Braden Black

Indiana, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Braden's scores

Braden has posted 10 scores at 5 courses.
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-2 73
September 1, ‘24
Rum Village Park, Rum Village 25 Hole Layout, 25 holes
+5 73
April 30, ‘23
George Wilson Park, Combined Long, 21 holes
-3 55
April 29, ‘23
Lake Arvesta Farms, Arvesta Yellow - 3CC Layout 2022, 18 holes
First ma3 win: Round 2
-7 51
April 29, ‘23
Lake Arvesta Farms, Arvesta Yellow - 3CC Layout 2022, 18 holes
First MA3 singles win: Round 1
-10 63
April 15, ‘23
George Wilson Park, George Wilson 24 Holes, 24 holes
Doubles round Tournament George Wilson Doubles
First Doubles Tourney: 2nd Round (1st place overall!)
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38 29 210 311 312 213 314 3A 2B 3C 2D 2E 3F 315 216 217 318 3Out 63 / -10
-9 64
April 15, ‘23
George Wilson Park, George Wilson 24 Holes, 24 holes
Doubles round Tournament George Wilson Doubles
First Doubles Tourney: Round 1 (Tied 3rd)
1 22 33 34 35 26 47 38 29 310 311 212 213 314 2A 2B 3C 3D 3E 3F 315 316 217 218 3Out 64 / -9
+1 74
March 25, ‘23
George Wilson Park, George Wilson 24 Holes, 24 holes
Tournament Sloppy Seconds
The weather was TERRIBLE. Worst conditions I have ever played in.
1 42 33 24 35 36 37 48 39 210 211 312 213 514 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 5F 315 316 317 318 3Out 74 / +1
-1 53
September 11, ‘22
River Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 59
September 11, ‘22
Lake Arvesta Farms, Arvesta Yellow - 3CC Layout 2022, 18 holes
+6 67
September 11, ‘22
Lake Township Park, SRDGC - 2022 Third Coast Championship, 20 holes
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