Huron Valley 2020 PDGA Sanctioned Summer Singles   August 16, 2020 at 1:04am

Week 13

41 people made it out to Cass Benton this week for 1-18 long tees, Geoff Bennett had the hot round of 48 taking home $25, Jamie Mosier won $20 for his 49, Taggart Anderson won $10 for shooting 51, John McClenahan got last cash for his 54, in MA2 Russell Taint had the hot round of 51 taking home $35, Derek Ballou won $30 for his 53, Tom Mikowski won $25 for his 54, Jake Waxer & Michael Wisnieski won $17 for both shooting 56, Luke Palnau got last cash with his 57, We had 3 $26 cash CTP's on holes 13,15,17. The ace pool is now up to $824. The unofficial ratings,hole-by-hole scores & Stats can be seen at:

This Tuesday August 18th
We will be at Willow Metropark
tee off @ 5:30pm