
Dragan Disc Golf Classic 20 Sponsored by Westside Discs

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2020Oct 2020 · Auburn, ME

Gabriel Boys I think I may know the answer to this based on the pools but is it possible for me to switch to Am1? Sep 10, 2020
Josh Connell Sep 10, 2020 It would require switching to the A Pool waitlist but there's no rule against being on both waitlists. If you get in on the B Pool side, you can remain on the A Pool list if you wish.
Josh Connell Sep 10, 2020 I shouldn't have said "switch". Sign up separately for the A Pool list if you want to be on both. Switching would cause you to lose your place on the B Pool side.
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