JayT Streeter

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

JayT's scores   »   Stats   »   Deerfield Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.


2017 Ace Race · 23 holes Not played

Ace race 24 · 24 holes Not played

Back Nine Shorts x2 · 1 holes Not played

Birdie Bash · 18 holes Not played

Civil War Ace Race 19 holes · 6 holes Not played

Deerfield - Shlongs · 18 holes Not played

DeerWood · 18 holes Not played

Deerwood, 2016 DF5/wwF16 · 18 holes Not played

Front Nines - Shlongs · 1 holes Not played

Front Nines Shorts · 18 holes Not played

Icy 18 · 18 holes Not played

Lhorts · 18 holes Not played

Regular 18 Short 14 · 18 holes Not played

Regular tees · 18 holes · Par 54 Played once

48 Best score
Friends' best scores
148JayT Streeter
251Scott Streeter
48.0 Average score
Friends' averages
148.0JayT Streeter
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
47.4Shrimp Boat Captain
49.0Sam Smigiel
49.0Grant Anderson
49.3Jared Stoll
49.3Tim Barham
49.3Amateur Hour
49.3Geoff Bennett
49.5Daymon Pugh
49.7Luke Taylor
50.0George Beno
50.0Matt Toy
50.0Cody Sears
50.1Jeff Kuehle
50.3Alex Smith
50.3josh yates
50.3Andrew Marwede
50.5D TREE
50.5Kyle Williams
50.7Anthony Meo
50.7Marc Nelson
50.8jon perry
51.1Austin Hawks
51.3Matthew Bloom-Edmonds
51.3Damian Redman
51.6Andrew jackson
51.7Edward Peterson
51.8Jimmy Bates
51.9Ricky D
52.0D. Roc
52.0Kirk Haggadone
52.0Brennan B
52.0Rick -D SMOOTHY- Kramer
52.0Robert Centala
52.0Josh Taylor
52.2Brent Faubert
52.3Brett Federspiel
52.4Lance Huffman
52.4Sean Addley
52.5J 96
52.5Nick Gill
52.5James Crawford
52.6lyle downing
52.8Mike Durco
52.9Ben Pyscher
52.9Sean Mannooch
53.0Luke Conway
53.0K Dogg
53.0Richard Little
53.0Ben VanSumeren
53.0Mitch Sylvain
53.0Sam Mrdeza
53.3Craig Compton
53.3mike herbst
53.3Jay B
53.3Steve 'Fanzi' Zaborowski
53.3Dale Wrobel 43154
53.5Adam Kielpinski
53.5Mark A Roberts
53.5mark ellis
53.5Brian Poeppe
53.6Tim Glass
53.6Brad Levendosky
53.7James Laur
53.7Marty Peters
53.7Duncan Christiansen
53.7Andres Gutierrez
53.7Jake Ogemaw
53.8Aaron Goofy Mitchell
53.8Zeke Richmond
53.8Nate Humphrey
53.8Michael Frame
53.8Joe Gabris
53.9Ryan Herzog
54.0Rad Sawer
54.0Jeff Smith
54.0Andrew Savage
54.0Kenneth Mize
54.0Jerald Schriber
54.0Wade TF
54.0Ryan Anderson
54.0Jammie Letts
54.0Pat Burke
54.1Jamie Mosier
54.2Zachary Hardham
54.2Malcolm Kletke
54.2Sancho Valdez
54.2Dan Glass
54.3mike Rabin
54.3Timothy Townley
54.3Joe Deur
54.3Josh Hanson
54.3Dan De Jong
54.3Alex Grimes
54.4Alex Parker
54.4Brenden Tetloff
54.4Jared Rittersdorf
54.4Matt Reinhardt
54.5billy montpas
54.5William Freed
54.5Darren Harper
54.6Kendall Hermes
54.7Jesse Cahill
54.7Jeff Posati
54.7Roman Corneanu
54.7Patrick Nemmer
54.9Ryan Brophy
55.0Conrad Budzynski
55.0Johnnie Leigh
55.0Torrey Laffoon
55.0Nick Corniuk
55.0Eric Gottleber
55.1Joshua Siwek
55.1Scott Gross "Team Tilley's"
55.1Tyler Huyghe
55.2Gavin Connors
55.2Bryan Murphy
55.2Zachary Vaughn
55.2Ryan Green
55.32 J
55.3Christopher Kirby
55.3Matthew Murdock
55.3Jim Fries
55.4David Halloran
55.4Carl Bouman
55.4Mitchell Winters
55.4Michael McGinnis
55.4Jeff Lisiecki
55.4Karl Schneider
55.4Dan Abruzzi
55.5Carlos Villalobos
55.5Andrew "Cheddar” Wonch
55.5DJ Metzer
55.6Dj Hunt
55.7Andy Zinck
55.7Troy Diller
55.8Justin Phillips
55.8Chad Delude
55.9Todd Lewis
55.9Shane Miller
56.0Derek Wing
56.0Jeff Coates
56.0Matt Clark
56.0Kris Pung
56.0Patrick O'Connor
56.1Scott Ransley
