Good evening and thank you for registering for the third event of the Fly Guy NC Amateur Tour!
There will be NO player meeting before the event. This email serves as the player meeting. READ IT CAREFULLY AS IT DETAILS RULES OF PLAY.
It looks to be a nice weekend! Yay!
Sponsors - this tour would not be possible without the sponsors who have partnered with FLy Guy to put on this 11 event series.
The division sponsors are:
Bradford Wealth Management
Brown Girl Disc Golf
Dubstep Disc Golf
Wise Guys
United Traffic Services
UFO Glow Tape
Fly Guy Disc Golf
Kirsch Lending
and Dynamic Discs.
Hole Sponsors:
Kirk Yoo
Carolina Comics and Collectibles
There are still divisional sponsorship opportunities available. These are $300, and if you are interested see me for details.
Tee sponsorships are $100, and if you are interested see me for details.
This year the tour will crown Point Series Champions in MA1, MA40, MA50, FA1, MA2, FA2, MA3, FA3, MJ18- and MJ12-. While there will not be a points series champion per se for MA4 and FA4, the best overall performing novice will receive a special prize.
Point Series Champions will receive:
MA1 and FA1 - Basket
MA40 and MA50 - 50 custom putters with your likeness and PDGA #
MA2 and FA2 - FREE Entry into MA1 / FA1 for the entire 2022 season
MA3 and FA3 - Free Entry into MA2 / FA2 for the entire 2022
MJ18- and MJ12- Final prize dependent upon total series entries, but will be sweet, I promise
Now, the event tomorrow:
7:30 - We will begin registration. You will need to follow all COVID / Social distance guidelines while around the Tournament Central .
Player Pack will be given at this time. Shirts will be issued based on size given in registration. Those requested prior to 3/08/21 should have guaranteed size; those who entered the event after that date may have to take an alternate size, based on availability. To make sure those who were guaranteed theirs are right, we may ask you to wait until the lunch break to get your shirt if you got in after 3/08/21. YOU WILL GET A SHIRT - you may just have to wait to see what is available.
As of this email there are 4 people on the waitlist remaining - and I will not accept any day of registration. Therefore if you are still on the waitlist and would like to get in for an opening, you need to be at the course, ready to register in the event that there is a no show.
We will close registration at 8:30 sharp.
We will call two minutes at 8:43 by sounding a truck horn. Start will be called at 8:45 in the same manner. The woods are thick so be sure to "pass it along" when you hear it.
All players are starting at 8:45. Your starting hole will be posted tomorrow before start on the PDGA event page located at
Format -
Singles stroke play.
Sliding scale payout , from Trophy Only for Novice, and incremental increases as divisions climb.
There ARE Trophies for all divisions; First Only in FA4 and MA4, and up to 1,2,3 in other divisions.
*Trophy purchase was made based on registration on 3/08/2021.
Scoring -
It is our desire that every card uses the PDGA live scoring system. This is NOT the PDGA App.
You access it by going to
You will then enter an event code : FGDG
From here it is intuitive scorekeeping like you do with Udisc.
All cards should keep a second, DIFFERENT card for score verification. This may be udisc, or a paper card ( available from Tournament Central).
DO NOT FORGET - You MUST confirm your scores in the Live Scoring system at the end of your round before leaving the tournament area.
MA1, MA40, MA50 - Long / Short
All Other - Short / Short
OBs - Going to keep it real simple this weekend - Surrounded by water in ponds, streams, etc is OB; Designated parking lots and public Roads and beyond are OB. Otherwise, lay where it lands. ANY QUESTIONS, refer to rules and play a provisional and discuss with me after the round ends BEFORE you confirm your scorecard.
In the event of causal water, play it as causal rules permit. Card decision.
Round two tee time and starting holes will be posted to the PDGA results page. The start time will also be posted on the Fly Guy NC Amateur Tour Facebook page.
So that should be about it - we're going to have LOTS OF FUN, and I know I am looking forward to seeing lots of folks I have not seen in a while.
** Last thing - This is a PDGA event. That means PDGA competition rules of play, as well as code of conduct. If it doesn't belong in the park, leave it at home. Likewise, do not put me in the position to choose a player versus maintaining good relationships with the parks system - I'll sacrifice the player for bad conduct every time. A lot of work and cooperation goes into these facilities - and we cannot represent both the sport and the community in an ill light by breaking park rules and/or violating code of conduct protocols. Be familiar with the rules, and follow them. **
Hannable McGarity › Fly Guy Disc Golf NC Amateur Tour - Pinehurst Sponsored by Dynamic Discs April 17, 2021 at 10:33pm
Good evening and thank you for registering for the third event of the Fly Guy NC Amateur Tour!
