Nick Schultz

Righty - Backhand and forehand

Nick's scores   »   Stats   »   Punderson State Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Friends of Punderson DGC

· 1 holes Not played

· 1 holes Not played

· 1 holes Not played

2019 Glow Throw · 26 holes Not played

2019 Glow Throw · 26 holes Not played

2021 TWP Red 22 Hole Layou · 1 holes Not played

2021 TWP Red 22 Hole Layou · 1 holes Not played

27 Holes Long(blue tees from 2a,3a,6a,16a,18a) · 27 holes Not played

27 Red/White to A · 27 holes Not played

Best of Punderson · 18 holes Not played

Blue Long w/ 3 Gold · 18 holes · Par 70 Played 8 times

67 Best score
Friends' best scores
167Nick Schultz
269Joe Cruz
371Brian Parsons
474Larry Bright Jr.
474Frank Lyons
675Ryan "Tuni" P
675Kyle Schaechterle
675Brian Shega
675Greg Garrett
675Michael Carlile
1176PK Deaner
1176Bill Perry
1377Ben Bramwell
1478Greg Platt
1478Chris Warfield
1679Bill Vaughn
1781Ryan Flanagan
1882Andy Morrison
1882Jason Parsons
1882Mike Thomas
2183James Humphrey
2183Bill Harris
2183Andrew Greenslade
2484Bill Adamini
2484Mark Festi
2685Nate Blake
2787Jordan Verbiak
2890Shawn Randall Jr
29101eric " Sharky " boyd
+ expand list
73.3 Average score
Friends' averages
173.3Nick Schultz
274.0Joe Cruz
374.7Frank Lyons
475.6Brian Parsons
577.0Kyle Schaechterle
679.4PK Deaner
779.6Larry Bright Jr.
880.3Ryan "Tuni" P
880.3Ben Bramwell
1080.7Greg Garrett
1182.0Brian Shega
1283.7Ryan Flanagan
1384.0Bill Harris
1485.0Mike Thomas
1589.4Andy Morrison
1689.8James Humphrey
1790.8Mark Festi
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
69.7Brendan Beeney
73.0Evan Adams
73.3Nick Schultz
74.0Joe Cruz
74.7Frank Lyons
75.3Justin Whitney
75.6Brian Parsons
77.0Kyle Schaechterle
78.0Sam Court
78.5Cody Dockrill
79.3Matt Mazur
79.4PK Deaner
79.5T.Bart Bata
79.6Larry Bright Jr.
80.3Ben Bramwell
80.3Ryan "Tuni" P
80.7Trevor Murphy
80.7Greg Garrett
81.2Cory Byknish
81.7Derek Armstrong
82.0Brian Shega
83.0justin worrell
83.7Ryan Flanagan
84.0Bill Harris
84.7Andrew Dunaway
85.0Mike Thomas
85.3Cory King
88.0Logan Gibson
89.4Andy Morrison
89.7Bob Becker
89.8James Humphrey
90.8Mark Festi
93.3kevin mccollum
94.0melissa martin
98.0Rachel Wiegand
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 8-round history

