UPDATE (3/23/21): Round 1 tee times will start at 7:00am & run through at least 10:30am. We're planning for a 1 hour 20 min break between rounds. Round 2 tee times will start at 11:00am & run through 2:30pm.Tee times in 10 minute increments. The plan is to single tee off hole 1. NO RESHUFFLING OF GROUPS. YOU'LL PLAY WITH THE SAME GROUP BOTH ROUNDS. (So if your tee time is 7:00am round 1 your tee time will be 11:00am for round 2 & so on. Please plan accordingly!
When’s tee times gonna be posted mr dustin
Tee times will be posted the Wednesday or Thursday before the event at or around the same time the Players Meeting email goes out. There may be a slight change to when tee times actually start but definitely no later than 8:00am as the first group out.