The 18 hole layout is all Par 3's right? On Udisc under the 24 hole layout, it puts a couple of the par 3's as par 4's? Is the last hole scored differently in the 24 hole lay out vs the 18 hole layout?
Ok awesome! Yes I want to play how the local club plays em! So all par 3's on the base 18. I haven't really thrown A-F but maybe I should start! Thanks for the answer.
I use a blended format often for my sanctioned tournament which I call the Jumbo 18. It plays 1,4, 8-11, A-F, 12-16, 18. For my PDGA sanctioend singles league and the FTF doubles league, we just use the Original 18.
That was the state park that put par 4 on some of the original 18 holes. They are never used that way in organized play.
There are 4 par 4s, the concrete pads on C-F are Par 4 in my PDGA events. Par 3 from the natural pads on those holes.
What mark said
Ok awesome! Yes I want to play how the local club plays em! So all par 3's on the base 18. I haven't really thrown A-F but maybe I should start! Thanks for the answer.
I use a blended format often for my sanctioned tournament which I call the Jumbo 18. It plays 1,4, 8-11, A-F, 12-16, 18. For my PDGA sanctioend singles league and the FTF doubles league, we just use the Original 18.