Points Rally at Spring Valley   February 17, 2021 at 2:41pm

Round 6 News

Points Rally has a reputation for playing in any weather...

Well folks, looks like that isn't going to happen this time. Spring Valley is likely to still be closed and the roadways are said to be even more unsafe after the rain/melting snow freezes.

We all want to have fun, and to encourage healthy competition. BUT, your safety is our top concern.

Therefore, round 6 will be rescheduled.

We will simply extend this session to ensure that all 8 rounds are available and your top 4 will still count toward the session championship.

Thank you all for your understanding. I hope that you all are staying warm and have your water & electricity restored. Some day this will be a "fun" story for all of us to share!

Stay safe out there and we will play again soon...