Hayden Kujala  › Early Birthday Flexin’   April 26, 2021 at 6:21pm

For everyone that has played the course before, there have been a couple of minor changes since the last event. The family is in the process of making a dirt bike track in the area that holds holes 6-15. Here are the list of changes that have been made so far:

-Hole 8's basket has been moved 10ft longer
-Hole 9's basket has been moved 10ft shorter and the OB rope behind the basket has been brought to the mound that was deep of the basket.
-Hole 11's short basket has been moved to the right of the pine tree and an OB rope has been added 15ft short of the barbed wire fence.

Possible future changes:
-addition of a triple mando right off of the tee of Hole 1
-Adding a second basket placement on Hole 2
-adding a second basket placement for Hole 12
-adding a second basket placement on hole 13
-adding a third basket placement on hole 14
-adding a long tee on hole 15
-adding a second basket placement on hole 17
-moving the long tee on Hole 18 to the right