Points Rally NCC - a Chicks Chasing Chains WGE 2021 Fundraiser Session   April 15, 2021 at 4:07pm

Info about this Sunday's League round.

Caleb and I won't be able to attend this weekend, so Bryan Trahan will be taking over. Please check-in with him as he will be TD. You will be playing the standard NCC Layout. Rules to follow:

General Rules:
Players should consider all concrete, gravel, and fences (and beyond) as OB. In most cases, water will also be OB but, should this not be the case, the rules below will explain. Any non-permanent water from rain, irrigation, etc. will be played as casual.

Hole 1
Roads, parking lots, sidewalks and beyond are OB. Water and beyond OB.

Hole 2
Roads, parking lots, sidewalks and beyond are OB. Water and beyond OB.

Hole 3
Road is OB, Gravel area is OB, dirt path (or marked area) and beyond is OB.

Hole 4
Road is OB, Gravel area is OB, dirt path (or marked area) and beyond is OB.

Hole 5
Mando. Stay left of Mando, if not, proceed to DZ. Island Hole, tee shot must come to rest on the island. Any tee shot that does not come to rest on the island proceed to DZ. Marked lines are OB.

Hole 6
Double Mando. Road, Parking area, water are OB. Any Tee shot that does not come to rest in bounds and/or misses Mando, proceed to DZ. Subsequent throws that go OB play from last in-bounds.

Hole 7
Parking lot and rooftop of workshop are OB.

Hole 8
Water in ditch will be played as casual. Fence lines and beyond OB.

Hole 9
Water is OB. If DZ is present, players can proceed to DZ if tee shot goes in water. Players may also elect to tee from DZ with penalty. If no DZ is present, players must re-tee if tee shot goes in water. If tee shot crossed over in-bounds prior to going in water, play from last in-bounds.

Hole 10
Fence lines and beyond are OB.

Hole 11
Fence lines and beyond are OB.

Hole 12
Fence lines and beyond are OB.Water is casual.

Hole 13
Gravel Parking Lot OB, Concrete walkway OB. Fence line and beyond OB.

Hole 14
Gravel Parking Lot OB. Fence line and beyond are OB.

Hole 15
Fence line and beyond are OB.

Hole 16
Gravel road and beyond are OB.

Hole 17 Road, gravel road, parking area and concrete are all OB. If tee shot does not cross over gravel road, player must re-tee.

Hole 18
Roads, parking lots, sidewalks and beyond are OB. Water and beyond OB.