Kaleigh Seabolt

Michigan, USA Lefty - backhand

Kaleigh's scores   »   Rivalries   »   vs dan carrigan


1 win Kaleigh Seabolt
6 wins dan carrigan

Match history

Date Match Winner
June 13, 2011 Fallasburg Park
+9 63
Kaleigh Short tees, 18 holes
-4 50
dan Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 46 37 38 29 310 211 212 213 314 315 316 417 218 3Out 50 / -4
quick run through the shorts before leagues with Aaron Bezeau
May 2, 2011 Fallasburg Park
+12 66
Kaleigh Short tees, 18 holes
not cool
-1 53
dan Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 28 29 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 417 318 2Out 53 / -1
decent round but I definitly could have done better. missed 2 putts inside of 12 feet because I was not concentrating at all.
August 18, 2010 J.C. Park
+11 65
Kaleigh Regular tees, 18 holes
-4 50
dan Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 44 25 36 37 38 39 310 211 312 413 214 215 316 317 318 3Out 50 / -4
started on hole 11, scuffed on 2 putts by ghetto bitches argueing
August 13, 2010 Fallasburg Park
+16 70
Kaleigh Short tees, 18 holes
+3 57
dan Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 25 46 37 28 39 410 211 412 313 414 415 216 317 318 4Out 57 / +3
FRIDAY THE 13TH! warm-up for Glow Round
August 8, 2010 Hudson Mills MetroparkOriginal course
+41 113
Kaleigh Red tees (short), 24 holes
CANOE CAMP, not actually original hmmp
+6 78
dan Red tees (short), 24 holes
August 7, 2010 Hudson Mills MetroparkMonster course
+28 101
Kaleigh Yellow tees (short), 24 holes
+8 81
dan Yellow tees (short), 24 holes
July 31, 2010 Fallasburg Park
-5 53
Kaleigh Long tees, 18 holes
random doubles
E 58
dan Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 46 37 38 39 310 311 312 413 314 315 316 417 318 3Out 58 / E
$5 doubles, no birdies! too much beer
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