also, I was just looking at the points I've earned over the last few weeks and noticed something off. - July6 I'm at 70. July 13th, I shoot 64 and reach 87 points, but then, July 20, I shoot 63 and only get 5 points for a total of 91 - that's only 5 points for showing up, even though I'm sure I'm well under my average.
Foster Neill › Leonard Johnson July 31, 2010 at 6:40am
also, I was just looking at the points I've earned over the last few weeks and noticed something off. - July6 I'm at 70. July 13th, I shoot 64 and reach 87 points, but then, July 20, I shoot 63 and only get 5 points for a total of 91 - that's only 5 points for showing up, even though I'm sure I'm well under my average.