Blue to Long w/o Island · 18 holes Not played

Blue/Red long league special · 18 holes Not played

Blues to Long Pins - Concrete · 18 holes · Par 70 Played twice

70 Best score
Friends' best scores
164Bryan Ricco
270Nick Schultz
371Larry Bright Jr.
371Ben Bramwell
371denny velardo
371Stephen Brown
772Greg Platt
772Brian Parsons
772Joe Cruz
1073Scott Ransley
1073PK Deaner
1274duane koczan
1274Adam Woodward
1475Greg Garrett
1576eric " Sharky " boyd
1677eric centanni
1677Ian Kuehn
1878Bill Vaughn
1979Chris Warfield
2080Jon DeCapua
2080Mike Plank
2281james moose graham
2281Jason Parsons
2281Brian Shega
2582Frank Lyons
2683Andy Morrison
2683Ryan "Tuni" P
2683James Humphrey
2985Dan Keller
2985Steven Cain
2985Mike Thomas
3286Mike Broda
3286Lee Spencer
3286Bill Harris
3587Mitch G
3688Ryan Flanagan
3791Sharon Jenkins
3791Bill "The Ninja" Savage
3992Mark Festi
40102Katie Meloy
41888Nate Blake
+ expand list
75.5 Average score
Friends' averages
166.4Bryan Ricco
273.3Stephen Brown
375.5Nick Schultz
476.7PK Deaner
577.5Scott Ransley
677.6Brian Parsons
777.7duane koczan
878.0Joe Cruz
979.9Larry Bright Jr.
1080.0Chris Warfield
1180.4Greg Garrett
1281.9Bill Vaughn
1382.7Mike Plank
1485.3eric " Sharky " boyd
1485.3james moose graham
1685.8Brian Shega
1787.1Andy Morrison
1888.5Mike Thomas
1993.3Sharon Jenkins
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
66.4Bryan Ricco
73.3Stephen Brown
74.8Bobby Jones
76.7PK Deaner
77.5Scott Ransley
77.6Brian Parsons
77.7duane koczan
78.0Joe Cruz
78.3Evan Adams
78.5jeff vacha
79.0Kevin Daney
79.2Justin Whitney
79.4Uncle Tony Hawk
79.9Larry Bright Jr.
80.0Chris Warfield
80.4Greg Garrett
81.9Bill Vaughn
82.0Pete Kernan
82.5Paul Ackerman
82.7Mike Plank
83.7Walt Guttinger
85.1melissa martin
85.3james moose graham
85.3eric " Sharky " boyd
85.8Brian Shega
86.3Cory King
86.3Rick Gzesh
86.8Tom Mote
87.1Andy Morrison
88.5Mike Thomas
88.7Tom Andersson
90.1Bob Becker
93.3Sharon Jenkins
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Blues to Longs No Island · 18 holes Not played

Blues to Longs No Island · 18 holes · Par 69 Played once

76 Best score
Friends' best scores
172Joe Cruz
274PK Deaner
376Nick Schultz
376Greg Garrett
376Vinny Montanari
680Larry Bright Jr.
680Bill Adamini
680LTD Stoll
982Derek Bonner
1086Stephen Kolbus
1187Bill Perry
1288Andy Morrison
1397eric " Sharky " boyd
+ expand list
76.0 Average score
Friends' averages
176.0Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Blues to Longs with Gold 3 · 18 holes Not played

Blues to Longs with Gold 3 · 18 holes Not played

Blues to Short Pins · 18 holes Not played

Blues to Short Pins · 18 holes Not played

Bob's Best · 18 holes Not played

F9 Red to Long w/o Island/ B9 Blue to Long · 18 holes Not played

F9 Tiger Long / B9 Great White Short · 18 holes Not played

Great White Short (Mako) · 18 holes Not played

Great White Short (Mako) · 18 holes Not played

Great White Short (Mako) · 18 holes · Par 59 Played 3 times

57 Best score
Friends' best scores
153Michael Carlile
257Nick Schultz
358Bill Perry
459Larry Bright Jr.
561Mike Thomas
662PK Deaner
662Greg Garrett
662Ryan Flanagan
662Shawn Randall Jr
1065Ryan "Tuni" P
1065Bill Vaughn
1266Andy Morrison
1368james moose graham
1368eric " Sharky " boyd
1368Shawn Randall Sr
1670Andrew Bruck
1771Mark Festi
1771Tera Blair
1981James Humphrey
1981Tori Cutlip
+ expand list
59.3 Average score
Friends' averages
159.3Nick Schultz
262.3Michael Carlile
364.6Larry Bright Jr.
470.3Andy Morrison
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
59.2Matt Mazur
59.3Nick Schultz
60.3Cory Byknish
62.3James Morrow
62.3Michael Carlile
63.3Jim Petite
64.6Larry Bright Jr.
64.8Hunter Palshook
67.0Jeremy Golden
67.3Daniel Niess
69.3Chris Jackson
69.3Nick Kapottos
69.3Robert Strohmeyer
70.3Andy Morrison
71.0Emmett Messer-Kruse
71.3Wind Motika
78.2Scott Williams
79.7Ryan Motika
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 3-round history

