I'll do a full-fledged recap and post scores when I'm bored at work next week but for now, you can see the order of finish in this spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15pb-zq2YRzag ...
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I'll do a full-fledged recap and post scores when I'm bored at work next week but for now, you can see the order of finish in this spreadsheet:
The first tab shows the order, split by the two divisions. Congrats to Cody and Tyler! The second tab shows my analysis of this week - turns out that to make things totally fair this week, the handicap should have been 13.05 points per stroke. This means that lower-rated players were advantaged slightly this week. I'll be melding it with the data from Winter Series 13 to determine if we need to change the Westchester handicap for weeks 3 and beyond.