Michael Ball

Michigan, USA Righty - Backhand and forehand

Michael's scores

Michael has posted 140 scores at 25 courses.
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-5 53
August 17, ‘19
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 58
August 17, ‘19
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
-5 51
July 21, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Short Tees, 18 holes
Ace on hole #10
-7 50
July 21, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
+5 61
July 14, ‘19
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course, Black tees (long), 18 holes
+1 55
July 14, ‘19
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Blue tees (long), 18 holes
-6 51
July 5, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
-6 52
July 4, ‘19
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 54
June 29, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
-7 51
June 23, ‘19
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
+3 66
June 21, ‘19
Kensington Metropark - Toboggan Course, Toboggan Course, Regular tees, 18 holes
+9 65
June 15, ‘19
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course, Black tees (long), 18 holes
E 72
June 15, ‘19
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Blue tees (long), 24 holes
+5 62
May 27, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
E 57
May 27, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
-6 51
May 25, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
-6 51
May 17, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
+1 61
May 13, ‘19
Earl W. Brewer Park, Championship course, Regular tees, 18 holes
-6 54
May 13, ‘19
Earl W. Brewer Park, Championship course, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 60
April 7, ‘19
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
-7 50
April 6, ‘19
NorthRidge Church, 2019 Long Tees, 18 holes
-1 71
March 23, ‘19
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 22 holes
E 72
March 23, ‘19
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 22 holes
+5 77
March 17, ‘19
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 24 holes
-3 52
February 3, ‘19
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
-6 52
January 17, ‘19
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 25 36 27 28 39 210 311 312 213 314 415 216 317 318 4Out 52 / -6
+3 75
January 8, ‘19
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Blue tees (long), 24 holes
1 32 33 34 3A 4B 3C 4D 3E 4F 25 36 37 38 29 310 411 312 213 214 315 316 317 518 4Out 75 / +3
-2 75
January 5, ‘19
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, 24 Holes Black Tees champ basket 10, 24 holes
1 42 43 44 45 46 37 38 39 210 311 312 3A 3B 4C 3D 2E 2F 413 314 315 316 317 318 2Out 75 / -2
-2 57
December 16, ‘18
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 415 216 417 318 3Out 57 / -2
-1 54
December 9, ‘18
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
First round after deciding on taking the game back up for 2019
1 22 43 34 35 36 27 38 39 410 311 312 313 314 315 316 217 318 4Out 54 / -1
-2 53
July 12, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 411 212 313 214 315 216 217 318 4Out 53 / -2
E 87
July 3, ‘17
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Long tees, 27 holes
1 32 43 34 35 26 37 48 29 310 311 412 313 414 215 316 317 318 319 320 321 522 323 324 425 326 427 4Out 87 / E
-2 70
July 2, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 24 holes
1 22 4A 2B 4C 3D 2E 3F 33 34 35 46 37 38 39 210 311 312 313 314 315 216 417 318 2Out 70 / -2
-1 53
July 1, ‘17
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Red tees (short), 18 holes
1 42 23 34 35 36 27 48 39 310 211 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 53 / -1
-2 25
June 26, ‘17
Wagner Park, Long tees, Front Nine, 9 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 37 38 39 3Out 25 / -2
+1 28
June 20, ‘17
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Short tees, Back Nine, 9 holes
19 320 421 422 223 324 325 326 327 3Out 28 / +1
-1 27
June 8, ‘17
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
1 22 23 34 45 36 47 38 29 4Out 27 / -1
-3 60
June 6, ‘17
Kensington Metropark - Toboggan Course, Toboggan Course, Regular tees, 18 holes
Amazing time. First time ever playing it, shot very well. This course is what drives me to be better as a golfer. Already can't wait to play it next year!
