Hi folks - just a quick update - I'm going to do payouts in the next couple hours; I accidentally put someone in the wrong pool last week, so the B Pool payouts have gone up a bit and A Pool has gone down a bit. I've decided I'm going to change the A Pool/B Pool cutoff, starting this week, so that an equal number of players are in both, since we've had more B Pool players so far. It'll go high rating to low rating.
Another reminder - renew your ADGA memberships or it'll be $11 this week! If you aren't on the list of 26 or so people here, then you'll have to start paying the extra $3! You can get me $30 (renewal) or $40 (first time member) if you want to renew with me.
See you out there Saturday! I'll make sure the teepads are looking good for the round - might even get my ice pick and try to level out the pit of death on 6's teepad.
Sorry - here is the link to the list of people who have renewed their 2021 ADGA memberships: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/2021_Alaska_Disc_Golf_Association_Membership_dues_2021.
I'd like to see #6 filled in, instead of dug out, lol. Or designate a new teebox to the left where it is level. I think most of us are throwing from that spot anyway :)
OK - I'll try and put something official down to mark the new temporary teebox or something...or see about filling in the divot.