Hammerhead Long · 18 holes Not played

Hammerhead Long · 18 holes Not played

Hammerhead Short · 18 holes Not played

Nightmare On Pine Lake Open/Adv · 18 holes Not played

Nightmare On Pine Lake Rec/Int · 18 holes Not played

Odds Whites Even Reds to Long 9 and 12 · 1 holes Not played

Punderson Glow Doubles 2020 · 24 holes Not played

Punderson Winter League 2020/2021 · 16 holes Not played

Puns VI Red Long 23 holes · 23 holes Not played

Red Long Island · 18 holes Not played

Red Tees, Short Pins on 9, 12, 14 · 18 holes Not played

Reds to Long Island Combined Score · 18 holes Not played

Reds to Long Pins - Concrete · 18 holes · Par 59 Played 5 times

55 Best score
Friends' best scores
150Matt Dungan
150Larry Bright Jr.
150Stephen Brown
451Chris Warfield
451Vinny Montanari
652Greg Garrett
753Frank Lyons
753Ben Bramwell
753denny velardo
753Joe Cruz
1154eric centanni
1154Brian Parsons
1154PK Deaner
1154eric " Sharky " boyd
1154Dominic G
1655Scott Ransley
1655Nick Schultz
1655Mike Thomas
1956Jon DeCapua
1956duane koczan
1956Bill Vaughn
1956ManFred "The Basket Molester"
1956LTD Stoll
1956Lee Spencer
2557Andy Morrison
2557Ryan "Tuni" P
2557Jason Parsons
2557Steven Cain
2958Mike Broda
2958Mike Plank
2958james moose graham
2958Chris Woolsey
2958Ryan Flanagan
3459Kyle Schaechterle
3459Brian Shega
3459Bill Adamini
3760Andre T Hooks
3760Bill Harris
3961James Humphrey
3961Bill "The Ninja" Savage
3961Shawn Jacklitch
4263Bill Perry
4263Michael Carlile
4465Ian Kuehn
4465Andrew Penlington
4465Mitch G
4766Sharon Jenkins
4867Katie Meloy
4968Kevin Hitch
4968Joshua Lammerding
5169Nick Bacon
5169Dan Keller
5370Mark Festi
5370Nate Blake
5572dan jaras
+ expand list
62.6 Average score
Friends' averages
155.0Stephen Brown
255.8Brian Parsons
356.0Ben Bramwell
456.6Joe Cruz
557.0Greg Garrett
557.0Chris Warfield
757.1PK Deaner
857.7ManFred "The Basket Molester"
958.7Frank Lyons
1059.7Larry Bright Jr.
1160.8Bill Vaughn
1160.8Ryan "Tuni" P
1360.9Andy Morrison
1461.4eric " Sharky " boyd
1561.7Mike Thomas
1662.6Nick Schultz
1762.7Lee Spencer
1864.0James Humphrey
1964.2Bill "The Ninja" Savage
2064.3Ryan Flanagan
2165.0Brian Shega
2268.0Sharon Jenkins
2373.7dan jaras
2474.3Katie Meloy
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
54.0Brendan Beeney
55.0Bobby Jones
55.0Stephen Brown
55.8Brian Parsons
56.0Ben Bramwell
56.3Sam Court
56.6Joe Cruz
57.0Matt Rosier
57.0Chris Warfield
57.0Greg Garrett
57.1PK Deaner
57.4Evan Adams
57.7ManFred "The Basket Molester"
57.9Kevin Daney
58.7Mike Herzog
58.7Frank Lyons
58.7Cody Dockrill
58.9Justin Whitney
59.3jeff vacha
59.7Larry Bright Jr.
60.2Uncle Tony Hawk
60.3Pat Govang
60.8Ryan "Tuni" P
60.8Bill Vaughn
60.9Andy Morrison
61.4Cory Byknish
61.4eric " Sharky " boyd
61.5melissa martin
61.6Rick Gzesh
61.7Mike Thomas
61.8T.Bart Bata
62.0Walt Guttinger
62.3Trevor Murphy
62.6Nick Schultz
62.7Lee Spencer
62.7Kevin Sinko
63.3Ken Britton
63.8Brian Hutchison
64.0James Humphrey
64.2Bill "The Ninja" Savage
64.3DJ Kozlowski
64.3Tom Andersson
64.3Ryan Flanagan
64.3Bob Becker
64.4Ryan Paul Miller
64.5Jon Gensel
64.6Tom Mote
65.0Brian Shega
65.8Brendon Berns
65.8Joe Michelini
67.3Ben Lattea
67.3Jeff Stanek
68.0Sharon Jenkins
68.0Ryan Lynch
69.2Aiden Gensel
69.5Pete Kernan
70.5Scott Williams
71.0Patrick Fortunato
73.3Mickey Anderson
73.7dan jaras
74.3Katie Meloy
78.0Ryan Zusy
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 5-round history