1 32 43 44 35 36 47 48 39 310 311 312 313 414 215 416 317 418 3Out 60 / -3
+1 29
June 3, ‘17
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
1 32 33 34 55 46 27 48 29 3Out 29 / +1
-4 51
June 2, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 28 39 310 211 312 313 314 215 216 217 318 4Out 51 / -4
-3 26
June 1, ‘17
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Front 9, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 27 48 39 2Out 26 / -3
E 72
May 28, ‘17
Firefighters Park, 2017 FFC Long, 24 holes
-2 70
May 28, ‘17
Firefighters Park, 2017 FFC Long, 24 holes
-6 50
May 27, ‘17
NorthRidge Church, Alternate Long Tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 36 37 28 29 310 411 312 313 314 315 216 217 318 3Out 50 / -6
-8 47
May 22, ‘17
Hudson Mills Metropark, Monster course, Yellow tees (short), 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 38 29 310 211 312 213 214 415 316 317 218 3Out 47 / -8
+2 89
May 19, ‘17
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Long tees, 27 holes
1 32 43 44 25 36 57 48 39 310 311 312 313 314 415 316 317 318 319 320 421 322 323 424 325 226 427 4Out 89 / +2
-1 54
May 18, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 28 39 310 211 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 5Out 54 / -1
-2 25
May 16, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, Front Nine, 9 holes
1 32 43 44 25 26 27 28 39 3Out 25 / -2
-7 78
May 13, ‘17
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Short Front 18, Long Back 9, 27 holes
#prodigy #H3 #PA3
Short tees   18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 28 29 310 211 212 213 314 215 316 317 318 3Out 48 / +17
Long tees, Back Nine   9 holes
19 420 321 422 323 424 325 326 327 3Out 30 / -1
-2 52
May 12, ‘17
Hudson Mills Metropark, Original course, Blue tees (long), 18 holes
First round throwing 100% Prodigy....its like i knew the discs for years.
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 52 / -2
-2 70
May 6, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 24 holes
Trying out some new discs
1 32 5A 2B 3C 3D 2E 3F 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 310 311 312 313 314 215 316 317 318 3Out 70 / -2
-4 54
April 26, ‘17
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 26 47 38 39 310 411 412 213 214 215 216 317 518 4Out 54 / -4
-4 50
April 23, ‘17
Lawrence Tech, Devils Creek, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 211 312 413 314 315 316 317 218 3Out 50 / -4
+5 63
April 22, ‘17
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk X, Chuck D North Black, 18 holes
+8 65
April 22, ‘17
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, Chuck D South Black Tees, 18 holes
-5 23
April 17, ‘17
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
1 22 23 24 45 36 27 48 29 2Out 23 / -5
-9 47
April 12, ‘17
NorthRidge Church, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 38 29 310 211 312 213 314 315 216 217 318 3Out 47 / -9
+3 58
April 9, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
-4 105
April 2, ‘17
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk X, Chuck D,Red Hawk,Red Hawk X SHORT TEES, 36 holes
1 22 3RHX1 3RHX2 4RHX3 2RHX4 2RHX5 2RHX6 3RHX7 6RHX8 3RHX9 3RHX10 3RHX11 4RHX12 33 34 25 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 216 317 218 3RH1 4RH2 3RH3 2RH4 3RH5 2RH6 3Out 105 / -4
+2 75
April 1, ‘17
Addison Oaks County Park, Long tees, 24 holes
-5 53
March 28, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 46 27 28 49 210 211 312 313 314 315 216 317 318 4Out 53 / -5
-7 49
March 27, ‘17
NorthRidge Church, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 46 37 38 29 210 311 312 213 314 315 316 317 318 2Out 49 / -7
+2 75
March 25, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
+5 78
March 25, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
+2 75
March 23, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short Tees 24 (A-F), 24 holes
1 32 5A 3B 3C 3D 3E 2F 33 44 35 36 37 38 39 210 411 312 413 514 215 316 317 318 2Out 75 / +2
-1 57
March 21, ‘17
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 46 47 38 49 310 311 312 313 214 315 316 317 418 3Out 57 / -1
+3 58
March 12, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
-3 52
March 9, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Fun round with 3 new guys!
1 22 33 44 35 36 27 28 39 310 311 212 413 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 52 / -3
-3 25
March 4, ‘17
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
1 22 33 24 55 36 37 38 29 2Out 25 / -3
+2 57
March 4, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 44 35 36 37 28 39 310 211 312 313 414 315 416 317 318 4Out 57 / +2
E 58
February 18, ‘17
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 54 55 36 27 38 39 210 411 312 313 314 215 316 317 418 4Out 58 / E
-2 25
February 14, ‘17
Founders Sports Park, Yellow tees (short), 9 holes
A quick little round, muddy but not that bad. Made a nice putt on #3.
1 22 43 24 35 36 37 38 39 2Out 25 / -2
-13 60
February 11, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short Tees 24 (A-F), 24 holes
Best round of 2017 feel wise
1 22 2A 2B 3C 2D 3E 2F 23 24 25 36 27 38 49 310 211 312 313 314 315 216 317 218 2Out 60 / -13
+14 101
January 28, ‘17
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees skipping hole 4, 27 holes
+5 63
January 21, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
-4 51
January 15, ‘17
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Ace #3, Hole 15 w/skip
1 32 43 34 35 26 27 28 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 116 217 418 4Out 51 / -4
-17 83
November 6, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 30 holes
1 22 5A 3B 3C 3D 2E 2F 23 34 25 46 27 28 29 310 311 412 313 314 315 2W 4X 2X1 2X2 3Y 3Z 316 317 218 3Out 83 / -17
-3 55
October 21, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 25 46 37 38 49 210 311 212 313 314 315 316 317 218 4Out 55 / -3
E 27
October 13, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, Front Nine, 9 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 47 28 39 3Out 27 / E
+1 56
October 9, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Ugh....one of those rounds
1 42 23 44 35 26 27 28 49 310 511 412 413 214 315 316 217 318 4Out 56 / +1
-5 50
September 30, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 25 36 37 28 39 310 311 312 213 314 315 316 217 218 4Out 50 / -5
-3 25
September 25, ‘16
Holly Woods, Regular tees, 9 holes
1 32 23 34 25 36 37 38 29 4Out 25 / -3
+1 80
September 25, ‘16
Holly Woods, 24 Holes Par 79, according to posts, 24 holes
1 52 43 34 35 36 57 28 29 310 211 312 313 314 615 416 517 318 219 420 221 322 423 224 4Out 80 / +1
-7 49
September 19, ‘16
NorthRidge Church, Regular Tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 25 36 27 38 29 310 311 312 213 314 415 316 217 318 3Out 49 / -7
+3 61
September 10, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
+2 60
September 10, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
E 54
September 5, ‘16
Merrill Park West, The Gulch, 18 Short, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 26 47 48 39 310 311 312 313 214 215 316 317 418 3Out 54 / E
-7 51
September 4, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
-1 57
September 4, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 47 48 39 310 311 312 313 214 315 316 317 418 3Out 57 / -1
-1 27
August 29, ‘16
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
Got my second career ace!
1 32 33 34 45 46 37 38 19 3Out 27 / -1
-3 55
August 22, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 35 36 27 58 39 310 411 312 313 314 315 216 317 418 3Out 55 / -3
-3 52
August 13, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 25 46 37 38 39 310 311 212 213 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 52 / -3
+6 79
August 7, ‘16
Willow Metropark, Long tees, 24 holes
Played from the longs for the first time...got my A$$ kicked quite a few times. Made some nice long putts and my approach game was solid.
1 32 33 34 35 56 37 48 29 310 411 212 313 414 415 416 317 218 319 320 321 422 423 424 3Out 79 / +6
-4 51
August 5, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Very up and down....approaches and scrambling was on point. made 2 very nice, long putts for birdie on 13 and 16.
1 22 23 34 35 36 37 28 49 310 211 412 313 214 415 316 217 218 4Out 51 / -4
+6 60
July 31, ‘16
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 46 37 38 59 410 411 512 313 314 315 216 317 218 3Out 60 / +6
-8 50
July 29, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
Lets just say very glad to be a member of #teamtrilogy
1 32 23 34 35 46 27 38 39 210 311 312 213 214 315 216 317 418 3Out 50 / -8
-7 49
July 24, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 18 holes
Quick solo round!
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 28 39 310 311 212 413 214 315 216 217 218 2Out 49 / -7
+3 84
July 23, ‘16
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Short tees, 27 holes
-1 54
July 16, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Kinda up and down, putting was pretty alright. Driving was solid but a little off of target on occasion.
1 42 33 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 211 212 513 314 315 316 217 318 4Out 54 / -1
-3 55
July 9, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
-3 55
July 3, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 28 39 310 311 212 313 314 315 316 317 418 4Out 55 / -3
+2 56
July 2, ‘16
Earl W. Brewer Park, North course, Regular tees, 18 holes
Last round of the day, Great rounds and even greater company!
1 32 33 34 35 46 37 38 39 310 511 312 313 414 215 316 317 318 2Out 56 / +2
+3 57
July 2, ‘16
Riverside Park, Main course, Long tees, 18 holes
Round #2 on the day, fun and educational. I was able to help the group in front of us and see immediate results.
1 32 33 24 45 36 37 48 39 410 311 312 313 414 315 416 317 218 3Out 57 / +3
+12 70
July 2, ‘16
Fallasburg Park, Long tees, 18 holes
first round of the day, probably should have started off on a an easier course.
1 42 53 34 45 56 37 38 59 310 311 412 313 414 315 416 717 318 4Out 70 / +12
-4 50
June 25, ‘16
Firefighters Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Round #2 on the day, felt a little fatigued but made it through with a solid score. Executed some very nice shots today....very pleased
1 22 33 34 35 26 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 218 2Out 50 / -4
-4 50
June 25, ‘16
Firefighters Park, Regular tees, 18 holes
Fun round, played solo. shot pretty well. the dagger is such a great putter
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 28 39 310 311 312 313 214 215 316 317 318 3Out 50 / -4
-2 53
June 25, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Fun round, first time at Cass this summer!
1 32 33 44 35 36 27 48 39 310 311 312 313 314 315 216 217 318 3Out 53 / -2
-8 48
June 17, ‘16
NorthRidge Church, Regular Tees, 18 holes
Yet another great round since switiching to #trilogy plastic.
1 32 23 24 35 36 27 38 29 310 311 312 213 314 415 216 317 318 2Out 48 / -8
-9 49
June 12, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
Another stellar round, #ballista #dagger #compass
1 32 23 34 35 36 37 38 29 210 311 312 313 214 315 216 217 418 3Out 49 / -9
-7 51
June 12, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
Solo round, wind was a howling!
1 32 33 34 45 36 37 48 39 310 311 212 213 214 315 216 217 418 2Out 51 / -7
-3 89
June 10, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short Tees, 30 holes, 30 holes
Fun round, tried out some new plastics well. I was -6 at one point but fought it all 2nd half. Loving me some Trilogy!
-4 54
May 6, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 36 27 48 29 210 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 418 3Out 54 / -4
-3 25
April 25, ‘16
Founders Sports Park, Blue tees (long), 9 holes
After taking some time away from the course and working on my putting.....I'm liking the results
1 22 23 24 55 46 37 38 29 2Out 25 / -3
+1 59
April 13, ‘16
Atchison Park, The Lyon's Den, Regular tees, 18 holes
Up and down, first round in over a week. Putting was ok...still working on it!
