Michael Krueger  › Kansas City Flying Disc Challenge presented by Discmania   Sticky April 19, 2021 at 4:55pm

Blue Valley update - Thanks to Drew Neitzel for moving a couple baskets today and installing a new sleeve on regular hole 1. The basket on 8 still needs to be moved, and a basket will have to be installed on regular hole 1 when the concrete sets. There is trash on the course (as always, it seems) but otherwise looks good. A work day will be scheduled to clean up the course the weekend before the event. Please note: the day of the event, the baskets will ALL be Mach IIIs.

I'm not good at maps, but I posted a map on the Pictures tab to help give you an idea.


1. Temp to 1 middle left (346'/par 3)
2. Junior 2 pad to Junior 3 basket (379/3)
3. Junior 4 (279/3)
4. Junior 6 (256/3)
5. Junior 9 (467/4)
6. Junior 1 (235/3)
7. Temp on island in Bales Lake to 3 long (483/4). May proceed to DZ with a two throw penalty without teeing from island in lake (throwing three from DZ if you do not want to risk losing a disc)
8. 4 pad to 7 long left (670/4)
9. 5 to short (306/3)
10. 6 to long left (534/4)
11. 7 to middle right, mando left of first tree by road (693/4)
12. 8 to middle right on hill (462/3)
13. 9 to short (365/3)
14. 10 inner pad to 9 long/10 inner long (417/4)
15. 10 short pad to long (196/3)
16. 11 to middle left (458/3)
17. 12 to short left (394/3)
18. 1 pad to new right pin (553/4)
Total 7493 feet, par 61

Out of Bounds: Surrounded by water in Bales Lake. All other water is casual. On or over any road (parts of road may be marked by paint). Over any fence. DO NOT RETRIEVE DISCS FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY. Inside playground. On or in any shelter. Please note, sidewalks on the course property are all SAFE.