tony aimone

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Bob McAlister Any aces yet bro? we still got this rivalry... Aug 7, 2012
Bob McAlister That Burke Lake course looks cool, is it a 9 hole? Most of the courses here in OR are pretty tough, I'd like to get back to the Shine and see how i've improved. Still waiting on that ace to end this rivalry! Feb 28, 2012
Bob McAlister Yo dude, how the east coast disc? Feb 28, 2012
Travis Johncock What up Tony, haven't seen ya in a while, come on out and play some time! Feb 19, 2012
leftronics Davis In a tourney sun, you wanna come Nov 17, 2011
leftronics Davis Work Sat? Nov 16, 2011
leftronics Davis Tone loc what up player, u coming to burke sat!! Nov 9, 2011
leftronics Davis Made it home alive, barely, red as a lobster too, we still grange'n it tomorrow? Sep 4, 2011
leftronics Davis Sorry to seem like I had my grumpy pants on there but to explain all the talking I do on boards here is threw my phone but to do the scores I need to be on an actual computer, today I'm going to try to sneak on the one here at work and do them lol Sep 2, 2011
leftronics Davis Tony shut your face, I'm a busy man, and I have no internet access at home, the scores will be up when I have time most likely today, dont hammer a dude running a free club Sep 2, 2011
tony aimone I'm gonna go early to giles today and practice putt. Aug 30, 2011
leftronics Davis Nice shooting with ya today, threw well on the back Aug 26, 2011
leftronics Davis Damn I'm never gonna lose this 7 tag ! Lol Aug 18, 2011
Bob McAlister Yo Tony! How's it going over on that coast? Aug 12, 2011
leftronics Davis Ton loc where you at kid Jul 6, 2011
leftronics Davis You coming to dubz at loriella sat? Jun 22, 2011
leftronics Davis What up, caught your score at Pohick yesterday not to shabby, I ended up -2, were gonna be in nc all weekend at brenifers LOL, he said you was was working that's why you can't come, well catch up with u next week tho...peace Jun 2, 2011
leftronics Davis Aimone where u at son!!! Jun 1, 2011
leftronics Davis good job on defending that tag! you playing again soon? i think leagues are gonna be at bluemont wednesday May 15, 2011
leftronics Davis Looks like your getting lots of golf in! You on for tomorrow? May 13, 2011
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