Went out at lunch today and cleared teepads Blue 1-3. Those pads still could use a sweep, but it looks like they're pretty dry. So if anyone can get out there with either a broom (for 1-3) or a shovel (for any of the other 15), that will be really helpful. If I'm feeling ok after my shot in a few hours, I'll head back out there to try and get a few more.
Just a note: if the pad can be swept off well enough so that it is clean and dry, please do NOT put ice melt on it. But if there's caked-on ice, feel free to lay some down if you have it. From what I can tell, Blue 1-3 shouldn't need any ice melt. Also, if you're doing shoveling, it's best practice to clear at least a shovel's width around the teepad, so that as the snow melts or falls, it doesn't fall directly onto the pad.
If you end up doing any of the pads, whether it's a shovel, a sweep, or an ice melt application, comment here so everyone knows you're awesome and so that we can coordinate efforts and keep track of what needs to be done.
red 9 is shoveled, will be sweeping tomorrow and finishing up the rest hopefully
I just finished up 4, 5, and 9 Blue - only 6, 7, 8 Blue remain. As far as I can tell 1-5 Red is also done. Didn't get out to 6, 7, 8 so not sure about those. They told me usually side effects from the first shot aren't too bad so maybe I'll make it out there tomorrow too.
I meant the entire red 9 : )
Tees are all done
Thanks Boyd! Just doing six yesterday left me pretty sore (maybe it's partially the shot too).