Allen Risley

California, USA Righty - backhand

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Main course

Long tees · 9 holes · Par 27 Played twice

23 Best score
Friends' best scores
120mike pearson
120Austen Stringfield
322Pat Rowlen
423Allen Risley
423A.J. Risley
423Daniel Alexander
726Mike Allee
726dennis keane
726Todd Bentley
1028Danny Bobka
1028Scott Bowers
1229Bob Bailey
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23.5 Average score
Friends' averages
123.5Allen Risley
224.0Pat Rowlen
325.1mike pearson
426.3dennis keane
527.3Mike Allee
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Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
24.0Pat Rowlen
25.1mike pearson
26.3dennis keane
27.3Mike Allee
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 2-round history

Longs and Shorts · 18 holes · Par 54 Played 9 times

44 Best score
Friends' best scores
138Pat Rowlen
239Evan Taylor
341mike pearson
341Austen Stringfield
542A.J. Risley
542dennis keane
743Steve Bruecker
844Allen Risley
844Todd Bentley
844Big Siege
1145Steven Thomas
1145John Maki
1145Aaron Van Matre
1446Seth Rushin
1446Brandon Langston
1446Jeff Bozigian
1446Scott Miller
1446michael ballestas
1446Donny Olow
2047Huck Richard
2148Daniel Alexander
2148Danny Bobka
2148Joshua "tortuga" Lyman
2148George Laguna
2148kevin christie
2148kyle becker
2749Kyle Miller
2749Bob Bailey
2749Scott Bowers
3050Nick Newton
3050Pots and Pans
3252Mike Allee
3252Martin Ramirez
3252Eddie Lopez
3553SoCal Mike
3654Chad Nichter
3755Aaron Von Weeks
3860Sara Hawkins
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50.3 Average score
Friends' averages
146.6dennis keane
246.7Steve Bruecker
346.8Brandon Langston
447.0Aaron Van Matre
547.5Pat Rowlen
647.7John Maki
748.3Daniel Alexander
848.8Scott Miller
949.1A.J. Risley
1050.1Todd Bentley
1150.3Allen Risley
1250.4Jeff Bozigian
1350.6George Laguna
1350.6Danny Bobka
1550.7mike pearson
1650.9Austen Stringfield
1752.0Kyle Miller
1852.3Scott Bowers
1954.9Mike Allee
2055.0Bob Bailey
2157.8Eddie Lopez
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Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
45.3Josh U.
46.6dennis keane
46.7Steve Bruecker
46.8Brandon Langston
47.0Aaron Van Matre
47.5Pat Rowlen
47.7John Maki
48.3Daniel Alexander
48.8Scott Miller
49.1A.J. Risley
50.1Todd Bentley
50.3Allen Risley
50.4Jeff Bozigian
50.6Danny Bobka
50.6George Laguna
50.7mike pearson
50.9Austen Stringfield
52.0Kyle Miller
52.3Scott Bowers
54.9Mike Allee
55.0Bob Bailey
57.8Eddie Lopez
58.0Mike Tobin
62.7Miki Sanders
64.0George Allee
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 9-round history
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