Reds to Longs · 18 holes Not played

Reds to Longs · 18 holes Not played

Reds to Longs · 18 holes Not played

Reds to Short Pins - Concrete · 18 holes · Par 54 Played 5 times

47 Best score
Friends' best scores
143Larry Bright Jr.
247Brian Parsons
247Nick Schultz
449Greg Platt
449Ryan "Tuni" P
449Greg Garrett
750Andy Morrison
750Frank Lyons
750Mike Plank
750duane koczan
750Bill Perry
750Andrew Greenslade
1351Ben Bramwell
1351Mike Thomas
1552PK Deaner
1552Stephen Brown
1552Ryan Flanagan
1552Michael Carlile
1953Bill Vaughn
1953Joe Cruz
1953Andrew Bruck
2254eric " Sharky " boyd
2254Bill "The Ninja" Savage
2254Chris Woolsey
2254Jordan Verbiak
2254Brad Anderson
2755Kyle Schaechterle
2755Brian Shega
2755Lee Spencer
2755Nate Blake
2755Shawn Randall Jr
3256Jon DeCapua
3256Steven Cain
3256Dr. T
3256Mark Festi
3657James Humphrey
3758Jason Parsons
3758Nick Bacon
3758Dan Keller
3758Andrew Penlington
3758ManFred "The Basket Molester"
3758Bill Harris
3758Dipankar Biswas
4459Kevin Hitch
4459Joshua Lammerding
4660Uncle Kaka
4660james moose graham
4862dan jaras
4963Shawn Jacklitch
5065Katie Meloy
5173Sharon Jenkins
5274Tera Blair
+ expand list
51.6 Average score
Friends' averages
150.3Brian Parsons
251.6Nick Schultz
352.3Frank Lyons
452.7Greg Garrett
452.7Greg Platt
653.0Bill Perry
653.0Ryan "Tuni" P
854.3PK Deaner
954.4Larry Bright Jr.
1054.9Ryan Flanagan
1155.0duane koczan
1255.3Stephen Brown
1356.0Joe Cruz
1456.1Michael Carlile
1556.7Steven Cain
1556.7Brad Anderson
1757.3Jon DeCapua
1857.4Bill Vaughn
1957.9Mike Thomas
2058.3Andrew Bruck
2158.4Andy Morrison
2259.3eric " Sharky " boyd
2259.3Lee Spencer
2460.0Dan Keller
2560.3Mark Festi
2660.8James Humphrey
2761.5Bill "The Ninja" Savage
2861.6Brian Shega
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
50.3Brian Parsons
51.3Matt Mazur
51.6Nick Schultz
52.3Frank Lyons
52.7Greg Platt
52.7James Morrow
52.7Greg Garrett
53.0Ryan "Tuni" P
53.0Bill Perry
53.7Cory Byknish
54.0Brian Six
54.0justin worrell
54.2Sam Court
54.3Evan Adams
54.3Jeremy Golden
54.3PK Deaner
54.3Nick Kapottos
54.4Larry Bright Jr.
54.7Hunter Palshook
54.7Ryan Sturm
54.9Ryan Flanagan
54.9Uncle Tony Hawk
55.0duane koczan
55.1Kevin Daney
55.3Stephen Brown
55.8scott summers
56.0Cory King
56.0Pete Kernan
56.0Joe Cruz
56.1Michael Carlile
56.2Jim Petite
56.7Steven Cain
56.7Brad Anderson
56.8T.Bart Bata
57.0Benjamin Van Heule
57.2Christian Martin
57.3Jon DeCapua
57.4Bill Vaughn
57.9Mike Thomas
57.9Dan Sutterlin
58.0Patrick Fortunato
58.3Andrew Bruck
58.3DJ Kozlowski
58.4Andy Morrison
58.6Trevor Murphy
58.6Brad Silvers
58.7Emmett Messer-Kruse
59.0Jeffrey Fitzhenry
59.0Greg Turner
59.3Lee Spencer
59.3eric " Sharky " boyd
59.5Aiden Gensel
59.8Chris Jackson
59.8Ken Stray
60.0Dan Keller
60.0Logan Gibson
60.0Bill Jacko
60.3Mark Festi
60.3Tom Mote
60.3Joel Garn
60.3Dave Hukari
60.7Anthony Keller
60.7Bob Becker
60.8James Humphrey
60.9melissa martin
61.0Scott Williams
61.5Bill "The Ninja" Savage
61.6Brian Shega
61.7Chris Czaplicki
61.8Alan Tabaj
61.8Ryan Lynch
62.0Chris Gillis
62.4Tom English
62.7Dan Cogan
62.8David Tilson
63.1Jon Gensel
63.3Mickey Anderson
63.7Brendon Berns
66.5Stan Perko
67.3Ryan Motika
68.5Joe Michelini
71.6Jennifer Fechheimer
78.7Tammy Spencer
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 5-round history

