It's been a month since you heard from me, so here's an update. I don't need to tell you that Covid has changed the way things are done and has affected our everyday's lives. That's certainly been the case for the Treebash. The city entered Phase 3 of Covid a few weeks ago, which provided an opening to hold events on the city courses (Thorpe and McP). We jumped on the opportunity and submitted an application to use both courses. The permit approval process is a bit more deliberate than it's been in the past, so it's taking more time. We've made it through all of the hoops but one, approving our insurance. That is pending review. Our insurance is through PDGA and we are confident that it will past the test. That said, we are moving forward but have restructured the tournament to meet Covid restrictions imposed by the state, county, and city. Here are some details.
1. We will use McP, Thorpe, and Ft Tuthill, but each division will play only 2 courses (one course twice). Ams will play McP and Thorpe; Pros will play Thorpe and Tuthill.
2. The tournament will still be over 3 days, but each division will play 3 rounds over 2 days.
3. We need to finalize the schedule. Tentatively, Ams will play Friday and Saturday; Pros will play Saturday and Sunday.
4. There will be 4 groups (2 Ams and 2 Pros) NTE 50 players and staff on a course/day.
5. We still have a few spots open and I will open registration on discgolfscene to fill those spots. Priority will go to people who have contacted me about getting in.
What a long, strange trip it's been!
Thanks for trying to make this all still work Bill! You must have gained a gray hair or two.
Great stuff man!