56.1Tony Mapes
56.1Christopher DeRosier
56.1Jon Kind
56.1caine wiechmann
56.1Jimmy Alexander
56.2Keith Spieker
56.2ken parks
56.3Jerry DiVietri
56.3Shane Wyatt
56.3Anthony Lewis
56.3Ryan McMath
56.3Eric Best
56.3Tyler $ Alfano
56.3Adam Merritt
56.3Trevor Balfour
56.3Travis Richards
56.4Kristian Taylor
56.4Craig Clingan
56.5Scott Kohlhoff
56.5Colin Swihart
56.5Matt Warren
56.5Nicholas Robertson
56.6Kenneth Eckhoff
56.7Mark Sharpe
56.7Kelsey Brakel
56.7Caleb Meador
56.7Matt Rinker
56.7ethan green
56.7Evan McIntyre
56.8Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
56.8Joshua Ballinger
56.8Alex Villanueva
56.9Dan Oakley
57.0Mike Schiller
57.0Joshua Klompstra
57.0James Duvall
57.0Michael Fitzgerald
57.0Robert Boyes
57.0Jim Knudson
57.0Brian Franke
57.0Rickey Garza
57.0Sean Morgan
57.1Nathan Mollema
57.1Dan Hultin
57.1Jordan Bruursema
57.2Steve Hatter
57.2Noah “FBN” Dietrich
57.2Brendan Cleary
57.2Spencer Gee
57.3Adam Raphael
57.3Nathan Simmons
57.3Matt Helms
57.3Tony Riopelle
57.3Mike Kemp
57.3Simon Porritt
57.3John "NACHO" Norkowski
57.4Ron Simpson
57.4Ryan Gemmell
57.4Keith Aten
57.5Ferrel Mejeur
57.5Marc Burnett
57.5Oscar Gutierrez
57.5James Mayehem Mayes
57.5Lance Anderson
57.5Travis Lowe
57.5Jake Angelos
57.7Mike Wolters
57.7Brandon Lyons
57.7Ian Granger
57.7Joe Levell
57.7Brandon Schafer
57.7Dallas Downing
57.7Roseanne Palmieri
57.7Joe Date
57.8Justin French
57.8Nick Soave
58.0Sam Truslow
58.0Logan Burrow
58.0Mark Kish
58.0Mark Boring
58.0Alex Ball
58.1Tad Weaver
58.1Kyle Newman
58.1Jason Shively
58.1Clay McGillvary
58.2Alan u
58.2Dexter Hulik
58.2Jason McCary
58.3Jeff Bonn
58.3Austin Cook
58.3Tyler Sherman
58.3Travis Tol
58.3Josh Kaufman
58.3bo buss
58.3Anthony Guisbert
58.3Thom Kelley
58.3Jakkob Lammi
58.3Ryan "4Bagels" Vorpagel
58.4nicholas duke
58.4Bryce Holcombe
58.4Colton Tweed
58.5Michael Wiseley
58.5Cameron Penix
58.5Joseph Caldwell
58.6Jeremy- Hitman- Horton
58.6Christopher Koontz
58.7Bryce Balcer
58.7Nick Simon
58.7Richard williams
58.8NIcholas Randall
58.8David Burkholder
58.8David Loggins
58.8TJ Wilson
58.9Chris "Razzy" Morgan
58.9Patrick Van Tuinen
58.9Josh Schafer
59.0Michael Fata
59.0robert najar jr
59.0Andrew Garza
59.0Drake Ruhberg
59.0Creig Malley
59.2Jeff Schwass
59.2Derrick Andrews
59.2Philip lyon
59.2Jordon Butzin
59.3Ryan Bowling
59.3bob turner
59.3John Hendrickson
59.3Leonard Johnson
59.3Ryan Yockey
59.3Jerimiah smith
59.4Lance Dehnbostel
59.4Mason Templeton
59.4Sam Prout
59.5Joe Olson
59.5Alex Moser
59.5Doug Prizer
59.5Kory Ruddick
59.6Chris Minter
59.7Justin Marsh
59.7Jeff McMullin
59.7Fred Birkam
59.7Joe Amado
59.8Corey Williams
60.0Christopher Jacobs
60.0Eric Francis
60.0Josh Pickard
60.1Joe Abeare
60.2David Fleis
60.2Michael Wildner
60.2Jake Wood
60.3Chris Markel
60.3Hendrix Briggs
60.3Bob Morton
60.3Greg Festian
60.3Jeff McGuire
60.3Adam Hillsamer
60.3Jeremiah Clennan
60.4Jason Hedrick
60.4Jason Church
60.4Russell Dana
60.5Shawn Herbert
60.5,, ..
60.5Cassidy Brigham
60.5Les Shaner jr
60.7brian snow
60.7Darius Long
60.7Dave McCarty
60.7Brad Harelik
60.7Jennifer JSaww Sawyer
60.7Matt Lakanen
60.8Brian Kelley
60.9Dalton Olin
60.9Ben Zenner
60.9Zac Cauchy
61.0Kylar Mikkelson
61.0Ron Jacobs
61.0Nate Upton
61.1Ryan The Rhyno
61.1Dave Connors
61.3Quinn Tank
61.5KC Griffin
61.5Philip “Flip” Balger Scott
61.5Thomas Cupp
61.5Alex Garza
61.5Sean Anders
61.5Mitch Hubbard
61.5Shawn Boucke
61.6Lindsey Maas
61.6Josh Russell
