We'll try and have a player's meeting that's spaced out properly at 11am, but here's an update on the details:
We'll be doing electronic scoring, and if it says you're on hole 10, that's Blue 1. We're playing both layouts - last year with normal scorecards I believe we looped around and played all the Reds before starting in on the Blues. So for example, if you start on hole 5, you're playing Red 5-9, then Blue 1-9, then Red 1-4. I'll be lenient on this (as long as you ultimately play both Red and Blue), but try to play it in the right order so that we get good stats on the right holes.
Hole assignments are not final right now - I'm doing them so that you can confirm that you're registered for this week and I didn't miss your payment. Check the PDGA page (here: https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/47633) -- if you don't have a hole assignment, I don't have your money yet. Also, as a reward for registering early, the hole assignments are first-come first-served. Let me know with your registration (in the note) what hole you would prefer to start on (or your second/third choice) and I will do my best to get you started on that hole.
Thanks to ADGA and Boyd for taking care of the teepads - I expect them to be snow and ice-free tomorrow!
The pads look great. Thanks to whoever took care of that. Pardon the noob question but are ribbons taped to the disc ok for this winter league?
Yeah, they're fine. Do you have a PDGA number, Dave?
No, not yet. I will by the end of this league.
Cool - you're all set. If you don't have a rating you can play in whatever pool you want, but if you start throwing 900-rated rounds I reserve the right to bump you up to B pool.