Parking, please only park in the parking lot, please park 6' from the next car. They have been monitoring all the parks so we need to make sure we follow their guidelines.
Arrival and departure, please do not arrive more than 30 minutes before your tee time, those of you traveling a long distance can fudge that a little bit so you can get stretched before play.
Practice and warm up, the practice basket will be near hole ones tee, you can use, please no more than 4 players at a time near the baskets
Water, there will not be any water or snacks provided please pack it in and pack it out when you come, trash cans are limited.
Tees, All Players will play from the same tees
One round of doubles. will be best lie Teams chose to throw from the best lie.
Do not touch other players equipment or gear, do your best to stay six feet apart.
Incas there is a backup on a hole, please wait at a different tee do not congregate in any teeing area, no more than 4 players near any tee.
Lightning, it is possible for us to have a couple storms come through, in case of lightning we will suspend play based on PDGA guidelines. If this happens take shelter or return to TD central and shelter in place, in your vehicle.
Scoring, you will pick one player on your card to keep score VIA UDisc, you will need to add me as a player on your card, Crabby PDGA# 67699, when your round is finished you will submit the card and I will receive a copy. If you do not have signal WiFi will be available at Tournament central.
Finishing your round, please check to see if we received your score, then please exit the park to allow room for the next group.
Payout, Will be an online sheet that will be finalized after the last card is received, safe bet would be to wait till Sunday to check. Ams receive voucher from Hazyshade Pros Via PayPal.
Tee Times, Please check your tee times, if you are late there will be a Par +4 penalty for each hole missed, if you miss more than 4 holes you will be disqualified.
PDGA rules apply except for the changes mentioned above.
Course particulars are here:
Parking, please only park in the parking lot, please park 6' from the next car. They have been monitoring all the parks so we need to make sure we follow their guidelines.
Arrival and departure, please do not arrive more than 30 minutes before your tee time, those of you traveling a long distance can fudge that a little bit so you can get stretched before play.
Practice and warm up, the practice basket will be near hole ones tee, you can use, please no more than 4 players at a time near the baskets
Water, there will not be any water or snacks provided please pack it in and pack it out when you come, trash cans are limited.
Tees, All Players will play from the same tees
One round of doubles. will be best lie Teams chose to throw from the best lie.
Do not touch other players equipment or gear, do your best to stay six feet apart.
Incas there is a backup on a hole, please wait at a different tee do not congregate in any teeing area, no more than 4 players near any tee.
Lightning, it is possible for us to have a couple storms come through, in case of lightning we will suspend play based on PDGA guidelines. If this happens take shelter or return to TD central and shelter in place, in your vehicle.
Scoring, you will pick one player on your card to keep score VIA UDisc, you will need to add me as a player on your card, Crabby PDGA# 67699, when your round is finished you will submit the card and I will receive a copy. If you do not have signal WiFi will be available at Tournament central.
Finishing your round, please check to see if we received your score, then please exit the park to allow room for the next group.
Payout, Will be an online sheet that will be finalized after the last card is received, safe bet would be to wait till Sunday to check. Ams receive voucher from Hazyshade Pros Via PayPal.
Tee Times, Please check your tee times, if you are late there will be a Par +4 penalty for each hole missed, if you miss more than 4 holes you will be disqualified.
PDGA rules apply except for the changes mentioned above.
Course particulars are here: