brad chartier  › *2021 A3Disc TWIZBEE Singles Travel League*   May 22, 2021 at 5:54pm

Another week in the books, and, another appearance by the Mystery Discer, aka, The Interloper. For this upcoming week at Bandemer, if you have one, wear a tie-dyed shirt. Don't ask any questions, I'll explain later.

This past week we celebrated World Bee Day. Our Mystery CTP had 6 prizes attached, but, alas, we only had 4 winners. That means we will have 2 carryover prizes for our takeover of Don's sanctioned league on the 31st.
Nick Haskins was 4th closest and will get a St. Ambrose University Fighting Bees (yes, it is a real thing) T-shirt. Taking 3rd was our own Paulie Whitmore. For his efforts he will get a Bright Farms hat and tote bag so he can impress everyone at Whole Foods or Better Health or 7-11, wherever he gets his grub. Steve Nolff took home a Bright Farms water bottle. Thank you Bright Farms and thanks for helping us celebrate National Salad Month. And the Mystery CTP winner was Tyler Kinley. Thanks to Blom Meadworks for donating the gift card and glass in honor of World Bee Day. Just a reminder that players do get extra points by frequenting our sponsors. A selfie with an employee of Krazy Jim's Blimpy Burger, Blom Meadworks, Shake Shack and the Throw Shop gets you a bonus point.

There, the shameless plugs are done. Our cash CTP winner was Brian Guo for $18.00. Our disc CTP winner was newcomer Aron Griffis who took home an ABC Discs Beeline, because it was World BEE Day. And Alex Shane won the FREE CTP, a $15.00 gift card to Krazy Jim's Blimpy Burger. Many thanks to Rich and the crew, who I hear is rather photogenic.

Also, watch for the big announcement tomorrow regarding the Monday Sanctioned League, aka, Lightning Don's Fan Club. PLEASE try to make some time on May 31st. You will not be disappointed.