Reds to Shorts with B Holes · 1 holes Not played

Reds to Shorts with B Holes · 1 holes Not played

Regular tees, long pins · 9 holes Not played

Sunday Punday 20 Hole Finale · 1 holes Not played

Tiger Long · 18 holes Not played

Tiger Long · 18 holes · Par 65 Played 3 times

58 Best score
Friends' best scores
158Nick Schultz
265Bill Perry
366Greg Garrett
467Larry Bright Jr.
571PK Deaner
571Bill Vaughn
772Ryan "Tuni" P
874Mike Thomas
874Ryan Flanagan
1075Stephen Kolbus
1176Shawn Randall Jr
1277Mark Festi
1379Michael Carlile
1480James Humphrey
1581Andy Morrison
1682Shawn Randall Sr
1784eric " Sharky " boyd
1886james moose graham
1992Tera Blair
+ expand list
61.7 Average score
Friends' averages
161.7Nick Schultz
271.2Larry Bright Jr.
384.0Andy Morrison
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
61.7Nick Schultz
69.0James Morrow
69.3Sam Court
70.0Cory Byknish
71.2Larry Bright Jr.
71.7Jim Petite
74.3Kenny Kwong
76.2Hunter Palshook
78.3Daniel Niess
80.7Emmett Messer-Kruse
84.0Andy Morrison
86.4Scott Williams
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 3-round history

Tiger Short · 18 holes Not played

White Long Island · 18 holes · Par 62 Played once

59 Best score
Friends' best scores
159Nick Schultz
264Joe Cruz
365Bill Perry
469Larry Bright Jr.
571Mike Thomas
672Andy Morrison
672Greg Garrett
873Nate Blake
981Bill Vaughn
+ expand list
59.0 Average score
Friends' averages
159.0Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

