Alaska PDGA Winter Series #13   December 15, 2020 at 5:16am

Week 6 Recap

Great to see everyone out there! 31 people is a new winter league record for me - we had people starting on almost every hole, but from what I could tell, there were no serious backups. Good mask-wearing in the parking lot again, and the teepads were looking great thanks to Boyd, Beckner, and Seth (or so I have heard).

Still no aces! And no one managed to get a 3 on all four of the tough Blue holes, so that pot continues to build. What I'm going to do is, when we hit an ace, the money in the Davis bounty (if any) will revert to the regular ace pot. If we get two aces next week, we'll just split the money in both ace pots between the two. But if there are no aces next week, the Davis bounty pot will continue to grow.

James Beckner finished strong this week, taking down A Pool by two strokes, ending Seth Asing's three-week reign. Bill Brooks eked out his first B-pool win over three others by just one stroke. Dan Allen grabbed C pool all by himself this week, no need to split it with 3 other people like in Week 5!

Hope to see you all out there at Westchester for Week 7! The teepads were clear as of yesterday, so I think we can make sure they're still mostly clear next week.