Nick Schultz

Righty - Backhand and forehand

Nick's scores   »   Stats   »   Hudson Springs Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Main course

19 Hole League Layout · 19 holes Not played

2021 Frozen Fingers 20 Hole Layout · 20 holes Not played

2022 Frozen Fingers · 20 holes Not played

2022 Summit DGA Bag Tag Event · 24 holes Not played

2023 Frozen Fingers on the Fairway · 22 holes · Par 66 Played twice

57 Best score
Friends' best scores
157Nick Schultz
263Joe Cruz
364Michael Carlile
364Shawn Randall Jr
567Bill Vaughn
670Bryon szabo
774Lee Spencer
876Tera Blair
+ expand list
61.5 Average score
Friends' averages
161.5Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Front 9 Twice · 1 holes Not played

Front 9 Twice · 1 holes Not played

Frozen Fingers 2021 · 20 holes · Par 62 Played twice

59 Best score
Friends' best scores
159Nick Schultz
159Joe Cruz
360Bill Vaughn
462Larry Bright Jr.
563Shawn Randall Jr
670Tera Blair
774James " Ace Banger " Sheets
+ expand list
60.5 Average score
Friends' averages
160.5Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

HSB IV · 8 holes Not played

HSB IV · 21 holes · Par 64 Played twice

51 Best score
Friends' best scores
151Nick Schultz
266Stephen Kolbus
380Ava Dahm
52.0 Average score
Friends' averages
152.0Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Hudson Springs Break 2023 · 20 holes · Par 62 Played twice

50 Best score
Friends' best scores
150Nick Schultz
255Michael Carlile
359Greg Platt
359Andrew Bruck
566Lee Spencer
667Stephen Kolbus
667Tera Blair
+ expand list
51.5 Average score
Friends' averages
151.5Nick Schultz
258.5Michael Carlile
362.8Andrew Bruck
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
55.3Cody Dockrill
57.3Manuel Spicer
58.5Michael Carlile
58.5Matt Mazur
59.0Braden Hanahan
59.3Matt Hill
60.0Mike Hill
60.5Hunter Palshook
60.5Jim Petite
61.8Brian Six
61.8Daniel Makuch
62.0Matt Campbell
62.0Alex Bisnett
62.2Dustin Alcorn
62.5Alan Everson
62.7Sean Kilrain
62.8Andrew Bruck
65.0DJ Kozlowski
66.0Nick Kapottos
66.0Brandon Woolverton
66.5David Howe
67.5Christian Martin
70.0Kenny Fogleman
73.3Linea Webb
75.3Jill Rafferty
81.0Ryan Motika
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Late Season Front 9 Twice · 18 holes Not played

Memorial Open 3 Layout · 19 holes Not played

Memorial Open 3 Layout · 19 holes · Par 59 Played twice

47 Best score
Friends' best scores
147Nick Schultz
252Greg Platt
356Larry Bright Jr.
458Joe Cruz
559james moose graham
559Dipankar Biswas
760Greg Garrett
863Nate Blake
964Matt Smith
+ expand list
50.5 Average score
Friends' averages
150.5Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 56 Played 17 times