White Long w/ 3 Gold · 18 holes Not played

white tees to long baskets · 18 holes · Par 62 Played 3 times

63 Best score
Friends' best scores
154Bryan Ricco
258Frank Lyons
361Stephen Brown
462Larry Bright Jr.
462Chris Warfield
663Brian Parsons
663PK Deaner
663Nick Schultz
964eric centanni
964denny velardo
964Bill Perry
964Joe Cruz
1365Matt Dungan
1466John Stutz
1466Greg Garrett
1667Jon DeCapua
1768Ben Bramwell
1768eric " Sharky " boyd
1768Steven Cain
2069Scott Ransley
2069Brian Shega
2069Ryan Flanagan
2370LTD Stoll
2370Lee Spencer
2370Bill Harris
2671Andy Morrison
2671Jason Parsons
2671Bill Vaughn
2973Mike Plank
2973Jeff Gayhart
3174Bill "The Ninja" Savage
3275Uncle Kaka
3275Michael Carlile
3476Ryan "Tuni" P
3476James Humphrey
3677Mike Thomas
3779Dipankar Biswas
3881Mike Broda
3881Sharon Jenkins
4082Andrew Bruck
4184Mark Festi
4285dan jaras
4386Dr. T
4487Katie Meloy
+ expand list
65.7 Average score
Friends' averages
163.8Stephen Brown
265.7Brian Parsons
265.7Nick Schultz
466.7Matt Dungan
566.8Joe Cruz
667.4PK Deaner
767.7Larry Bright Jr.
868.0Greg Garrett
970.8Chris Warfield
1072.3Ryan Flanagan
1172.8Bill Vaughn
1273.7Lee Spencer
1375.6eric " Sharky " boyd
1481.3Bill "The Ninja" Savage
1582.2Andy Morrison
1683.7Sharon Jenkins
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
63.5Bobby Jones
63.8Stephen Brown
65.7Brian Parsons
65.7Nick Schultz
66.7Matt Dungan
66.8Joe Cruz
67.3Walt Guttinger
67.4PK Deaner
67.5Cody Dockrill
67.7Larry Bright Jr.
67.8Justin Whitney
68.0Greg Garrett
69.6Evan Adams
70.3Trevor Murphy
70.8Chris Warfield
71.5Hunter Palshook
71.7Cory Byknish
72.3DJ Kozlowski
72.3Ryan Flanagan
72.5Kevin Daney
72.8Ryan Sturm
72.8Bill Vaughn
73.3T.Bart Bata
73.7Lee Spencer
74.0Uncle Tony Hawk
74.2Rick Gzesh
74.3Tom Andersson
74.3Tom Mote
75.0Brad Silvers
75.0Luke Shelton
75.3melissa martin
75.6eric " Sharky " boyd
75.8scott summers
76.0Nick Kapottos
77.0Sam Court
78.0Bob Becker
79.7Greg Turner
80.0Chris Czaplicki
81.3Bill "The Ninja" Savage
81.3Logan Gibson
82.2Andy Morrison
82.3Ryan Lynch
83.2Scott Williams
83.7Sharon Jenkins
86.3Dan Cogan
347.3Patrick Williams
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 3-round history

White Tees to Long Baskets, No Island · 18 holes · Par 61 Played once

59 Best score
Friends' best scores
159Nick Schultz
159Greg Garrett
363Joe Cruz
464Bill Perry
565Ryan Flanagan
669Bill Adamini
771PK Deaner
873LTD Stoll
873Vinny Montanari
1074Derek Bonner
1074Larry Bright Jr.
1074Andy Morrison
1376eric " Sharky " boyd
1477Mark Festi
1477Stephen Kolbus
1681Chris Boucher
1785James " Ace Banger " Sheets
+ expand list
59.0 Average score
Friends' averages
159.0Nick Schultz
271.3Ryan Flanagan
378.0Mark Festi
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
71.3Ryan Flanagan
75.0Logan Gibson
78.0Mark Festi
82.7Scott Williams
85.7Ryan Lynch
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

White to Short · 18 holes Not played

Winter League 2019/2020 layout · 12 holes Not played

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