly Woods, 24 Holes, 24 holes
1 42 33 34 45 36 47 48 49 310 311 312 313 414 415 516 517 318 219 420 321 322 423 324 3Out 84 / +8
+4 58
June 2, ‘12
Central Park, Long tees (1-18), 18 holes
1 32 43 44 35 46 47 38 29 410 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 58 / +4
-7 49
May 25, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
New PR!
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 211 212 313 214 315 216 317 318 3Out 49 / -7
-1 53
May 23, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 410 311 312 313 314 315 216 217 418 3Out 53 / -1
-4 52
May 22, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 46 37 38 39 210 311 212 413 214 315 216 217 218 5Out 52 / -4
-4 52
May 19, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 27 38 49 310 411 312 313 214 215 216 317 218 3Out 52 / -4
-5 51
May 11, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 211 312 313 214 215 216 217 318 4Out 51 / -5
-3 57
May 11, ‘12
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 58 39 310 311 312 313 414 415 316 317 218 2Out 57 / -3
-1 53
May 8, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 24 45 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 214 315 316 317 318 2Out 53 / -1
-3 53
April 28, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 24 45 36 37 48 39 310 211 212 313 214 315 216 317 318 3Out 53 / -3
+2 62
April 25, ‘12
Memorial Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 53 34 35 36 37 48 39 410 411 412 313 414 315 516 317 218 2Out 62 / +2
+8 62
April 15, ‘12
Chippewa Banks, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 35 46 47 38 29 510 311 412 413 414 315 216 317 318 3Out 62 / +8
-5 51
April 11, ‘12
Tittabawassee Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 36 37 38 29 310 311 212 313 314 315 316 217 318 3Out 51 / -5
+2 56
April 6, ‘12
The Pines, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 418 3Out 56 / +2
+6 60
January 6, ‘12
El Dorado Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 48 49 310 311 312 313 414 415 316 417 318 3Out 60 / +6
+11 65
December 31, ‘11
Huntington Beach Central Park, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 46 37 48 39 410 311 412 413 414 415 316 417 318 4Out 65 / +11
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