45 Best score
Friends' best scores
127Frank Lyons
232Mitch Renwick
344eric centanni
445Nick Schultz
546Chris Warfield
647Michael Stonestreet
748Andre T Hooks
748Jon DeCapua
748Greg Platt
748Nick Marion
1149Chris Dalton
1149Matt Podlogar
1350Tom Randau
1350Matt Dungan
1350Brian Parsons
1350duane koczan
1350Adam Selzer
1350Ryan Stellmaker
1350Nick Bacon
2051Larry Bright Jr.
2051Thomas Armbruster
2051Brian Shega
2051Don Thomas
2452Ian Kuehn
2452PK Deaner
2452Steven Cain
2753Scott Ransley
2753Ryan Keats
2753Dave Holmes
2753Sharon Jenkins
2753Tyler Frew - 45639
2753Bill Vaughn
2753Trent Stull
2753Brad Anderson
3554eric wernet
3554Mike Broda
3554Marc Theodore
3554Matt Smith
3554Ryan "Tuni" P
3554Ben Bramwell
3554denny velardo
3554Bill Perry
3554ManFred "The Basket Molester"
3554Mitch G
3554Mike Thomas
3554Joe Cruz
4755Dan Davis
4755Adam Reid
4755Tim Krosse
4755Dominic G
4755Greg Garrett
5256John Stutz
5256Alex Wilkinson
5256Rod F
5256james moose graham
5256Kyle Schaechterle
5256Jason Parsons
5256eric " Sharky " boyd
5256Chris Woolsey
5256Lee Spencer
5256Andrew Bruck
6257Jay Kovach
6257Ryan Banks
6257Matt O
6257Stephen Brown
6257Adam Woodward
6257Justin Pecek
6858James Humphrey
6858Dan Keller
6858Bill Adamini
6858LTD Stoll
7259Kevin Hitch
7259Don Bates
7259Shawn Jacklitch
7560Stephen Kolbus
7661Katie Meloy
7661Ryan Kolbus
7661Mark Festi
7962Matthew Smith
7962Joshua Lammerding
7962Dr. T
7962Nate Blake
8363Bill Harris
8363Ryan Flanagan
8363Dipankar Biswas
8664Bill "The Ninja" Savage
8664Bryon szabo
8865Chris Konzelman
8967Shawn Randall Jr
9069dan jaras
9186James " Ace Banger " Sheets
+ expand list
53.2 Average score
Friends' averages
150.4Michael Stonestreet
251.8Nick Marion
352.8Matt Podlogar
452.9eric centanni
553.2Nick Schultz
653.3Chris Warfield
653.3Jon DeCapua
853.5Thomas Armbruster
954.0Tom Randau
1055.1Brian Parsons
1155.2Matt Dungan
1255.4denny velardo
1355.6Ian Kuehn
1455.8Ryan Keats
1556.0Greg Platt
1556.0Bill Perry
1756.3Ryan "Tuni" P
1856.4Chris Dalton
1956.6Larry Bright Jr.
1956.6Marc Theodore
2157.0Ben Bramwell
2157.0Matt Smith
2157.0Dominic G
2457.3Joe Cruz
2457.3Mike Broda
2657.5Nick Bacon
2657.5Tim Krosse
2657.5Tyler Frew - 45639
2657.5Trent Stull
3057.6John Stutz
3158.1PK Deaner
3258.2Adam Reid
3358.3Frank Lyons
3458.6Greg Garrett
3458.6ManFred "The Basket Molester"
3658.7Mitch G
3758.9Dan Davis
3859.0Steven Cain
3859.0Ryan Banks
3859.0Adam Woodward
4159.1Mike Thomas
4159.1Ryan Stellmaker
4359.2Bill Vaughn
4359.2Jay Kovach
4559.3Don Thomas
4659.5Alex Wilkinson
4759.8Bill Adamini
4860.0Brian Shega
4960.3Rod F
5060.5Dan Keller
5160.6eric wernet
5261.3eric " Sharky " boyd
5361.4Brad Anderson
5361.4Matt O
5561.6james moose graham
5561.6Andrew Bruck
5761.7Shawn Jacklitch
5863.0Kevin Hitch
5963.4Mitch Renwick
6063.9Jason Parsons
6164.0Matthew Smith
6264.2Lee Spencer
6364.3Sharon Jenkins
6465.3Dipankar Biswas
6565.5James Humphrey
6665.7Stephen Kolbus
6766.7Ryan Kolbus
6867.0Chris Konzelman
6969.2Katie Meloy
7070.7Bill "The Ninja" Savage
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
47.7Justin VanderSanden
50.4Michael Stonestreet
50.6Dan Perkins
51.3Erik Lindroth
51.8Nick Marion
52.3Brandon K