1 42 33 44 45 36 27 48 39 310 411 312 313 214 315 416 317 418 3Out 59 / +1
+15 87
April 3, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 24 holes
+14 86
April 3, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 24 holes
-2 53
March 21, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Up and down.......again!
1 22 33 44 25 26 37 28 49 310 411 312 313 414 315 316 217 318 3Out 53 / -2
-2 53
March 20, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
A little on the inconsistent side, but did make some good shots when i needed to. Still getting into summer form!
-10 90
March 19, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Long tees, 30 holes
1 32 5A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 23 34 25 36 37 38 39 410 311 312 413 314 415 2W 4X 2X1 3X2 2Y 2Z 316 417 318 2Out 90 / -10
E 55
March 18, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Putting fell apart big time!
1 22 33 34 35 36 37 28 39 310 311 312 313 414 315 316 317 418 4Out 55 / E
-1 57
March 14, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
Almost aced #11, hit the top of the basket with a FH
1 32 33 44 35 56 37 28 49 210 311 212 313 214 415 316 417 318 4Out 57 / -1
+8 62
March 13, ‘16
River Bends, March Mudfest 2016 Round 2, Longs 10-27, 18 holes par 54, 18 holes
+9 63
March 13, ‘16
River Bends, March Mudfest 2016 Round 2, Longs 10-27, 18 holes par 54, 18 holes
-1 54
March 9, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 45 26 47 28 39 310 411 312 213 214 315 316 417 318 3Out 54 / -1
-2 79
March 7, ‘16
River Bends, 2014 27 Hole Long Tees, 27 holes
Switched putters, back to something I was more comfortable with....made a huge difference. First time @ Riverbends, I really liked it.
1 32 23 34 35 56 37 38 39 310 311 312 413 314 215 216 317 318 219 320 321 322 223 324 325 326 327 3Out 79 / -2
-7 48
March 4, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 34 35 26 37 38 49 210 211 312 313 214 215 316 217 318 4Out 48 / -7
+3 58
February 28, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
+1 59
February 22, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 35 46 37 28 49 310 311 312 213 314 415 316 317 318 4Out 59 / +1
-9 46
February 22, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
Personal best score @ Cass.
1 22 33 34 35 26 27 28 39 310 311 212 313 214 315 216 317 218 3Out 46 / -9
+1 93
February 20, ‘16
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short Tees, 30 holes, 30 holes
1 42 4A 3B 3C 4D 3E 3F 33 44 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313 414 215 3W 3X 3X1 3X2 3Y 3Z 316 417 218 2Out 93 / +1
E 27
February 19, ‘16
Founders Sports Park, Yellow tees (short), 9 holes
1 22 33 24 35 46 37 38 49 3Out 27 / E
-5 50
February 10, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 36 37 28 39 310 311 212 213 314 315 216 317 318 3Out 50 / -5
-5 49
February 6, ‘16
Rolling Hills County Park, Rolling Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 35 26 37 38 39 310 311 212 213 314 315 216 317 318 3Out 49 / -5
-5 50
February 1, ‘16
Cass Benton Hills, Short tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 25 36 37 28 39 310 311 312 313 214 315 216 217 318 4Out 50 / -5
E 72
January 30, ‘16
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, Red tees (short), 24 holes
1 42 43 34 35 26 37 48 39 310 311 412 2A 3B 3C 2D 3E 3F 313 314 315 216 317 218 4Out 72 / E
-2 54
January 9, ‘16
Stony Creek Metropark, Green course, Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 24 35 26 37 48 39 310 411 512 313 314 315 316 217 218 4Out 54 / -2
+6 63
May 5, ‘15
Independence Lake County Park, Red Hawk, Black tees (long), 18 holes
+6 63
April 28, ‘15
Kensington Metropark, Black Locust, Long tees, Middle Layout, 19 holes
+4 77
March 28, ‘15
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
-2 71
March 28, ‘15
Lakeshore, The Ponds (Original), Short tees, 24 holes
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