2021 Deer Lakes PDGA League   April 12, 2021 at 11:18am

Please sign up and pay by 2pm today!

A reminder to please sign up and pay before 2pm today. Also, if you had previously signed up and can no longer make it please let me know so that we aren't waiting for you until the last minute.

Going to try something different this year in letting people tee off starting at 3pm to try to not cause such a backup out on the course. All groups must be a minimum of 3 people and shouldn't have more than 4 for pace of play. Only downside I can see to this is that there may not be a flag out for CTP. Not sure how to resolve that.

I plan to arrive by 4:30 today to check other folks in and make sure that everything is running smoothly. The last card will tee off by 5:15 so that we have enough daylight.

We will continue to use PDGA live scoring and each group must have someone who keeps score for the card there. Reception can be a little spotty out there, so I suggest at least making the card while in the parking lot which seems to have the best reception. Scoring can be found at pdga.com/score and the password for the league is Deer2021.

A reminder that we will be playing the RED tees tonight in the interest of daylight. The league record is an unimpressive -16. Can anyone take that down this evening?

League Sign Up: https://forms.gle/4Nmn3JxB6rFYdpox6
Credit: https://tinyurl.com/b5dxxj9n
Current registration list: https://tinyurl.com/2t69dc5u