52.4Scott Campbell
52.5Evan Muzilla
52.8Matt Podlogar
52.8Craig W.
52.9eric centanni
53.2Nick Schultz
53.3Joseph Latina
53.3Jon DeCapua
53.3Chris Warfield
53.5Thomas Armbruster
53.7Tank Hebert
53.8tony paserba
53.9Jason Pastorius
54.0Eric Bauer
54.0Tom Randau
54.5Dave Jordan
55.0Travis Goldsworthy
55.0Evan Adams
55.1Brian Parsons
55.2Matt Dungan
55.3Dan Kilgore
55.4denny velardo
55.6Ian Kuehn
55.6Pat Jackson
55.8Ryan Keats
56.0Don Glaser
56.0Bill Perry
56.0Greg Platt
56.3Ari Golub
56.3Shaun Hoversten
56.3Ryan "Tuni" P
56.4Chris Dalton
56.5Mike Hammontree
56.5Logan Ritter
56.6justin worrell
56.6Marc Theodore
56.6Larry Bright Jr.
56.7Tristan wilson
56.7Buddy Barman
57.0Dominic G
57.0jeff vacha
57.0Matt Smith
57.0Ben Bramwell
57.1Cody Dockrill
57.2Tyler Schrock
57.2Mike Gastin
57.3Luke Shelton
57.3Michael Tomato Tomecko
57.3Mike Broda
57.3Joe Cruz
57.5Tyler Frew - 45639
57.5Tim Krosse
57.5Trent Stull
57.5Nick Bacon
57.6John Stutz
57.7Christian Smith
58.0Dan Clark
58.0Alex Gedra
58.1PK Deaner
58.2Adam Reid
58.3Bryan Tindell
58.3Frank Lyons
58.4Alex Colucci
58.5Greg Bergquist
58.6ManFred "The Basket Molester"
58.6Greg Garrett
58.7Paul Wood
58.7Mitch G
58.8Andrew Dunaway
58.8brian a
58.9Dan Davis
58.9mike scarpitti
58.9Nino Deiulis
59.0Cody Winget
59.0Adam Woodward
59.0Ryan Banks
59.0Ryan Sitler
59.0Nathan Williams
59.0Steven Cain
59.1Ryan Stellmaker
59.1Ron McCollum
59.1Mike Thomas
59.2Jay Kovach
59.2Bill Vaughn
59.3Kevin Sinko
59.3Jim patrick
59.3Ryan Sturm
59.3Don Thomas
59.5Alex Wilkinson
59.5Sir Boston
59.8Bill Adamini
60.0Brian Shega
60.1Mitchell Sintic
60.3Rod F
60.3Sam Court
60.5Christopher Carver
60.5Dan Keller
60.5Benjamin Rahe
60.5Rob Panelley
60.6Ryan Lepley
60.6Hot Tub Bob Harris
60.6eric wernet
60.8Rick Gzesh
61.0Trevor Murphy
61.0Cory King
61.3eric " Sharky " boyd
61.4Dave Hukari
61.4Matt O
61.4Brad Anderson
61.6Andrew Bruck
61.6james moose graham
61.7Shawn Jacklitch
61.8Antoni Cyphert
61.8Will Schweda
61.8Dustin Alcorn
61.9Kevin Trepal
61.9melissa martin
62.1Matthew McAlpine
62.1Jordan Cormier
62.3Robert Olson
62.3Kris Keyes
62.5Ryan B
62.7Jon Gensel
63.0Ken Stray
63.0Donnie Reese
63.0Kevin Hitch
63.4Mitch Renwick
63.5Pete Kernan
63.7Corey Lawrence
63.7David Le Pere
63.7Joel Garn
63.8Dustin Farrell
63.9Jason Parsons
64.0Matthew Smith
64.0Jeff Henfling
64.2Brad Silvers
64.2Lee Spencer
64.3nate lawson
64.3Sharon Jenkins
64.7Mike Krosse
64.8Logan Gibson
64.8Lori Merriman
65.0Kristy Moore
65.2Bill Flynn
65.2Patrick Fortunato
65.3Dipankar Biswas
65.5James Humphrey
65.7Stephen Kolbus
66.0Tony Accordino
66.2Shannon Earley
66.3Danny Myers
66.5Adam Groves
66.7Ryan Kolbus
67.0Chris Konzelman
67.2Adam Miller
67.3Isaac Lilly
67.3Scott Williams
67.5Eric Webber
67.8Craig Wheeler
68.0Bob Becker
68.3John Fortunato
68.7Rachel Wiegand
68.7Jason Rudawsky
69.2Katie Meloy
70.4William Canaday
70.7Bill "The Ninja" Savage
70.8Tim Arnett
71.4Aiden Gensel
72.7Jeff Stanek
73.3James Gratz
73.4mikey "the lil guy" stonestreet
75.3H Keith Bowers
75.3Michael Williams
76.0Cory Byknish
79.3Erin Holland
81.0Tanya Gilbert
82.0Becky Caszatt
84.3Sean Barnes
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 17-round history

