Cuz I was the only one who paid the $25 to try and qualify. I guess it is not as appealing for the ...
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Cuz I was the only one who paid the $25 to try and qualify. I guess it is not as appealing for the top guys now with the seperation of the open flight and the performance flight. Then most everyone else conceded they couldn't afford to go even if they got it so it wasn't worth paying the $25 to try and qualify. At least that's my theory...
[member not found] Jul 30, 2013I think it's one of those performance years where someone whos 720 rated wins, hence bee was more than qualified
Joe Anttila
I'm very sorry to hear you are running low on Grey Goose. I hope that the Southern Tier is still flowing. Will you bee making a trip back to the mitten over the holiday season? Nov 9, 2012
Darren Harper
Thanks pass on a hello from me as well he is.very nice and was always fun to play with he was one of the names when I first started. Jun 28, 2012