
Alaska PDGA Winter Series #13

PDGA Singles · Nov '20 - Jan '21 · Anchorage, AK

Alaska PDGA Winter Series #13
Week 4 - Davis Park (MAYBE)
Just FYI, Anchorage has just restricted outdoor gatherings to 10 people. I'm not sure how to deal with this - if we don't have a player's meeting, I'd argue that we're not "having a group experience w ... show more ›
Nov 25, 2020 by Joe Caissie
Joe Caissie Nov 25, 2020 OK, after re-reading the order, I see it doesn't take effect until December 1 - so leagues are on for this weekend. I'll have some time to get some clarity between now and Week 5.
Joe Caissie Nov 26, 2020
Good news - we're good for week 5 and future - no more player's meetings, and keep distance from eac ... show more ›
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