Regular tees, Back Nine · 9 holes · Par 27 Played once

31 Best score
Friends' best scores
123Jon DeCapua
225Mitch Renwick
326eric wernet
326Greg Platt
527Michael Stonestreet
527Matt Podlogar
527Nick Bacon
829Chris Warfield
829Don Thomas
1030Adam Woodward
1131Brian Parsons
1131Nick Schultz
1332Frank Lyons
1436james moose graham
1539eric " Sharky " boyd
1641Jason Parsons
+ expand list
31.0 Average score
Friends' averages
128.3Greg Platt
230.3eric wernet
331.0Chris Warfield
331.0Nick Schultz
532.8Mitch Renwick
633.4Don Thomas
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
28.3Greg Platt
29.0Nino Deiulis
29.8mike scarpitti
30.3eric wernet
31.0Chris Warfield
31.3Patrick Fortunato
32.8Mitch Renwick
33.4Don Thomas
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Regular tees, Front Nine · 9 holes · Par 27 Played 3 times

25 Best score
Friends' best scores
122eric centanni
122Nick Bacon
122Chris Warfield
423Jon DeCapua
524Matt Podlogar
524Don Thomas
725Michael Stonestreet
725Mitch Renwick
725Nick Marion
725Nick Schultz
725Brad Anderson
1226Larry Bright Jr.
1226Frank Lyons
1427eric wernet
1427Adam Woodward
1628Greg Platt
1628Brian Parsons
1628Chris Woolsey
1628Andrew Bruck
2029james moose graham
2029eric " Sharky " boyd
2230Jason Parsons
+ expand list
26.3 Average score
Friends' averages
125.7Matt Podlogar
226.3Michael Stonestreet
226.3Nick Schultz
426.6Nick Bacon
527.5Chris Warfield
527.5Brad Anderson
727.6Mitch Renwick
827.7Larry Bright Jr.
827.7Adam Woodward
1028.0Frank Lyons
1128.5Don Thomas
1229.0Brian Parsons
1329.3eric wernet
1429.7eric " Sharky " boyd
1530.0james moose graham
1631.0Jason Parsons
+ expand list
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
23.5Adam Rosenberg
24.3Scott Campbell
25.7Matt Podlogar
25.7Dustin Farrell
26.3Nick Schultz
26.3Michael Stonestreet
26.6Nick Bacon
26.7Joseph Latina
26.9David Pitz
27.0Alex Colucci
27.0Erik Lindroth
27.1mike scarpitti
27.5Brad Anderson
27.5Chris Warfield
27.6Nino Deiulis
27.6Mitch Renwick
27.7Larry Bright Jr.
27.7Greg Marsh
27.7Adam Woodward
27.8Adam Miller
28.0Mitchell Sintic
28.0Frank Lyons
28.0Nick Rumschlag
28.2Jay Boyden
28.4Patrick Fortunato
28.5Don Thomas
29.0Brian Parsons
29.0melissa martin
29.3eric wernet
29.7eric " Sharky " boyd
29.7Alex Standiford
30.0james moose graham
30.2JD Pierson
30.3Will Schweda
31.0Jason Parsons
31.7John Fortunato
32.5Jason Rudawsky
33.3Dawn Scarpitti
33.3mikey "the lil guy" stonestreet
35.3Tom King
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 3-round history

Spirit at the Springs 2 Championship Layout · 21 holes · Par 65 Played twice

55 Best score
Friends' best scores
155Nick Schultz
256Ben Bramwell
359Frank Lyons
461Joe Cruz
562Brian Parsons
663Matt Dungan
764Mike Thomas
865Don Thomas
967Larry Bright Jr.
1069Nate Blake
1170Brian Shega
1274Dipankar Biswas
+ expand list
57.5 Average score
Friends' averages
157.5Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
74.0Tim Siegenthaler
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Spirit at the Springs 21 Hole layout · 21 holes · Par 65 Played twice

58 Best score
Friends' best scores
158Nick Schultz
259Trent Stull
361Greg Platt
463Ben Bramwell
566PK Deaner
566Steven Cain
566Mike Thomas
566Bill Harris
967Brian Shega
1072James Humphrey
1072Reid Wiley
+ expand list
59.0 Average score
Friends' averages
159.0Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Temp Hole Course · 18 holes · Par 57 Played once

52 Best score
Friends' best scores
152Kyle Schaechterle
152Nick Schultz
152Chris Warfield
455Brian Parsons
455Mitch G
656PK Deaner
757denny velardo
858Greg Platt
858Steven Cain
1060Larry Bright Jr.
1161Bill Vaughn
1262Jason Parsons
1262Brian Shega
1463James Humphrey
1463Nick Bacon
1664Mike Thomas
1766Lee Spencer
+ expand list
52.0 Average score
Friends' averages
152.0Nick Schultz
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history
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