Alexander Anderson

Illinois, USA Righty - backhand

Alexander's scores

Alexander has posted 19 scores at 7 courses.
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-9 56
April 28, ‘24
Walnut DGC, Walnut Open 2024, 21 holes
-7 58
April 28, ‘24
Walnut DGC, Walnut Open 2024, 21 holes
-4 50
April 6, ‘24
Camden Park, Main course, White tees (mid), 18 holes
-2 57
April 6, ‘24
Camden Park, Additional course, DGMT Camden 2, 18 holes
-4 60
March 30, ‘24
Peninsula Park, Blue tee pad assignments, 19 holes
-5 57
March 30, ‘24
Peninsula Park, Red tee pad assignments, 19 holes
-1 63
April 15, ‘23
Peninsula Park, Round 2 MPO and MA1 only - 8083 feet, 19 holes
-5 57
April 15, ‘23
Peninsula Park, Round 1 everyone and round 2 everyone excluding MPO and MA1 - 6969 fee, 19 holes
-9 55
October 15, ‘22
Peninsula Park, Every division plays from the red tee pads both rounds, 20 holes
-2 62
October 15, ‘22
Peninsula Park, Every division plays from the red tee pads both rounds, 20 holes
-3 58
May 1, ‘22
Peninsula Park, Sunday Peninsula Layout Blue Tee Pads, 18 holes
-1 56
May 1, ‘22
Altmaier Family Park, Altmaier Layout Saturday Only, 18 holes
-8 51
May 1, ‘22
Peninsula Park, Saturday Peninsula Layout Red Tee Pads, 18 holes
-6 53
April 24, ‘21
Peninsula Park, Red tee pads both rounds, 18 holes
-10 49
April 24, ‘21
Peninsula Park, Red tee pads both rounds, 18 holes
-1 53
May 18, ‘19
Clark Park, Hornet's Nest DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
May 18, ‘19
Clark Park, Hornet's Nest DGC, Regular tees, 18 holes
+1 62
August 5, ‘17
Sugar Bottom Rec Area, Second Round, 20 holes
-5 55
August 5, ‘17
Sugar Bottom Rec Area, First Round, 20 holes
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