61.7Mason Frost
61.7Jason Orlowski
61.7Derek Straayer
61.7matthew mccreedy
61.7Stacy carson
61.8Alisha Schafer
62.0Jimmy Taylor
62.0Larry Webbert
62.0Matt Fradenburg
62.0Harold Fernando
62.0Andrew White
62.0Wayne VanTuinen
62.1Scott Adkins
62.2Josh Sanders
62.2David Sepulvedo
62.2Dakota Nolph
62.2Curt McGill
62.3Chad LeBaron
62.3Bill Sampson
62.3Zane pittman
62.3jeff brelin
62.3Austin Fuller
62.4Erin Oakley
62.4Tyler Holsworth
62.5Brad Bleise
62.6Rick Amrstrong
62.6Sam Rodgers
62.7dan carrigan
62.9Q .
62.9Fred Baker
62.9Jeremy French
63.0Josh Sheltrown
63.0Cory Pyscher
63.1Scott "Fatt Kidd" Sexton
63.2David LaPorte
63.3Jon Strifler
63.3Caleb Peters
63.4Paul Faber
63.4Joshua Carroll
63.5Alex Toupin
63.5Cameron Benak
63.5Robert Crosby
63.5Mike Stump - OldStump
63.6Timothy VanSteenburg
64.0Mike Adams
64.0Jeff Hill
64.0Adam Geise
64.1Chris Mascho
64.2Ben Warner
64.3Jason Storm
64.3Katlin k
64.3Jarek Brower
64.3Bill Laur
64.3Kenton Lewis
64.3Andy McLeod
64.3Elijah Arnold
64.4Jimmy doty
64.5James Preston
64.5Sean Bugh
64.6Terry Grost
64.7Dan Richardson
64.7Christian Slater
64.7JP Wellman
64.7Bryan Van Til
64.7Stu Kruske
65.0Jared Devers
65.0Emily Walker
65.1Keith Bentley
65.2Foster Neill
65.3Chris Shaw
65.3Kyle Mihatsch - Highland Groves DGC
65.3Kenny Miller - Team Tilley's
65.5James Leiter
65.6Dan Draper
65.7Amy Church
65.9Jeff Huisjen
65.9Justin Clemons
65.9Nikki Taylor
66.0Norman Avery
66.0Don Decker
66.3Guy Gill
66.4Chaise Schriber
66.6Mark Stephens
66.7Don Warfield
66.7Liam “discporn” Cleary
66.7Anna Van Strien
67.0Jeff VoVillia
67.0Michael Brunette
67.0Rob Stivers
67.3Craig Prime
67.5Jeff Wilcox
67.6Steve Swart
67.7Chris Leo
68.0Lorin M
68.0Lauren St. Clair
68.3Ty Dutcher
68.7Shea Abbgy
69.0Casey Krajenka
69.0Serina Jinks
69.0Marc Hamlin - Team Tilley's
69.0Kevin N.
69.3Mark Larsen
69.4Dart Overfield
69.4James Mullen
69.6Gordy Houser
69.7Matt Homan
69.7Jim Carden
69.7Chris Waite
70.0Oscar Judd
70.2Katie McKeighan
70.3Ryan Latchaw
70.7David Solosky
70.7Rachel Terryn
70.7Matthew Grubb
70.8Steve Rider
71.3Angel Gilbert
71.4Fred McGill
71.4Dave Maddox
71.6Jessica Oleskie
72.0Aaron Garner
72.0Jason Jurek
72.0David Eibling
72.5Jim Johnson
73.3Michele Ramon
74.3Carl Johnson
74.8Adam Hubble
75.7Stormie Morris
76.5Garrett P Alvarez
77.5Christian Maday
80.5Audri Niezgoda
342.0Lucas Boomhower Lundberg
Averages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

Regular tees, Back Nine · 9 holes Not played

Regular tees, Front Nine · 9 holes Not played

Regular tees, Short hole 5 · 18 holes Not played

Short 14 · 18 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes Not played

Short tees, Back Nine · 9 holes Not played

Short tees, Front Nine · 9 holes Not played

Team Taylor 3 Disc Challenge · 18 holes Not played

Trilogy 24 · 24 holes Not played

Ultrastar DF Shorts · 18 holes Not played


Birdie Bash · 18 holes Not played

Buck's Run · 18 holes Not played

Deerwood 24 · 24 holes Not played

Long tees · 18 holes Not played

Lorts · 18 holes Not played

Match Play Championships · 18 holes Not played

Shlongs · 18 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes Not played

Shorts - Front Nine · 9 holes Not played

WildField · 18 holes Not played

WildField Shlongs · 18 holes Not played

WildField Shorts · 18 holes Not played

Woodfield · 18 holes Not played

Woodfield shorts · 18 holes Not played

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