Tommy Gager  › Parent/Child Doubles @ Lake Marshall   March 9, 2021 at 2:35pm

Since I have two juniors one 11 and one 9 could someone else play with one of my girls? I have someone who is willing to play I just want to see if that’s ok

Jeff Snider   March 9, 2021 at 2:54pm

Rule 1.13.B Youth Safety: "Players in the Junior ≤12, Junior ≤10, Junior ≤08, Junior ≤06 divisions must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during tournament rounds." Whether the PDGA intends that to mean a legal guardian isn't made clear by the rule itself.

Tommy Gager   March 9, 2021 at 3:34pm

Thanks Jeff. I would sign a waiver or do whatever is necessary to allow this person to play with one of them. He's a friend of mine and a coach/teammate of the girls.