Points Rally NCC - a Chicks Chasing Chains WGE 2021 Fundraiser Session   May 6, 2021 at 3:25pm

Session Finale Round

The vote was for the finale round to be this Sunday (5/9 Mother's Day). This round is open to ALL PLAYERS (Including Mothers). But remember that only the Division Leaders are playing for cold-hard cash! Ace Pot and CTP are in effect.

Points Rally Layout 10

Hole 1X extended Par 5
Hole 2 Par 3
Hole 3 Par 3
Hole 4 Par 3
Hole 5X Par 3 Temp Tee
Hole 6 Par 3
Hole 7B Par 3
Hole 8B Par 4
Hole 9X 9-10 Par 4
Hole 11 Par 3
Hole 12 Par 3
Hole 13X Par 4
Hole 14XL Par 4
Hole 15X 15-16 Par 5
RPA Par 3
RPB Par 4
Hole 17X Pa4
Hole 18 Par 4

Hole 1: Paved and Gravel roads are OB. Water line and beyond OB. Completely surrounded by water is OB.

Hole 2: Gravel & paved roads are OB. Fence line and beyond OB.

Hole 3: Gravel and Paved roads are OB.

Hole 4: Gravel and Paved roads are OB. Playground OB.

Hole 5X: Alternate Tee. Stay left of Mando. Gravel/Paved road, concrete, parking lot, & playground are OB.

Hole 6: Double Mando. Water, parking area, concrete & Road (and beyond) OB. Any OB tee shot player will proceed to DZ. Missed Mando, proceed to DZ. Other OB throws play from last in-bounds. Player may elect to tee directly from DZ w/ penalty.

Hole 7B: Alternate Pad. Parking Lot and top of building are OB.

Hole 8B. Long pad. Water in retention is casual.

Hole 9X: 9-10 combo. Water OB. If tee shot is OB without crossing in-boounds, re-tee w/ penalty.

Hole 11: Fence line and beyond is OB

Hole 12:

Hole 13X: Alternate basket, located near 12B tee pad. Marked Lines OB. Parking lot OB. Fence line and beyond OB.

Hole 14XL: Left side long tee pad. Marked Lines OB. Fence line and beyond OB.

Hole 15X 15-16 combo: 15S tee pad to 16 basket. Gravel road and beyond OB Parking lot OB.

RPA: Gravel and Paved Roads are OB.

RPB: Fence line and beyond OB.

Hole 17X: 17 to Temp basket. Gravel Road, Paved Road, Parking Lots are OB. Gravel Road by Gravel Parking IS SAFE. Gravel Parking Lot is OB. Marked Lines are OB.

Hole 18: Gravel and Paved Roads OB. Parking Lot is OB. Water line and beyond OB. Completely surrounded by water is OB.