Couple of quick updates in regards to the Seth Burton Memorial;
1. Players will be required to wear a mask at Tourney HQ by hole #1
- This includes drive through check in, payouts and any vis ...
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Couple of quick updates in regards to the Seth Burton Memorial;
1. Players will be required to wear a mask at Tourney HQ by hole #1
- This includes drive through check in, payouts and any visit to HQ
2. We are encouraging all players and spectators to wear masks away from HQ
3. We are raising the attendance cap shortly to 144 players - 44 Pros and 100 Ams
4. Player registrations (and refunds) are based on the order they are received
5. Pro Payouts will be done via PayPal whenever possible
- If you do not have a PayPal account please contact the TD's for cash/check
6. Am Payouts Packs will be pre-selected by Division to avoid large gatherings
- Am Payouts will be ready ASAP once all scores are tallied for your Division
We look forward to an enjoyable & responsible weekend of Disc Golf in September!
Thank you