mark oller Aug 8, 2015way to go Sarah!! We will have a world champ at the Acres now... There should be 2 Sarah Champs this year. Just a crazy FPO ending
Chris Leo Aug 9, 2015Congratulations indeed! The FPO was intense and a very emotional which was evident with Paige's speech.
Jayne Snider
Hey did you see the discussion on ladies of the hills? If you didn't, check it out and join in. If you didn't pay yet, you get extra fees. Away with the fees, or boycott with me! :) Jun 24, 2014
Hunter S. Dotson
Did you ever find your fob? Maybe someone out there has a metal detector they could loan out? Oct 3, 2013
Sarah DeMar Oct 22, 2013nah never did but the dealership replaced it so that was cool