Alaska PDGA Winter Series #13   December 31, 2020 at 7:50am

Week 8 Recap

Only 22 out on the day after Christmas - the rest of you must have been home with your Tim Horton's and your back bacon, the traditional Boxing Day fare.

No aces still! Joe Schacht went into 9 Blue with a shot at the Davis Bounty, but couldn't hook up the 3 on that tough hole. This week the "Davis Bounty" becomes the "Westchester Bounty" - birdies on 6, 7, and 8 both times gets you the pot. Anything over $100 in the bounty pot, I'm putting into the regular ace pot.

Week 8 saw a tie at the top of A pool for the first time this year, and neither was Seth or James! Joe Schacht and Will Graham fought to a 990-rated tie with a pair of 50s. We're not doing tiebreakers because of COVID, but I hear there was an informal playoff that Joe Schacht won. Congratulations to both, but an extra congratulation to Joe.

Bill Brooks took down B pool for the third week in a row, and in doing so pushed his non-propagated rating up above 900...welcome to the big leagues, Bill! Britton Barnett had his first podium finish of leagues (and first 900-rated round), and Dan Allen finished in the cash for the second straight time since his promotion to B pool.

Chase (still don't know your last name so I'm going to make it up) Pinkerton took down C pool with a really solid 59. Keeping it under 60 at Davis is an accomplishment whether you're playing in A pool or C pool.

Hope to see everyone out there this Saturday at the 'Goon. If you're an early arriver, try to park efficiently - last time we had 34 people and the lot got a little packed.