Larry Bright Jr.  › Sean Barnes Disc Golf Doubles Benefit Event   Sticky May 19, 2021 at 9:38pm

We will have some items to raffle off at the event. Tickets will be sold for $1 each or 6 for $5. There will be two Grand Prizes with possibly a couple more prizes in store. The first Grand Prize is a Dynamic Discs bag with a disc, towel, and other swag donated by Trevor Murphy and Anhyzer Designs. This is a pretty cool prize, and I'm guessing there's going to be a couple other surprises in the bag. The second Grand Prize will be a Portable Discatcher style basket that was used by the Painesville Recreation department before The Pond was a permanent fixture in Lake County that's been donated by Mickey Anderson. So it's kind of a piece of NEO Disc Golf history. I remember those events....they were A BLAST!!! Regardless, all proceeds of the raffle will go directly to Sean. So thank you Trevor Murphy and Anyhyzer Designs and Mickey Anderson for your donations that will allow us to give away a couple cool bonus prizes and raiser some money for Sean as well.

Also, we will have a $2 Ace Fund day of the event. If no ace is hit, there will be a throw off for 50% of the fund, with the other 50% going to the fundraiser.

Keep in mind this is a benefit to raise money for a local golfer who needs our help. So your entries, donations, and any ticket purchases go directly to Sean. And any prize donations that are given will be used as prizes and CTPs on the day. So your generosity is greatly appreciated.

See you all on Saturday!!!!

Trevor Murphy   May 20, 2021 at 1:45am

Paratrooper Bag "Heather Blue", EBO Hat, EBO Towel, Anhyzer Koozie, EBO Disc, and I got a $30 Gift Card for - It's not about you, it's not about me, it's about Sean... lets celebrate an amazing soul in Disc Golf and help raise some funds for him and his fam!!! One love!

Trevor Murphy   May 20, 2021 at 1:46am

I wanna win the Basket :D

Mickey Anderson   May 21, 2021 at 2:42pm

Wow, what a prize!!!!!!! Thanks Trevor!!! Thanks everyone who has donated.