WC GLOW SPRING/SUMMER 2021   April 16, 2021 at 2:18pm

GLOW RECAP 4.14.2021

We had 30 players show up for a windy & colder than expected round this past Wednesday evening. We played Long Even, Short Odd pads at Mary Beth Doyle. First cash went to Krumm/Rusinek with a -13 score. Second cash going to Trombley/Frame shooting -12. Third & fourth cash was split evenly by Binienda/Perras & Selig/Matthews, both with -11 scores.

CPTs on the night:
Hole 1: Binienda (cash)
Hole 5: Cook (cash)
Hole 7: Sprow (Buzzz)
Hole 10 - Ladies Only: Watts (reg fee)
Hole 14: Watts (Felon + $10)
Hole 18: Frame (Fierce)

Big thank you goes out to all who donated towards our CTPs this week. Bill Chapman donated a Discraft Buzzz & Dynamic Felon. Phil Common donated a Discraft Fierce & Richard Thelen donated $10 that was added as a bonus to one of the CTP holes. You guys are awesome!

Next week (April 21st) we’ll be at Bandemer. Hope everyone has a good weekend!