If you are aware of anyone from out of state looking to register (or if anyone reading this fits that description) Please get on the waitlist, underserved divisions get priority. They will get in.
maybe there are two MJ10 that played this week in our new league...but if there are only 3 ina division, will the division be eliminated if there isnt a fourth?
If you are aware of anyone from out of state looking to register (or if anyone reading this fits that description) Please get on the waitlist, underserved divisions get priority. They will get in.
Mike - are any of your junior league players interested in competing? we have one in MJ10 and one in MJ18 at the moment
Thanks for all you're doing Mike.
The event description has been revised to clarify the above.
maybe there are two MJ10 that played this week in our new league...but if there are only 3 ina division, will the division be eliminated if there isnt a fourth?