There will be NO player meeting before the event. This email serves as the player meeting. READ IT CAREFULLY AS IT DETAILS RULES OF PLAY.
It looks to be a nice weekend! Yay!
Sponsors - this tour would not be possible without the sponsors who have partnered with FLy Guy to put on this 11 event series.
The division sponsors are:
Bradford Wealth Management
Brown Girl Disc Golf
Dubstep Disc Golf
Wise Guys
United Traffic Services
UFO Glow Tape
Fly Guy Disc Golf
Kirsch Lending
and Dynamic Discs.
Hole Sponsors:
Kirk Yoo
Carolina Comics and Collectibles
There are still divisional sponsorship opportunities available. These are $300, and if you are interested see me for details.
Tee sponsorships are $100, and if you are interested see me for details.
This year the tour will crown Point Series Champions in MA1, MA40, MA50, FA1, MA2, FA2, MA3, FA3, MJ18- and MJ12-. While there will not be a points series champion per se for MA4 and FA4, the best overall performing novice will receive a special prize.
Point Series Champions will receive:
MA1 and FA1 - Basket
MA40 and MA50 - 50 custom putters with your likeness and PDGA #
MA2 and FA2 - FREE Entry into MA1 / FA1 for the entire 2022 season
MA3 and FA3 - Free Entry into MA2 / FA2 for the entire 2022
MJ18- and MJ12- Final prize dependent upon total series entries, but will be sweet, I promise
Now, the event tomorrow:
7:30 - We will begin registration. You will need to follow all COVID / Social distance guidelines while around the Tournament Central .
Player Pack will be given at this time. Shirts will be issued based on size given in registration. Those requested prior to 3/08/21 should have guaranteed size; those who entered the event after that date may have to take an alternate size, based on availability. To make sure those who were guaranteed theirs are right, we may ask you to wait until the lunch break to get your shirt if you got in after 3/08/21. YOU WILL GET A SHIRT - you may just have to wait to see what is available.
As of this email there are 4 people on the waitlist remaining - and I will not accept any day of registration. Therefore if you are still on the waitlist and would like to get in for an opening, you need to be at the course, ready to register in the event that there is a no show.
We will close registration at 8:30 sharp.
We will call two minutes at 8:43 by sounding a truck horn. Start will be called at 8:45 in the same manner. The woods are thick so be sure to "pass it along" when you hear it.
All players are starting at 8:45. Your starting hole will be posted tomorrow before start on the PDGA event page located at
Format -
Singles stroke play.
Sliding scale payout , from Trophy Only for Novice, and incremental increases as divisions climb.
There ARE Trophies for all divisions; First Only in FA4 and MA4, and up to 1,2,3 in other divisions.
*Trophy purchase was made based on registration on 3/08/2021.
Scoring -
It is our desire that every card uses the PDGA live scoring system. This is NOT the PDGA App.
You access it by going to
You will then enter an event code : FGDG
From here it is intuitive scorekeeping like you do with Udisc.
All cards should keep a second, DIFFERENT card for score verification. This may be udisc, or a paper card ( available from Tournament Central).
DO NOT FORGET - You MUST confirm your scores in the Live Scoring system at the end of your round before leaving the tournament area.
MA1, MA40, MA50 - Long / Short
All Other - Short / Short
OBs - Going to keep it real simple this weekend - Surrounded by water in ponds, streams, etc is OB; Designated parking lots and public Roads and beyond are OB. Otherwise, lay where it lands. ANY QUESTIONS, refer to rules and play a provisional and discuss with me after the round ends BEFORE you confirm your scorecard.
In the event of causal water, play it as causal rules permit. Card decision.
Round two tee time and starting holes will be posted to the PDGA results page. The start time will also be posted on the Fly Guy NC Amateur Tour Facebook page.
So that should be about it - we're going to have LOTS OF FUN, and I know I am looking forward to seeing lots of folks I have not seen in a while.
** Last thing - This is a PDGA event. That means PDGA competition rules of play, as well as code of conduct. If it doesn't belong in the park, leave it at home. Likewise, do not put me in the position to choose a player versus maintaining good relationships with the parks system - I'll sacrifice the player for bad conduct every time. A lot of work and cooperation goes into these facilities - and we cannot represent both the sport and the community in an ill light by breaking park rules and/or violating code of conduct protocols. Be familiar with the rules, and follow them. **
See you in the morning