Micah Loewen

Righty - backhand

Micah's scores   »   Stats   »   Mooney Grove Park

Stats updated just now. Course stats update daily, or whenever a new score is posted.

Perry Championship

· 1 holes Not played

· 1 holes Not played

2019 EOTTC BOTH COURSES · 36 holes Not played

Bartlett Park EotTC 2021 · 18 holes Not played

California Juniors 2021 · 18 holes Not played

Cen Cal Championships 2022- King of the Valley · 18 holes Not played

CVS 2019 · 18 holes Not played

CVS Finals 2023 · 18 holes · Par 54 Played once

53 Best score
Friends' best scores
153Micah Loewen
360Katie Leo
360Jason Beach
565Chris Cooper
+ expand list
53.0 Average score
Friends' averages
153.0Micah Loewen
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
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CVS V-Town Throwdown 2023 · 18 holes · Par 56 Played once

55 Best score
Friends' best scores
255Micah Loewen
358Jason Beach
461Chris Cooper
+ expand list
55.0 Average score
Friends' averages
155.0Micah Loewen
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
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End of the Trail (SJCV) Classic 2021 · 18 holes Not played

Juniors Backs · 18 holes Not played

Juniors Front · 18 holes Not played

King of the Valley 2021 · 18 holes Not played

KOTV Front · 18 holes Not played

Perry Champinoship Juniors · 18 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes Not played

The Loop · 18 holes Not played

Perry Outback

20 Hole Ace RACE · 20 holes Not played

2018 EOTTC back 61 · 1 holes Not played

Cen Cal Championships 2022- King of the Valley · 18 holes Not played

CVS Finals 2023 · 18 holes · Par 57 Played once

62 Best score
Friends' best scores
162Micah Loewen
367Chris Cooper
471Jason Beach
575Katie Leo
+ expand list
62.0 Average score
Friends' averages
162.0Micah Loewen
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
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CVS V-Town Throwdown 2023 · 18 holes · Par 59 Played once

66 Best score
Friends' best scores
166Micah Loewen
268Chris Cooper
369Jason Beach
+ expand list
66.0 Average score
Friends' averages
166.0Micah Loewen
Averages require 3+ rounds
Similar averages
No statsAverages require 3+ rounds
Show 1-round history

End of the Trail Classic 2021 · 18 holes Not played

KOTV Back · 18 holes Not played

KOTV Back · 18 holes Not played

Outback Saturday · 18 holes Not played

Perry CHamp Round 2 · 18 holes Not played

Short tees · 18 holes Not played

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