High Nooner’s (POTG)   January 23, 2021 at 1:52pm

High Nooners league status

Sorry i didn’t post sooner..... only a handful of people asked if High Nooners was happening today- so i felt as if, not enough people wanted to play today... so the next Beta test round will be Feb. 6th - location still TBD

FWIW- DiscGolfSence is current with scores, and dates the league will be happening. locations are still TBD**- but as you can see, i’m leaning towards making Bandy for the 1st official league round. **Cass is just drop in course because i have to put a course to make the date/event.

as for the official start date- that could change because of two reasons. March 13th is the same day WC Glow is hosting The Angry Leprechaun. i know some people are planning on that event. and i’ll be driving back from Austin, Texas that week. so i’ll be whooped.

i’ll be updating DGS and everyone once i make my final decision as we get closer.

also- if you know of friends that smoke, that didn’t play POTG3, message me about adding them into the league. where as i’d like to get a minimum of 20 tag holders for the season.

Thanks everyone, it’s gonna be a cold one today